import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import gzip
from collections import defaultdict
from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Embedding
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer,text_to_word_sequence
from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
from keras.utils import pad_sequences
vocab_size = 400000
embedding_size = 50
maxlen = 10
embeddings_path = 'glove.6B.50d.txt.gz'
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
df = pd.read_csv('', encoding='latin-1')
df = df[pd.notnull(df['Consumer Complaint'])]
train, test = train_test_split( df, test_size=0.20, random_state=10)
(222251, 19)
(55563, 19)
Date received | Product | Sub-product | Issue | Sub-issue | Consumer Complaint | Company Public Response | Company | State | ZIP code | Tags | Consumer consent provided? | Submitted via | Date Sent to Company | Company Response to Consumer | Timely response? | Consumer disputed? | Complaint ID | Unnamed: 18 | |
549929 | 10/13/2015 | Prepaid card | Payroll card | Fraud or scam | NaN | RushCard had notify all customers that it will... | NaN | Empowerment Ventures, LLC | MD | 210XX | NaN | Consent provided | Web | 11-02-2015 | Closed with monetary relief | Yes | No | 1604724 | NaN |
191026 | 09/29/2016 | Credit card | NaN | Other | NaN | You have failed to respond to a certified lett... | NaN | JPMORGAN CHASE & CO. | FL | 334XX | Servicemember | Consent provided | Web | 09/29/2016 | Closed with explanation | Yes | Yes | 2139057 | NaN |
401077 | 10-04-2016 | Mortgage | Conventional fixed mortgage | Loan modification,collection,foreclosure | NaN | I have a mortgage on a house XXXX. When I move... | NaN | OLD NATIONAL BANK | WA | 983XX | Older American | Consent provided | Web | 10-06-2016 | Closed with explanation | Yes | Yes | 2143603 | NaN |
358052 | 07-06-2015 | Debt collection | Mortgage | False statements or representation | Attempted to collect wrong amount | XXXX XXXX, XXXX bac XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX ... | Company chooses not to provide a public response | BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION | GA | 303XX | NaN | Consent provided | Web | 07/21/2015 | Closed with explanation | Yes | No | 1453268 | NaN |
466771 | 01-05-2016 | Credit reporting | NaN | Credit reporting company's investigation | Inadequate help over the phone | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. Box XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX ... | Company chooses not to provide a public response | Experian Information Solutions Inc. | MD | 208XX | NaN | Consent provided | Web | 01-11-2016 | Closed with explanation | Yes | No | 1727584 | NaN |
# Common methods to read data and get embeddings
def read_data():
df_train = train
df_val = test
categories = list(set(df_train.Product.values))
return df_train,df_val,categories
def load_embeddings():
word_index = {}
embeddings = np.zeros((vocab_size,embedding_size))
with as file:
for i,line in enumerate(file):
line_tokens = line.split()
word = line_tokens[0].decode('utf8')
embeddings[i] = np.asarray(line_tokens[1:],dtype='float32')
word_index[word] = i
return embeddings,word_index
def get_embedding(word,word_index,embeddings):
if word in word_index:
return embeddings[word_index[word]].reshape(((embedding_size,1)))
return np.zeros((embedding_size,1))
# Methods for Neural Network Model
def prepare_data(df_train,df_val,categories):
train_text = df_train['Consumer Complaint'].tolist()
val_text = df_val['Consumer Complaint'].tolist()
tk = Tokenizer(num_words = vocab_size, lower = True)
tk.fit_on_texts(train_text + val_text)
x_train = pad_sequences(tk.texts_to_sequences(train_text),maxlen=maxlen)
x_val = pad_sequences(tk.texts_to_sequences(val_text),maxlen=maxlen)
y_train = category_to_one_hot(df_train['Product'].values,categories)
y_val = category_to_one_hot(df_val['Product'].values,categories)
return tk.word_index,x_train,y_train,x_val,y_val
def prepare_data_from_full_word_index(df_train,df_val,categories,word_index):
train_text = df_train['Consumer Complaint'].tolist()
val_text = df_val['Consumer Complaint'].tolist()
x_train = get_pad_sequences(train_text,word_index)
x_val = get_pad_sequences(val_text,word_index)
y_train = category_to_one_hot(df_train['Product'].values,categories)
y_val = category_to_one_hot(df_val['Product'].values,categories)
return word_index,x_train,y_train,x_val,y_val
def get_pad_sequences(text_list,word_index):
seqs = []
for text in text_list:
word_seq = text_to_word_sequence(text.lower())
seq = []
for word in word_seq:
if word in word_index:
return pad_sequences(seqs,maxlen)
# Convert the list of categories to one_hot vector
def category_to_one_hot(cat_list,cat_master):
cat_dict = {}
for i,cat in enumerate(cat_master):
cat_dict[cat] = i
cat_integers = [cat_dict[cat] for cat in cat_list]
return to_categorical(cat_integers,num_classes=len(cat_master))
# Convert one_hot to category
def one_hot_to_category(cat_one_hot_list,cat_master):
return [cat_master[cat_one_hot.argmax()] for cat_one_hot in cat_one_hot_list]
# Get the embedding weights for the model
def get_embedding_matrix_for_model(embeddings,word_index):
train_val_words = min(vocab_size, len(word_index)) +1
embedding_matrix = np.zeros((train_val_words, embedding_size))
for word, i in word_index.items():
embedding_vector = get_embedding(word,word_index,embeddings).flatten()
if embedding_vector is not None:
embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector
return embedding_matrix
# Build the keras model
def build_model(embedding_matrix,categories):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(embedding_matrix.shape[0], embedding_size, weights=[embedding_matrix],input_length=maxlen,trainable=False))
# We don't lose much by replacing LSTM with this flatten layer (as we have short sequences)
# model.add(Flatten())
model.add(Dense(32, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(len(categories), activation='sigmoid'))
return model
def get_val(numerator,divisor):
return float('nan') if divisor == 0 else np.round(numerator/divisor,3)
def analyze_predictions(categories,y_true,y_pred):
tp = defaultdict(int)
tn = defaultdict(int)
fp = defaultdict(int)
fn = defaultdict(int)
precisions = []
recalls = []
f1s = []
cat_counts = defaultdict(int)
for cat in y_true:
correct = 0
conf_mat = defaultdict(dict)
for cat1 in categories:
for cat2 in categories:
conf_mat[cat1][cat2] = 0
for y,y_hat in zip(y_true,y_pred):
if y == y_hat:
print('Overall Accuracy:',round(correct/len(y_pred),3))
