import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
Date received | Product | Sub-product | Issue | Sub-issue | Consumer Complaint | Company Public Response | Company | State | ZIP code | Tags | Consumer consent provided? | Submitted via | Date Sent to Company | Company Response to Consumer | Timely response? | Consumer disputed? | Complaint ID | Unnamed: 18 | |
0 | 03-12-2014 | Mortgage | Other mortgage | Loan modification,collection,foreclosure | NaN | NaN | NaN | M&T BANK CORPORATION | MI | 48382 | NaN | NaN | Referral | 03/17/2014 | Closed with explanation | Yes | No | 759217 | NaN |
1 | 10-01-2016 | Credit reporting | NaN | Incorrect information on credit report | Account status | I have outdated information on my credit repor... | Company has responded to the consumer and the ... | TRANSUNION INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS, INC. | AL | 352XX | NaN | Consent provided | Web | 10-05-2016 | Closed with explanation | Yes | No | 2141773 | NaN |
2 | 10/17/2016 | Consumer Loan | Vehicle loan | Managing the loan or lease | NaN | I purchased a new car on XXXX XXXX. The car de... | NaN | CITIZENS FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. | PA | 177XX | Older American | Consent provided | Web | 10/20/2016 | Closed with explanation | Yes | No | 2163100 | NaN |
3 | 06-08-2014 | Credit card | NaN | Bankruptcy | NaN | NaN | NaN | AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY | ID | 83854 | Older American | NaN | Web | 06-10-2014 | Closed with explanation | Yes | Yes | 885638 | NaN |
4 | 09/13/2014 | Debt collection | Credit card | Communication tactics | Frequent or repeated calls | NaN | NaN | CITIBANK, N.A. | VA | 23233 | NaN | NaN | Web | 09/13/2014 | Closed with explanation | Yes | Yes | 1027760 | NaN |
df = df[pd.notnull(df['Consumer Complaint'])]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 277814 entries, 1 to 1025009 Data columns (total 19 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Date received 277814 non-null object 1 Product 277814 non-null object 2 Sub-product 225631 non-null object 3 Issue 277814 non-null object 4 Sub-issue 178874 non-null object 5 Consumer Complaint 277814 non-null object 6 Company Public Response 135323 non-null object 7 Company 277814 non-null object 8 State 276758 non-null object 9 ZIP code 275414 non-null object 10 Tags 47538 non-null object 11 Consumer consent provided? 277814 non-null object 12 Submitted via 277814 non-null object 13 Date Sent to Company 277814 non-null object 14 Company Response to Consumer 277813 non-null object 15 Timely response? 277814 non-null object 16 Consumer disputed? 164126 non-null object 17 Complaint ID 277814 non-null int64 18 Unnamed: 18 0 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(17) memory usage: 42.4+ MB
col = ['Product', 'Consumer Complaint']
df = df[col]
Index(['Product', 'Consumer Complaint'], dtype='object')
df.columns = ['Product', 'Consumer Complaint']
df['Complaint ID'] = df['Product'].factorize()[0]
from io import StringIO
Complaint_ID_df = df[['Product', 'Complaint ID']].drop_duplicates().sort_values('Complaint ID')
category_to_id = dict(Complaint_ID_df.values)
id_to_category = dict(Complaint_ID_df[['Complaint ID', 'Product']].values)
Product | Consumer Complaint | Complaint ID | |
1 | Credit reporting | I have outdated information on my credit repor... | 0 |
2 | Consumer Loan | I purchased a new car on XXXX XXXX. The car de... | 1 |
7 | Credit reporting | An account on my credit report has a mistaken ... | 0 |
12 | Debt collection | This company refuses to provide me verificatio... | 2 |
16 | Debt collection | This complaint is in regards to Square Two Fin... | 2 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
df.groupby('Product')['Consumer Complaint'].count()
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, min_df=5, norm='l2', encoding='latin-1', ngram_range=(1, 2), stop_words='english')
features = tfidf.fit_transform(df['Consumer Complaint'])
labels = df['Complaint ID']
(277814, 559018)
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
import numpy as np
N = 2
for Product, category_id in sorted(category_to_id.items()):
features_chi2 = chi2(features, labels == category_id)
indices = np.argsort(features_chi2[0])
feature_names = np.array(tfidf.get_feature_names_out())[indices]
unigrams = [v for v in feature_names if len(v.split(' ')) == 1]
bigrams = [v for v in feature_names if len(v.split(' ')) == 2]
print("# '{}':".format(Product))
print(" . Most correlated unigrams:\n . {}".format('\n . '.join(unigrams[-N:])))
print(" . Most correlated bigrams:\n . {}".format('\n . '.join(bigrams[-N:])))
# 'Bank account or service': . Most correlated unigrams: . bank . overdraft . Most correlated bigrams: . overdraft fees . checking account # 'Checking or savings account': . Most correlated unigrams: . overdraft . deposit . Most correlated bigrams: . overdraft fees . checking account # 'Consumer Loan': . Most correlated unigrams: . car . vehicle . Most correlated bigrams: . car loan . auto loan # 'Credit card': . Most correlated unigrams: . macy . card . Most correlated bigrams: . american express . credit card # 'Credit card or prepaid card': . Most correlated unigrams: . express . card . Most correlated bigrams: . american express . credit card # 'Credit reporting': . Most correlated unigrams: . equifax . experian . Most correlated bigrams: . verify accounts . credit report # 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports': . Most correlated unigrams: . inquiries . equifax . Most correlated bigrams: . report understanding . mistakes appear # 'Debt collection': . Most correlated unigrams: . collection . debt . Most correlated bigrams: . collect debt . collection agency # 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service': . Most correlated unigrams: . bitcoin . coinbase . Most correlated bigrams: . xxxx coinbase . coinbase account # 'Money transfers': . Most correlated unigrams: . moneygram . western . Most correlated bigrams: . money transfer . western union # 'Mortgage': . Most correlated unigrams: . modification . mortgage . Most correlated bigrams: . mortgage company . loan modification # 'Other financial service': . Most correlated unigrams: . certegy . lexington . Most correlated bigrams: . global client . lexington law # 'Payday loan': . Most correlated unigrams: . castle . payday . Most correlated bigrams: . big picture . payday loan # 'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan': . Most correlated unigrams: . borrowed . payday . Most correlated bigrams: . title loan . big picture # 'Prepaid card': . Most correlated unigrams: . prepaid . rushcard . Most correlated bigrams: . prepaid card . rush card # 'Student loan': . Most correlated unigrams: . student . navient . Most correlated bigrams: . student loans . student loan # 'Vehicle loan or lease': . Most correlated unigrams: . car . vehicle . Most correlated bigrams: . car xxxx . gm financial # 'Virtual currency': . Most correlated unigrams: . counterfeiting . signup . Most correlated bigrams: . steps stated . bonus changed
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df['Consumer Complaint'], df['Product'], random_state = 0)
count_vect = CountVectorizer()
X_train_counts = count_vect.fit_transform(X_train)
tfidf_transformer = TfidfTransformer()
X_train_tfidf = tfidf_transformer.fit_transform(X_train_counts)
clf = MultinomialNB().fit(X_train_tfidf, y_train)
print(clf.predict(count_vect.transform(["This company refuses to provide me verification and validation of debt per my right under the FDCPA. I do not believe this debt is mine."])))