for cat in categories:
precision = get_val(tp[cat],tp[cat]+fp[cat])
recall = get_val(tp[cat],(tp[cat]+fn[cat]))
f1 = get_val(2*precision*recall,precision + recall)
print('{} --> Precision:{},Recall:{},F1:{}'.format(cat,precision,recall,f1))
print ('\nAverages---> Precision:{}, Recall:{}, F1:{}'.format(np.round(np.nanmean(precisions),3), np.round(np.nanmean(recalls),3),
print('\nConfusion Matrix')
for cat1 in categories:
print('\n' +cat1+'({}) --> '.format(cat_counts[cat1]),end='')
for cat2 in categories:
print('{}({})'.format(cat2,conf_mat[cat1][cat2]),end=' , ')
# From Deep Learning with Python book
def make_history_plot(history):
acc = history.history['acc']
val_acc = history.history['val_acc']
loss = history.history['loss']
val_loss = history.history['val_loss']
epochs = range(1, len(acc) + 1)
plt.plot(epochs, acc, 'bo', label='Training acc')
plt.plot(epochs, val_acc, 'b', color='green',label='Validation acc')
plt.title('Training and validation accuracy')
plt.plot(epochs, loss, 'bo', label='Training loss')
plt.plot(epochs, val_loss, 'b', color='green',label='Validation loss')
plt.title('Training and validation loss')
import numpy as np
np.random.seed(42) # for reproducibility
from IPython.display import SVG
from keras.utils.vis_utils import model_to_dot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
df_train,df_val,categories = read_data()
#Load Glove 50-d embeddings
embeddings,word_index = load_embeddings()
#Prepare the data for the model
tk_word_index,x_train,y_train,x_val,y_val = prepare_data_from_full_word_index(df_train,df_val,categories,word_index)
# Get the embedding matrix for the model, build model, display model summary
embedding_matrix = get_embedding_matrix_for_model(embeddings,word_index)
model = build_model(embedding_matrix,categories)
Model: "sequential" _________________________________________________________________ Layer (type) Output Shape Param # ================================================================= embedding (Embedding) (None, 10, 50) 20000050 lstm (LSTM) (None, 32) 10624 dense (Dense) (None, 32) 1056 dense_1 (Dense) (None, 18) 594 ================================================================= Total params: 20,012,324 Trainable params: 12,274 Non-trainable params: 20,000,050 _________________________________________________________________
# Train the model, record history
history =, y_train,
validation_data=(x_val, y_val))
Epoch 1/5
2023-01-12 00:57:03.587094: W tensorflow/tsl/platform/profile_utils/] Failed to get CPU frequency: 0 Hz
9261/9261 [==============================] - 18s 2ms/step - loss: 2.0021 - acc: 0.3386 - val_loss: 1.9310 - val_acc: 0.3609 Epoch 2/5 9261/9261 [==============================] - 17s 2ms/step - loss: 1.8987 - acc: 0.3755 - val_loss: 1.8980 - val_acc: 0.3740 Epoch 3/5 9261/9261 [==============================] - 17s 2ms/step - loss: 1.8717 - acc: 0.3857 - val_loss: 1.8833 - val_acc: 0.3826 Epoch 4/5 9261/9261 [==============================] - 17s 2ms/step - loss: 1.8580 - acc: 0.3909 - val_loss: 1.8773 - val_acc: 0.3847 Epoch 5/5 9261/9261 [==============================] - 17s 2ms/step - loss: 1.8492 - acc: 0.3948 - val_loss: 1.8731 - val_acc: 0.3881
/var/folders/16/3468kndx5l1_zj5r84tsybgc0000gn/T/ipykernel_37214/ UserWarning: color is redundantly defined by the 'color' keyword argument and the fmt string "b" (-> color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1)). The keyword argument will take precedence. plt.plot(epochs, val_acc, 'b', color='green',label='Validation acc') /var/folders/16/3468kndx5l1_zj5r84tsybgc0000gn/T/ipykernel_37214/ UserWarning: color is redundantly defined by the 'color' keyword argument and the fmt string "b" (-> color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1)). The keyword argument will take precedence. plt.plot(epochs, val_loss, 'b', color='green',label='Validation loss')
# Make and analyze training predictions
train_predictions = one_hot_to_category(model.predict(x_train),categories)
6946/6946 [==============================] - 4s 596us/step Overall Accuracy: 0.398 Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Debt collection --> Precision:0.444,Recall:0.65,F1:0.528 Other financial service --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Vehicle loan or lease --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Credit card or prepaid card --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Mortgage --> Precision:0.362,Recall:0.626,F1:0.459 Bank account or service --> Precision:0.318,Recall:0.275,F1:0.295 Credit reporting --> Precision:0.583,Recall:0.083,F1:0.145 Prepaid card --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports --> Precision:0.377,Recall:0.582,F1:0.458 Consumer Loan --> Precision:0.446,Recall:0.023,F1:0.044 Student loan --> Precision:0.554,Recall:0.201,F1:0.295 Checking or savings account --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Payday loan --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Money transfers --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Virtual currency --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Credit card --> Precision:0.335,Recall:0.176,F1:0.231 Averages---> Precision:0.427, Recall:0.145, F1:0.307 Confusion Matrix Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(1747) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(648) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(660) , Bank account or service(76) , Credit reporting(3) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(244) , Consumer Loan(11) , Student loan(58) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(47) , Debt collection(50617) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(32881) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(7254) , Bank account or service(581) , Credit reporting(255) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(8716) , Consumer Loan(37) , Student loan(350) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(543) , Other financial service(232) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(85) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(71) , Bank account or service(34) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(34) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(5) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(3) , Vehicle loan or lease(2224) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(731) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(790) , Bank account or service(53) , Credit