['Debt collection']
print(clf.predict(count_vect.transform(["I am disputing the inaccurate information the Chex-Systems has on my credit report. I initially submitted a police report on XXXX/XXXX/16 and Chex Systems only deleted the items that I mentioned in the letter and not all the items that were actually listed on the police report. In other words they wanted me to say word for word to them what items were fraudulent. The total disregard of the police report and what accounts that it states that are fraudulent. If they just had paid a little closer attention to the police report I would not been in this position now and they would n't have to research once again. I would like the reported information to be removed : XXXX XXXX XXXX"])))
['Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports']
df[df['Consumer Complaint'] == "This company refuses to provide me verification and validation of debt per my right under the FDCPA. I do not believe this debt is mine."]
Product | Consumer Complaint | Complaint ID | |
12 | Debt collection | This company refuses to provide me verificatio... | 2 |
df[df['Consumer Complaint'] == "I am disputing the inaccurate information the Chex-Systems has on my credit report. I initially submitted a police report on XXXX/XXXX/16 and Chex Systems only deleted the items that I mentioned in the letter and not all the items that were actually listed on the police report. In other words they wanted me to say word for word to them what items were fraudulent. The total disregard of the police report and what accounts that it states that are fraudulent. If they just had paid a little closer attention to the police report I would not been in this position now and they would n't have to research once again. I would like the reported information to be removed : XXXX XXXX XXXX"]
Product | Consumer Complaint | Complaint ID | |
61 | Credit reporting | I am disputing the inaccurate information the ... | 0 |
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
models = [
RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=200, max_depth=3, random_state=0),
CV = 5
cv_df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(CV * len(models)))
entries = []
for model in models:
model_name = model.__class__.__name__
accuracies = cross_val_score(model, features, labels, scoring='accuracy', cv=CV)
for fold_idx, accuracy in enumerate(accuracies):
entries.append((model_name, fold_idx, accuracy))
cv_df = pd.DataFrame(entries, columns=['model_name', 'fold_idx', 'accuracy'])
/Users/thomas/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1): STOP: TOTAL NO. of ITERATIONS REACHED LIMIT. Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in: Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options: n_iter_i = _check_optimize_result( /Users/thomas/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1): STOP: TOTAL NO. of ITERATIONS REACHED LIMIT. Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in: Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options: n_iter_i = _check_optimize_result( /Users/thomas/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1): STOP: TOTAL NO. of ITERATIONS REACHED LIMIT. Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in: Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options: n_iter_i = _check_optimize_result( /Users/thomas/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1): STOP: TOTAL NO. of ITERATIONS REACHED LIMIT. Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in: Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options: n_iter_i = _check_optimize_result( /Users/thomas/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1): STOP: TOTAL NO. of ITERATIONS REACHED LIMIT. Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in: Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options: n_iter_i = _check_optimize_result(
import seaborn as sns
sns.boxplot(x='model_name', y='accuracy', data=cv_df)
sns.stripplot(x='model_name', y='accuracy', data=cv_df,
size=8, jitter=True, edgecolor="gray", linewidth=2)
model_name LinearSVC 0.765678 LogisticRegression 0.750254 MultinomialNB 0.600096 RandomForestClassifier 0.239333 Name: accuracy, dtype: float64
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
model = LinearSVC()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, indices_train, indices_test = train_test_split(features, labels, df.index, test_size=0.33, random_state=0), y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
sns.heatmap(conf_mat, annot=True, fmt='d',
xticklabels=Complaint_ID_df.Product.values, yticklabels=Complaint_ID_df.Product.values)
from IPython.display import display
for predicted in Complaint_ID_df['Complaint ID']:
for actual in Complaint_ID_df['Complaint ID']:
if predicted != actual and conf_mat[actual, predicted] >= 6:
print("'{}' predicted as '{}' : {} examples.".format(id_to_category[actual], id_to_category[predicted], conf_mat[actual, predicted]))
display(df.loc[indices_test[(y_test == actual) & (y_pred == predicted)]][['Product', 'Consumer Complaint']])
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 97 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
457509 | Consumer Loan | I HAVE NO CLUE WHO THIS BANK IS BUT REPORTED A... |
769677 | Consumer Loan | The attached company claims that the account w... |
717836 | Consumer Loan | This company have put a duplicate accounts on ... |
73133 | Consumer Loan | Auto loan closed and payoff ans dhow open with... |
7107 | Consumer Loan | While reviewing my XXXX credit report, I notic... |
... | ... | ... |
743356 | Consumer Loan | Clear violation of Equal Credit Opportunity Ac... |
142497 | Consumer Loan | This creditor is stating that account is XXXX ... |
989822 | Consumer Loan | The company has failed to properly update my c... |
433496 | Consumer Loan | Completed an inquiry with Lending XXXX to refi... |
39966 | Consumer Loan | XXXX XXXX deleted a car loan, a good account, ... |
97 rows × 2 columns
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 451 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
536393 | Debt collection | I have paid off my debt in full with CITI bank... |
888667 | Debt collection | I am writing about a collection on my experian... |
649087 | Debt collection | I KNOW NO COMPANY OF XXXX XXXX, I NEVER LIVED ... |
... | ... | ... |
7256 | Debt collection | Violation of failing or refusing to validate d... |
133077 | Debt collection | After reviewing my credit report I found infor... |
921816 | Debt collection | Equifax continues to report a lien on credit r... |
165446 | Debt collection | I disputed the issues with Amsher. This inform... |
974229 | Debt collection | XXXX/XXXX/XXXX - letter sent to Lease company ... |
451 rows × 2 columns
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 76 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
688812 | Mortgage | transunion credit reporting refuses to correct... |
606139 | Mortgage | Experian 's credit report still has not update... |
927041 | Mortgage | I been trying to settle this account for sever... |
371089 | Mortgage | Incorrect plaintiff foreclosed on me, forcing ... |
21443 | Mortgage | Here 's the documentation you requested. As I ... |
... | ... | ... |
790716 | Mortgage | This complaint is related to previous complain... |
319039 | Mortgage | transunion credit bureau has me at a very low ... |
27197 | Mortgage | I ordered a payoff on XXXX and the company has... |
775986 | Mortgage | I settled my mortgage account in XXXX 2014 as ... |
795353 | Mortgage | Ocwen Mortgage is incorrectly reporting my cre... |
76 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 171 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
737838 | Credit card | In XXXX 2016, I called my credit card provider... |
479984 | Credit card | A credit card I had not requested supplied inc... |
352176 | Credit card | I submitted a dispute on my charge card and ad... |
374516 | Credit card | Citicorp refuses to remove fraudulent inquiry ... |
21627 | Credit card | Have disputed the reporting of the status of a... |
... | ... | ... |
322420 | Credit card | I have a payment plan with Associated Bank aka... |
754196 | Credit card | Synchrony Bank/Care Credit is committing fraud... |
768823 | Credit card | i never had this account |
534633 | Credit card | The Home Depot/CBNA account # XXXX is showing ... |
341469 | Credit card | I applied for this secured card, and a few day... |
171 rows × 2 columns
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 44 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
673910 | Bank account or service | Harris Bank electronically deleted a good fait... |
33390 | Bank account or service | Chex Systems is not complying with federal law... |
485684 | Bank account or service | I applied for credit for XXXX from XXXX XXXX, ... |
617795 | Bank account or service | On my XXXX report and it 's a lot if inquires ... |
175379 | Bank account or service | I went to XXXX to open a checking account on X... |
295418 | Bank account or service | I tried to apply for a loan online. I was redi... |
10666 | Bank account or service | On my report from XXXX there is a listing from... |
449162 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX, 2016 and XXXX XXXX, 2016 Capital... |
400696 | Bank account or service | I received a copy of ChexSystems and noticed I... |
310463 | Bank account or service | I had an investment account with XXXX, they we... |
331957 | Bank account or service | XXXX as part of an XXXX XXXX, 2015 refuses to ... |
42644 | Bank account or service | Citi Bank is showing that I have an account op... |
728560 | Bank account or service | XXXX accounts were opened under my name and so... |
750553 | Bank account or service | My husband was trying to add me to his checkin... |
224944 | Bank account or service | I applied for auto loan with US Bank and they ... |
725063 | Bank account or service | Equifax has demonstrated an unwillingness to r... |
302905 | Bank account or service | I am submitting a new complaint regarding my o... |
748269 | Bank account or service | I applied for a credit card, The representativ... |
183452 | Bank account or service | I applied online with XXXX bank and after appl... |
304236 | Bank account or service | On XXXX/XXXX/2015 I contacted Chase Bank about... |
289006 | Bank account or service | Hello, I am writing to dispute information on ... |
501425 | Bank account or service | I requested account closure and the company ha... |
184388 | Bank account or service | Paypal will not release my funds since XXXX/XX... |
481580 | Bank account or service | I BROUGHT A BRAIN ENHANCER ONLINE AND XXXX $ C... |
433524 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX, 2016 Barclay Bank Delaware on XX... |
622651 | Bank account or service | State employees credit union of NC has an acco... |
750607 | Bank account or service | Complaint Source : ChexSystems -- a reporting ... |
411013 | Bank account or service | was included in bankruptcy and should be closed |
41494 | Bank account or service | Was trying to cash a small check and was denie... |
521400 | Bank account or service | I have a loan with First Franklin Bank in XXXX... |
587319 | Bank account or service | XX/XX/XXXX, I have decided giving up everythin... |
494280 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX the company performed OpenRoad Le... |
368783 | Bank account or service | As my letters indicate, I declared bankruptcy ... |
786709 | Bank account or service | i had a {$500.00} revolving line of credit wit... |
253208 | Bank account or service | I have faxed and mailed US Bank numerous lette... |
422728 | Bank account or service | This is in regards to XXXX and the illegal tra... |
426104 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX, 2015 XXXX ( PayPal Credit ) made... |
123553 | Bank account or service | This is not my account |
754764 | Bank account or service | They closed our savings account down no explan... |
87510 | Bank account or service | Your form is malfunctioning. See attached desc... |
660309 | Bank account or service | Experian Credit Reporting Agency advertised on... |
704255 | Bank account or service | Hello, I went into XXXX XXXX XXXX to pen an ac... |
187603 | Bank account or service | My mother put me as a user for XXXX of her cre... |
530381 | Bank account or service | I have inquires in my report about back accoun... |
'Student loan' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 38 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
647956 | Student loan | Navient has been reporting me as 30, 60, 90, 1... |
787305 | Student loan | So I disputed an account on my credit report a... |
782934 | Student loan | On XXXX/XXXX/2015 I paid off account # XXXX in... |
14744 | Student loan | Citi bank loan number XXXX for {$6900.00} tran... |
276912 | Student loan | I contacted Access Group back in XXXX XXXX abo... |
249194 | Student loan | This dispute involves incomplete and inaccurat... |
64611 | Student loan | I have like XXXX accounts showing as negitive ... |
394449 | Student loan | I settled XXXX CitiBank accounts with XXXX XXX... |
166173 | Student loan | XXXX is reporting XXXX accounts with XXXX miss... |
430553 | Student loan | I am currently in the middle of changes, and g... |
936723 | Student loan | Uploaded documents regarding repayment and the... |
228890 | Student loan | WF EFS received my certified letter XX/XX/2016... |
680772 | Student loan | XXXX is not reporting payments made to my Stud... |
553802 | Student loan | I have multiple late payment reported in my re... |
480040 | Student loan | Originally complained about numerous harassing... |
826984 | Student loan | I want to dispute the few month period were my... |
137888 | Student loan | Upon looking into my credit reports, I noticed... |
514666 | Student loan | I had a credit score and was alway paying my b... |
96800 | Student loan | I have disputed my payment history being repor... |
429180 | Student loan | i was attending school had been XXXX but my st... |
732272 | Student loan | I had a loan through XXXX student loan, and th... |
1018667 | Student loan | While enrolled at XXXX XXXX University, my stu... |
621595 | Student loan | I was approved through a program called XXXX p... |
966944 | Student loan | The Dept of Education and XXXX have listed mul... |
253249 | Student loan | Chase has illegally re-aged debts it is report... |
794102 | Student loan | There were XXXX accounts from Navient that wer... |
208746 | Student loan | Please see enclosed letter for detailed inform... |