reporting(2) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(455) , Consumer Loan(84) , Student loan(45) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(64) , Credit card or prepaid card(8563) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(1951) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(2522) , Bank account or service(682) , Credit reporting(13) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(1770) , Consumer Loan(5) , Student loan(91) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(1529) , Mortgage(35020) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(6608) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(21916) , Bank account or service(1006) , Credit reporting(58) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(4228) , Consumer Loan(6) , Student loan(670) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(528) , Bank account or service(11944) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(2495) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(3622) , Bank account or service(3281) , Credit reporting(21) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(1680) , Consumer Loan(10) , Student loan(52) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(783) , Credit reporting(25412) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(6572) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(3253) , Bank account or service(140) , Credit reporting(2119) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(12885) , Consumer Loan(16) , Student loan(149) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(278) , Prepaid card(1162) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(269) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(346) , Bank account or service(250) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(133) , Consumer Loan(1) , Student loan(6) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(157) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(39224) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(9175) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(5058) , Bank account or service(296) , Credit reporting(1068) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(22828) , Consumer Loan(31) , Student loan(322) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(446) , Consumer Loan(7555) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(2712) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(2651) , Bank account or service(188) , Credit reporting(22) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(1431) , Consumer Loan(172) , Student loan(166) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(213) , Student loan(13289) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(3492) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(5132) , Bank account or service(187) , Credit reporting(22) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(1583) , Consumer Loan(4) , Student loan(2675) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(194) , Checking or savings account(5173) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(1049) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(1494) , Bank account or service(1482) , Credit reporting(6) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(831) , Consumer Loan(1) , Student loan(18) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(292) , Payday loan(1379) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(629) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(453) , Bank account or service(76) , Credit reporting(2) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(132) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(55) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(32) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(2533) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(607) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(830) , Bank account or service(633) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(382) , Consumer Loan(2) , Student loan(3) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(76) , Money transfers(1183) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(299) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(373) , Bank account or service(305) , Credit reporting(2) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(171) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(4) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(29) , Virtual currency(12) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(2) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(3) , Bank account or service(4) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(3) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(0) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(0) , Credit card(14982) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(3845) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(4175) , Bank account or service(1038) , Credit reporting(40) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(3090) , Consumer Loan(6) , Student loan(157) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(2631) ,
# Make and analyze validation predictions
val_predictions = one_hot_to_category(model.predict(x_val),categories)
1737/1737 [==============================] - 1s 602us/step Overall Accuracy: 0.388 Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Debt collection --> Precision:0.432,Recall:0.638,F1:0.515 Other financial service --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Vehicle loan or lease --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Credit card or prepaid card --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Mortgage --> Precision:0.359,Recall:0.616,F1:0.454 Bank account or service --> Precision:0.308,Recall:0.265,F1:0.285 Credit reporting --> Precision:0.543,Recall:0.074,F1:0.13 Prepaid card --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports --> Precision:0.364,Recall:0.559,F1:0.441 Consumer Loan --> Precision:0.381,Recall:0.023,F1:0.043 Student loan --> Precision:0.548,Recall:0.206,F1:0.299 Checking or savings account --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Payday loan --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Money transfers --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Virtual currency --> Precision:nan,Recall:0.0,F1:nan Credit card --> Precision:0.313,Recall:0.159,F1:0.211 Averages---> Precision:0.406, Recall:0.141, F1:0.297 Confusion