612933 | Student loan | I have filed my complain previously to CFPB ( ... |
744258 | Student loan | Sallie Mae is reporting XXXX paid and closed a... |
999137 | Student loan | CFPB : XXXX This is a continued problem with X... |
903507 | Student loan | This is a follow up to complaints : XXXX XXXX ... |
309695 | Student loan | All of my records state that the next availabl... |
33182 | Student loan | I sent out a letter asking for this company to... |
957366 | Student loan | Over the course almost two years I have tried ... |
884754 | Student loan | XXXX is reporting in my credit file that I hav... |
441315 | Student loan | My brother has assumed responsibility for payi... |
921993 | Student loan | XXXX has called me several times over the year... |
25202 | Student loan | I am XXXX currently under XXXX student visa an... |
'Money transfers' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 6 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
85417 | Money transfers | MY XXXX XXXX XXXX $ TO XXXX. THE POST OFFICE T... |
54341 | Money transfers | XXXX XXXX VIOLATED THE DODD-FRANK ACT ON ME AN... |
279041 | Money transfers | I made a Customer Access Request and provided ... |
510298 | Money transfers | Paid this XXXX for assistance to help with bus... |
351688 | Money transfers | A girl by the name of XXXX XXXX that I knew on... |
51381 | Money transfers | I sent {$1700.00} and it 's been under review ... |
'Payday loan' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 18 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
533555 | Payday loan | I applied for a loan for on XXXX XXXX, 2015 fo... |
715581 | Payday loan | On XX/XX/XXXX Allied Collection Services locat... |
123140 | Payday loan | My relative XXXX XXXX used my info to obtain X... |
430011 | Payday loan | I 'm not sure I selected the correct option, b... |
3998 | Payday loan | My identity was stolen in XX/XX/2009. A XXXX X... |
731632 | Payday loan | I have sent a copy of my old bank statement sh... |
300594 | Payday loan | I am a victim of identity theft and someone st... |
628901 | Payday loan | I am a victim of Identity theft on or about XX... |
655911 | Payday loan | I received a {$500.00} loan from Kickstand Len... |
626015 | Payday loan | like 1 1/2 or 2 years ago I got a loan from ra... |
361153 | Payday loan | I went on the website of RISE loans and tried ... |
502727 | Payday loan | Told me my account was settled and paid in ful... |
43621 | Payday loan | Clarity Services has pulled hard inquiries for... |
827623 | Payday loan | I have a judgement listed on my credit report ... |
521809 | Payday loan | I paid my loan off within the 30 days before t... |
168054 | Payday loan | Speedy Cash made a hard inquiry on my credit r... |
717427 | Payday loan | When I applied for the loan the account that I... |
700329 | Payday loan | None of the aboveMy complaint is that the CFPB... |
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 1551 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
855750 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I sent several certified letters to Lexis Nex... |
952914 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I am currently refinancing my home and consoli... |
982785 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I disputed some items on all 3 credit bureau X... |
903387 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX XXXX XXXX has inaccurately reported a deb... |
987291 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I was a victim of TransUnions inquiry issue. I... |
... | ... | ... |
930802 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Equifax is showing a credit card that I was no... |
900678 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Transunion is not accurately reporting my on t... |
916852 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XX/XX/XXXX I mailed a notarized dispute let... |
962461 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Back on XX/XX/XXXX I disputed a company called... |
280260 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | When trying to submit a dispute with Equifax, ... |
1551 rows × 2 columns
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 13 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
923105 | Checking or savings account | They lie my finds was not low I a copy of the ... |
927355 | Checking or savings account | Our checks are getting declined when written a... |
934724 | Checking or savings account | I 'm tying to open and account but they will n... |
933005 | Checking or savings account | around XXXX XXXX i noticed my XXXX account was... |
947310 | Checking or savings account | My Acount make my creit score very low I think... |
816283 | Checking or savings account | These are these are Types of fraud. Identity f... |
955285 | Checking or savings account | I needed to open a account for direct deposit,... |
87244 | Checking or savings account | I had an overdraft for a {$160.00} and paid it... |
810349 | Checking or savings account | Wrong social security # XXXX my number |
954891 | Checking or savings account | I have sent three certified mail in regards to... |
817847 | Checking or savings account | I contacted XXXX by phone and they are refus... |
951066 | Checking or savings account | I 've recently learned from XXXX that my credi... |
943173 | Checking or savings account | I was refused access to my online account beca... |
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 8 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
995518 | Vehicle loan or lease | My daughter and I financed a car in XX/XX/XXXX... |
990015 | Vehicle loan or lease | I WAS NOT AWARE OF ALL THESE CHARGES THAT WELL... |
836896 | Vehicle loan or lease | I have filed complaints with the XXXX and the ... |
903705 | Vehicle loan or lease | I disputed an account with XXXX regarding ALLY... |
980086 | Vehicle loan or lease | I am a victim of identity theft I am a victim ... |
269539 | Vehicle loan or lease | My insuranse have diferernt lienholder the dmv... |
800916 | Vehicle loan or lease | I have a Santandar charge off on my credit rep... |
265857 | Vehicle loan or lease | US Bank has incorrectly calculated my excess m... |
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 30 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
950597 | Credit card or prepaid card | I applied for a credit card art my local XXXX ... |
1019733 | Credit card or prepaid card | I am really confused as to how I was reported ... |
1019763 | Credit card or prepaid card | Dear Consumer Protection Bureau I have been a ... |
996803 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX provided a credit card service through XX... |
856195 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX I did some purchase fro Paypal Credit. fo... |
811452 | Credit card or prepaid card | I was supposed to receive a credit for the acc... |
829021 | Credit card or prepaid card | Greetings, I have repeadley inquired as to the... |
920264 | Credit card or prepaid card | I filed bankruptcy and capital one was added t... |
962647 | Credit card or prepaid card | I never received my bills / email stating I wa... |
923889 | Credit card or prepaid card | I ordered furniture with this card and they im... |
967791 | Credit card or prepaid card | Did n't know that they would do a hard credit ... |
888472 | Credit card or prepaid card | I 'm seeing a hard inquiry by Cbna on my credi... |
822015 | Credit card or prepaid card | Capital One approved for a small line of credi... |
905960 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have never had or agreed to an acct ending X... |
828492 | Credit card or prepaid card | I was a victim of Identity Theft, someone trie... |
1012614 | Credit card or prepaid card | I didn't receive bills in mail, never got a ca... |
269289 | Credit card or prepaid card | I was out of the country for work, and when I ... |
829000 | Credit card or prepaid card | Over the last two weeks I have spent hours on ... |
277896 | Credit card or prepaid card | Experian has been charging me $ 21.95/month si... |
884231 | Credit card or prepaid card | I received a response in regard to complaint I... |
257657 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have been a loyal XXXX Customer for many yea... |
846763 | Credit card or prepaid card | I had an account with JCPenny, the account was... |
917076 | Credit card or prepaid card | My ex-wife and her boy friend sold my home und... |
842284 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX an XXXX XXXX retail credit card ... |
974823 | Credit card or prepaid card | Applied for the card did n't know that they wo... |
851904 | Credit card or prepaid card | I was issued a XXXX card for my tax check to... |
977054 | Credit card or prepaid card | There is a XXXX XXXX XXXX card appearing on my... |
257103 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX , XXXX , my account ending ... |
912306 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX I received a letter from Capital... |
810504 | Credit card or prepaid card | was told they are not going to do a hard pull ... |
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Credit reporting' : 8 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
221003 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX XX... |
280335 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I went into Key bank on XXXX and XXXX XXX... |
972011 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I was denied credit by this lender and the fac... |
803357 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I apply for a loan online and for the amount o... |
982864 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Told me it will fix my credit but denied me st... |
879030 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Reporting late payments and I was never late a... |
918506 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I ca n't get any of my personal info |
1009633 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Time finance is still reporting this account a... |
'Credit reporting' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 57 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
487213 | Credit reporting | I had a car through XXXX XXXX, and it was a po... |
561031 | Credit reporting | My car. Was repossessed after 5 year ayments T... |
644038 | Credit reporting | This corporation unjustifiably has turned nega... |
169234 | Credit reporting | I received a letter in the mail from a car loa... |
775762 | Credit reporting | Dear Sir or Madam : We are writing to dispute ... |
51495 | Credit reporting | As part of our divorce settlement, my ex wife ... |
149313 | Credit reporting | I requested contracts bearing my signature and... |
669102 | Credit reporting | I requested contracts bearing my signature and... |
642049 | Credit reporting | Hopefully, I have chosen the right avenue to l... |
453244 | Credit reporting | i purchased and financed an engagement ring fo... |
706496 | Credit reporting | I have disputed with the credit bureaus and XX... |
125217 | Credit reporting | I purchased a vehicle from XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/X... |
244697 | Credit reporting | I recently had my car repossessed in XXXX 2015... |
619675 | Credit reporting | I opted for voluntary termination of my car fi... |
5520 | Credit reporting | I am an XXXX XXXX service member with SCRA ben... |
746033 | Credit reporting | i have asked them repeatedly to correct inform... |
394845 | Credit reporting | It is showing up as a negative mark on my file... |
299497 | Credit reporting | I was told today when I asked for a credit lim... |
259080 | Credit reporting | XXXX, 2012, i got a lease from mercedes benz f... |
635141 | Credit reporting | XXXX. \nXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, MO XXXX XXXX... |
324703 | Credit reporting | on XXXX/XXXX/16 Wells fargo dealer services re... |
395092 | Credit reporting | XXXX contacted me by phone to tell me I had n'... |
424443 | Credit reporting | In XX/XX/XXXX my immediate family suffered XXX... |
146319 | Credit reporting | Capital One Auto Finance is not removing the A... |
140227 | Credit reporting | we have paid off the XXXX ford truck I want it... |
76150 | Credit reporting | I was involved in a car accident and my vehicl... |
555528 | Credit reporting | U have a credit card r bank card that i dont h... |
362578 | Credit reporting | This complaint is regarding claim ( # XXXX ) I... |
717841 | Credit reporting | I paid the loan off XXXX on a car loan XXXX ye... |
674509 | Credit reporting | To Whom it may concern : I am writing to inqui... |
415617 | Credit reporting | I traded my car in on the XXXX the company tha... |
381781 | Credit reporting | i purchased my wife 's ring from XXXX on XX/XX... |
13964 | Credit reporting | Two years ago a tax lien was placed on my home... |
633187 | Credit reporting | I am a victim of identity theft. I have submit... |
525695 | Credit reporting | I am attempting to pre-qualify for a home purc... |
508838 | Credit reporting | On XX/XX/2015, I received financing for the pu... |
536125 | Credit reporting | To Whom it may concern : I am writing to inqui... |
400302 | Credit reporting | Good Morning, I have disputed my pay history w... |
790770 | Credit reporting | I have an inquiry on my credit report from all... |
728647 | Credit reporting | Credit report has been shared with car loan co... |
16930 | Credit reporting | the XXXX sold me a car later they do n't want ... |
475079 | Credit reporting | I was in a car accident with my XXXX Honda Civ... |
204281 | Credit reporting | I have a lot of disputes ran by XXXX in XXXX t... |
743427 | Credit reporting | On XXXX XXXX, 2015 my wife, XXXX XXXX, and I, ... |
335468 | Credit reporting | Car loan with XXXX XXXX XXXX is reporting mont... |
789335 | Credit reporting | The State of Colorado has no legal authority t... |
492852 | Credit reporting | I leased a vehicle from XXXX in XXXX. In XXXX ... |
103885 | Credit reporting | I had a loan with XXXX XXXX auto financing for... |
434278 | Credit reporting | Actually I have a car payment account.but, It ... |
69520 | Credit reporting | This account was charge off due to a divorce m... |
556865 | Credit reporting | I have disputed this with Toyota Motor saying ... |
301982 | Credit reporting | My complaint is with TransUnion about an accou... |
602654 | Credit reporting | I never signed nor endorsed any contract or ap... |