Matrix Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(439) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(167) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(165) , Bank account or service(17) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(59) , Consumer Loan(2) , Student loan(18) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(11) , Debt collection(12651) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(8067) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(1805) , Bank account or service(141) , Credit reporting(69) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(2302) , Consumer Loan(11) , Student loan(110) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(146) , Other financial service(61) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(16) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(22) , Bank account or service(9) , Credit reporting(1) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(11) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(1) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(1) , Vehicle loan or lease(567) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(159) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(204) , Bank account or service(22) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(113) , Consumer Loan(31) , Student loan(14) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(24) , Credit card or prepaid card(2096) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(497) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(615) , Bank account or service(195) , Credit reporting(6) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(402) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(21) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(360) , Mortgage(8817) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(1725) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(5427) , Bank account or service(241) , Credit reporting(9) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(1119) , Consumer Loan(2) , Student loan(173) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(121) , Bank account or service(2943) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(638) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(857) , Bank account or service(781) , Credit reporting(4) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(434) , Consumer Loan(4) , Student loan(13) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(212) , Credit reporting(6181) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(1705) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(810) , Bank account or service(32) , Credit reporting(457) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(3059) , Consumer Loan(4) , Student loan(34) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(80) , Prepaid card(288) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(74) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(80) , Bank account or service(64) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(26) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(1) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(43) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(9782) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(2434) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(1322) , Bank account or service(80) , Credit reporting(267) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(5471) , Consumer Loan(12) , Student loan(80) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(116) , Consumer Loan(1919) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(672) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(646) , Bank account or service(75) , Credit reporting(4) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(372) , Consumer Loan(45) , Student loan(42) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(63) , Student loan(3400) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(892) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(1294) , Bank account or service(35) , Credit reporting(6) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(428) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(702) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(43) , Checking or savings account(1316) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(246) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(413) , Bank account or service(340) , Credit reporting(3) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(226) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(6) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(82) , Payday loan(369) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(157) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(127) , Bank account or service(28) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(32) , Consumer Loan(1) , Student loan(16) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(8) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(556) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(131) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(160) , Bank account or service(145) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(94) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(3) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(23) , Money transfers(314) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(74) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(113) , Bank account or service(67) , Credit reporting(1) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(45) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(3) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(11) , Virtual currency(4) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(0) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(1) , Bank account or service(1) , Credit reporting(0) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(2) , Consumer Loan(0) , Student loan(0) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(0) , Credit card(3860) --> Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan(0) , Debt collection(1024) , Other financial service(0) , Vehicle loan or lease(0) , Credit card or prepaid card(0) , Mortgage(1075) , Bank account or service(259) , Credit reporting(15) , Prepaid card(0) , Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports(825) , Consumer Loan(6) , Student loan(44) , Checking or savings account(0) , Payday loan(0) , Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service(0) , Money transfers(0) , Virtual currency(0) , Credit card(612) ,