87920 | Credit reporting | I am including a copy of my contract with Hyun... |
351319 | Credit reporting | In a recent dispute, Experian stated the recen... |
617790 | Credit reporting | XXXX XXXX holds an auto loan in mine and my da... |
414045 | Credit reporting | On XXXX XXXX, 2015 my husband, XXXX XXXX, and ... |
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 205 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
495006 | Debt collection | XX/XX/XXXX my wife and I had our XXXX Kia Opti... |
417498 | Debt collection | turned in leased vehicle, which I was suppose ... |
388352 | Debt collection | I have a loan with a company called One Main F... |
898827 | Debt collection | As ofXX/XX/XXXX Hyundai Finance is reporting a... |
978769 | Debt collection | I got a new car in 2016. I had a 72 month note... |
... | ... | ... |
613013 | Debt collection | I am the XXXX and was contacted by Flagship XX... |
942023 | Debt collection | I have an XXXX XXXX XXXX that was paid on time... |
306170 | Debt collection | I got a loan with one main financial in XXXX X... |
938881 | Debt collection | I purchased a vehicle back in XXXX and it was ... |
91765 | Debt collection | we were harrassed and good credit threatened f... |
205 rows × 2 columns
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 27 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
46439 | Mortgage | For XXXX months I have been trying to access m... |
164474 | Mortgage | My mortgage company will no longer take paymen... |
413329 | Mortgage | I had my payments set up on auto pay, one mont... |
433910 | Mortgage | On XXXX XXXX 2002, I applied for a loan and wa... |
345902 | Mortgage | I am frustrated with this entire financial sys... |
206980 | Mortgage | I have been denied a refinance on my primary r... |
114308 | Mortgage | The company pulled my credit without my author... |
825070 | Mortgage | Due to the storm they called me to see if I ha... |
941076 | Mortgage | I got a loan from XXXX they informed me that i... |
516733 | Mortgage | Asked XXXX to defer XXXX payments, was told I ... |
972064 | Mortgage | I spoke with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX He berated me... |
683295 | Mortgage | My loan was approved |
690003 | Mortgage | I applied for a XXXX mortgage with BMO Harris ... |
85099 | Mortgage | Principal balance as of XXXX/XXXX/15 was {$660... |
717784 | Mortgage | In XXXX 2013, I was unable to pay the mortgage... |
710233 | Mortgage | I 'm a first time home buyer looking at financ... |
916347 | Mortgage | Initiated a personal loan XXXX simple interest... |
398249 | Mortgage | I attempted to cancel an automatic payment, bu... |
399904 | Mortgage | I have had a Home Equity Line of Credit with t... |
753869 | Mortgage | My client paid off his loan on a mobile home t... |
1666 | Mortgage | For financial reasons I need a copy of a loan ... |
819565 | Mortgage | I have been making my monthly payments though ... |
226674 | Mortgage | COMPLAINT : Wells Fargo claims they have compl... |
669408 | Mortgage | Nationstar is charging me bogus fees for no re... |
558770 | Mortgage | I borrowed in 2005 from a private lender in XX... |
379443 | Mortgage | In XXXX 2015, I received notice my loan was tr... |
332740 | Mortgage | Unethical and discriminatory lending criteria. |
'Credit card' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 38 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
315704 | Credit card | When I was approved for my auto loan. The bank... |
639084 | Credit card | Lobel Financial is in clear violation of the F... |
5496 | Credit card | I am unable to log in to the Discover website ... |
391906 | Credit card | In 2005, we took out what we thought was a loa... |
326150 | Credit card | On XXXX XXXX I received the attached letter fr... |
345565 | Credit card | I open an accouny with dillards onXXXXXXXX mad... |
213486 | Credit card | I purchased a XXXX ( not diesel ) in XXXX. It ... |
482243 | Credit card | On my report there are XXXX chase auto loan in... |
289590 | Credit card | BarclayUS has a cutoff time for XXXX for the m... |
155098 | Credit card | This is loan that Bank of America should have ... |
276011 | Credit card | I paid to get a XXXX put in my truck on XXXX X... |
342107 | Credit card | I had an automatic payment setup with Citi ove... |
721594 | Credit card | XX/XX/XXXX BB & T Bank XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, NC... |
754489 | Credit card | In XXXX of XXXX, I took out a 12 month interes... |
563395 | Credit card | Divorced spouse. Effective date was XXXX XXXX,... |
636400 | Credit card | I pay my balance in full every month prior to ... |
170486 | Credit card | I am a divorced woman that returned to school ... |
323243 | Credit card | I tried to refinance my truck through XXXX to ... |
59973 | Credit card | XX/XX/XXXX2015XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX VA... |
243148 | Credit card | tidewater finance company I have statement fro... |
232260 | Credit card | I have been paying my Dillard 's credit card o... |
216730 | Credit card | I 'm not sure if this is the most appropriate ... |
473413 | Credit card | I signed up for a GE Care Credit Card and was ... |
86517 | Credit card | good evening, First on XX/XX/2015 i applied an... |
417350 | Credit card | I purchased a memory foam bed through XXXX XXX... |
562769 | Credit card | I was making payments to Wells Fargo for a sto... |
295944 | Credit card | I took out a credit card through Wells Fargo t... |
415224 | Credit card | Bank increased my interest rate far beyond my ... |
245036 | Credit card | Prior to my monthly payment due date, I contac... |
526399 | Credit card | XXXX offered 48 month low APR promo. Made purc... |
521975 | Credit card | XXXX XXXX, XXXX, my husband and I entered into... |
646813 | Credit card | Capital one Gm card offered to provide a resol... |
72577 | Credit card | Hello. I purchased a XXXX motorcycle from XXXX... |
153746 | Credit card | I was dealing with an HVAC and they told me th... |
681060 | Credit card | Late Payments Being Reported : 90 days past du... |
544934 | Credit card | ZALES Jewelry is charging me 28.99 % interest ... |
605315 | Credit card | I have paid XXXX on to my USSA credit card on ... |
338570 | Credit card | Due to a job loss Kays placed my account in a ... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 43 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
673143 | Bank account or service | I applied for a used auto loan through usbank.... |
153 | Bank account or service | This complaint is regarding Wells Fargo. XX/XX... |
104376 | Bank account or service | I feel like I was discriminated by TD bank in ... |
701000 | Bank account or service | I cosigned a car loan for my daughter. Her che... |
438358 | Bank account or service | in XXXX XXXX I contacted 5th third to request ... |
246141 | Bank account or service | SunTrust Bank received a payoff on a consumer ... |
206600 | Bank account or service | I think Synchrony Bank needs to be investigate... |
39150 | Bank account or service | I took my car to XXXX XXXX on XXXX/XXXX/2016. ... |
460505 | Bank account or service | I have contacted Wells Fargo on three separate... |
46510 | Bank account or service | SPRINGLEAF FINANCIAL SERVICES made an unauthor... |
560234 | Bank account or service | My car was repossessed. The bank still reports... |
46738 | Bank account or service | I applied for Business loan products at NFCU w... |
91216 | Bank account or service | I purchased a truck and then returned it to th... |
154204 | Bank account or service | When my wife and I tried applying for a loan, ... |
311088 | Bank account or service | We needed to borrow {$40000.00} to purchase a ... |
543669 | Bank account or service | I have had a PayPal credit account for a numbe... |
478637 | Bank account or service | I call up to make a payment usually day before... |
332564 | Bank account or service | 1.Theft of Mass Proportion of over about $ XXX... |
9728 | Bank account or service | I am an Veteran living on a fix income, I had ... |
170109 | Bank account or service | I applied for mortgage loan and found Wells Fa... |
505486 | Bank account or service | I contacted Pentagon Federal Credit Union on X... |
631033 | Bank account or service | I have a personal checking account and an auto... |
18059 | Bank account or service | have a personal loan with TD Bank terms are fi... |
136446 | Bank account or service | We finance a bed bought at XXXX in XXXX 2014. ... |
663577 | Bank account or service | Hello. I paid off a car loan that I had with B... |
363510 | Bank account or service | I had a Wellsfargo representative set up autom... |
768248 | Bank account or service | I am a USAA member. In 2014 after a divorce an... |
511768 | Bank account or service | We purchased a travel trailer from a private p... |
379247 | Bank account or service | Wells Fargo continue to charge me late fees on... |
255518 | Bank account or service | I bought a vehicle and got an auto loan throug... |
625293 | Bank account or service | Scam Victim, I applied for loan threw XXXX XXX... |
791822 | Bank account or service | I had a checking account at Associated Bank. I... |
595323 | Bank account or service | I recently checked my credit reports as i have... |
614134 | Bank account or service | XX/XX/XXXX16 I purchased a 2016 XXXX on XXXX X... |
634007 | Bank account or service | WELLS FARGO committed so many acts of treason ... |
139716 | Bank account or service | In XX/XX/XXXX, I went to the Bank of the West ... |
439188 | Bank account or service | I HAVE BEEN GETTING XXXX CALLS XXXX DAYS A WEE... |
376546 | Bank account or service | I set up a payment for my car note and it retu... |
910038 | Bank account or service | I spoke with a supervisor/manager in charge by... |
364508 | Bank account or service | HERE IS THE FIRST EMAIL I SENTGood Morning XX/... |
217952 | Bank account or service | I recently paid off balance in my personal lin... |
515515 | Bank account or service | I was charged a late fee of {$39.00} because t... |
381610 | Bank account or service | XXXX/XXXX/16 my husband and I traded our vehic... |
'Student loan' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 24 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
185695 | Student loan | I am talking to a realtor today and a car deal... |
225542 | Student loan | Well Fargo input my loan as a $ XXXX/month pay... |
1024460 | Student loan | I filed a separate complaint about XXXX XXXX c... |
642880 | Student loan | The longevity of my loan is excessive. |
274041 | Student loan | Tried paying loan installment XXXX , tried pa... |
708780 | Student loan | Monterey Financial has extracted a late fee fr... |
232968 | Student loan | I have a loan with Wells Fargo, they are repor... |
668874 | Student loan | I had fallen behind on my loan and reached an ... |
965814 | Student loan | Having problems have been charged for a loan t... |
43142 | Student loan | We set up payment for interest payment only fo... |
928710 | Student loan | My loan was put into deferrment without my per... |
52439 | Student loan | I submitted the correct amount that was left o... |
119441 | Student loan | My daughter has informed me that she has conta... |
876155 | Student loan | Requested and paid for 3 month foreberence to ... |
171580 | Student loan | I received a prescreened offer from SoFi to re... |
991445 | Student loan | I received an e-mail from XXXX, the servicer, ... |
966028 | Student loan | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
722637 | Student loan | I cosigned with my parents on a loan with Well... |
475213 | Student loan | XXXX is reporting XXXX student loans on my cre... |
250799 | Student loan | I am paying over the amount of my monthly mini... |
275320 | Student loan | I got a loan in XXXX 2011 from Stafford loan f... |
986458 | Student loan | XXXX, like my other complaint, refuses to supp... |
370090 | Student loan | We cosigned thru Wells Fargo for my son. He de... |
793490 | Student loan | Earnest Operations, LLC is using deceptive and... |
'Payday loan' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 83 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
113980 | Payday loan | i took out a loan for XXXX dollars and was cha... |
503668 | Payday loan | I PAID {$99.00} MONEY ORDER ONXXXX. {$98.00} W... |
436344 | Payday loan | I revoked my ACH authorization because this co... |
76156 | Payday loan | Originally when I got the loan the agent XXXX ... |
636626 | Payday loan | I applied to have a loan from a company named ... |
... | ... | ... |
773051 | Payday loan | An on-line loan was taken out under my name an... |
53617 | Payday loan | Could n't pay a loan company for a loan due to... |
335773 | Payday loan | I live in Ohio and took a loan from Westernsky... |
422565 | Payday loan | 94 % interest rate since XXXX I have paid {$44... |
242842 | Payday loan | I took out an online loan in the amount of {$5... |
83 rows × 2 columns
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 111 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
928316 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Citizens bank is reporting my loan XXXX days p... |
877800 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I am a cobuyer to an auto loan in XX/XX/XXXX a... |
982233 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I never had a car loan, I was in XXXX during t... |
917732 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I am trying to get a job at XXXX and they rece... |
936789 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Ally Financial reported that I had a history o... |
... | ... | ... |
1016869 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I received a letter from Avant that indicated ... |
926973 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Strategic Automotive transferred my auto loan ... |
995769 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | attachment # 1 subject of complaint drivers li... |
267535 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I bought a car from XXXX XXXX XXXX and o... |
888604 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | In XX/XX/XXXX me and my husband ( XXXX and XXX... |
111 rows × 2 columns
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 454 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
947329 | Vehicle loan or lease | XXXX XXXX, XXXX RE : Swindling consumers selli... |
1001265 | Vehicle loan or lease | On Wednesday XX/XX/XXXX Toyota picked up my To... |
973288 | Vehicle loan or lease | I have insurance on my auto loan with Navy Fed... |
869926 | Vehicle loan or lease | This complaint is in regard to State Farm Bank... |
813336 | Vehicle loan or lease | Santander USA is the worst company in the worl... |
... | ... | ... |
1020976 | Vehicle loan or lease | Had a vehicle that was financed at the Bank th... |
931572 | Vehicle loan or lease | On XXXX XXXX I contacted my auto finance compa... |
992869 | Vehicle loan or lease | To CFPB, The actions of Santander Consumer USA... |
941541 | Vehicle loan or lease | I purchased this car from a dealership and was... |
718774 | Vehicle loan or lease | My name is XXXX XXXX last 4 of my SSN are XXXX... |
454 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 7 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
83145 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX, USAA approved a debt management... |
973013 | Credit card or prepaid card | I am on the do not call list and I got a call ... |
799634 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have contacted Jcpenny 's bank to make the... |
941393 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have had nothing but problems when trying to... |
1006372 | Credit card or prepaid card | The late payment occurred on XXXX 2016. I have... |
102187 | Credit card or prepaid card | I paid for a used XXXX XXXX XXXX and... |
980644 | Credit card or prepaid card | GreenSky Credit and XXXX XXXX bad practice of ... |
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Consumer Loan' : 108 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1011430 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Car was repossessed on Wednesday. Payments wer... |
988787 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I submitted a complaint about an hour or so to... |
844103 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I had a personal loan fro m Mariner Finance th... |
995585 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have had my Conn 's installment loan for 3 y... |
257591 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | My h usband and I are both retired and we did ... |
... | ... | ... |
102339 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I did get a title loan from Ace Check XXXX and... |
269570 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I began taking out RISE loans in XXXX XXXX ... |
832910 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Greensky a cct # XXXX GreenSky will not su... |
920780 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I took out a personal loan with XXXX XXXX in X... |
812767 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | My car was totaled in an accident on XX/XX/XXX... |
108 rows × 2 columns
'Credit reporting' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 750 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
239549 | Credit reporting | In 2007 I was moving and canceling my XXXX cab... |
675489 | Credit reporting | In reviewing my credit score online, I discove... |
720328 | Credit reporting | I continue to be harassed by XXXX XXXX. They a... |
361863 | Credit reporting | no verification of signature or contract |
551546 | Credit reporting | I have a charge off account with University XX... |
... | ... | ... |
698711 | Credit reporting | On XXXX, 2016 I received a letter from XXXX XX... |
317685 | Credit reporting | I sent disputes already but no contact or chan... |
160029 | Credit reporting | I was sued in small claims court in XX/XX/XXXX... |
535851 | Credit reporting | I filed a chapter-XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX and it wa... |
629627 | Credit reporting | " I am a victim of identity theft. I am writin... |
750 rows × 2 columns
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 463 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
365475 | Consumer Loan | In XXXX XXXX we took out a SECURED loan w/Worl... |
755442 | Consumer Loan | I am receiving calls from a company called San... |
650124 | Consumer Loan | I have sent two dispute letters to Santander r... |
302718 | Consumer Loan | My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX. I sent Tower Loan a... |
70266 | Consumer Loan | On XXXX XXXX, I contacted AC AutoPay to reques... |
... | ... | ... |
189268 | Consumer Loan | There is a company named Penn Credit Corporati... |
550959 | Consumer Loan | To Whom it may concern my name is XXXX XXXX I ... |
338955 | Consumer Loan | I requested documented proof that a loan from ... |
176641 | Consumer Loan | Was not able to make a payment due to being ou... |
97051 | Consumer Loan | XXXX XXXX, 2016 Dear XXXX dba XXXX XXXX, This ... |
463 rows × 2 columns
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 187 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
784111 | Mortgage | PART ONE Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. has ... |
83654 | Mortgage | I purchased a home in XX/XX/XXXX with a cash p... |
464891 | Mortgage | Mortgage was refinanced with new loan provider... |
190070 | Mortgage | I refinanced my home with The XXXX XXXX Bank i... |
669481 | Mortgage | Several years ago we refinance our home using ... |
... | ... | ... |
82870 | Mortgage | I divorced in XXXX. A home was settled in divo... |
254925 | Mortgage | I have made my payments online through my XXXX... |
271174 | Mortgage | There is a full deposition of the stamped frau... |
570341 | Mortgage | First Direct Lending LLC sends letter to my ho... |
187 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 460 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
13817 | Credit card | the truth in detail is this. i enrolled in a d... |
229270 | Credit card | I settled a debt with Citicard previously with... |
308198 | Credit card | Citibank card ( XXXX ) has been calling both m... |
223752 | Credit card | This is both a billing and customer service is... |
93135 | Credit card | I previously filed a claim in XX/XX/XXXX with ... |
... | ... | ... |
591992 | Credit card | I had an XXXX card with XXXX. The account was ... |
793269 | Credit card | My BP credit card account changed servicers to... |
745258 | Credit card | I submitted and FDCPA debt validation request ... |
672423 | Credit card | Sometime XX/XX/XXXX my wife applied for and wa... |
621768 | Credit card | Repeatedly, I have asked for the company XXXX ... |
460 rows × 2 columns
'Other financial service' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 17 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
534228 | Other financial service | As of XXXX XXXX I had repaid my debt with an e... |
315717 | Other financial service | Reference Case # XXXX The XXXX money orders th... |
424856 | Other financial service | I was in debt trouble at the beginning of 2014... |
559068 | Other financial service | I contacted the Law Office of Michael Lupolove... |
411945 | Other financial service | My husband and I sent 2 US postal service mone... |
593241 | Other financial service | The post office destroyed my money order, maki... |
549810 | Other financial service | I contacted Clear One Advantage XX/XX/2016, I ... |
508610 | Other financial service | I started their program in XXXX of 2012. I bel... |
72695 | Other financial service | Certegy XXXX XXXX has a file of my name and an... |
317857 | Other financial service | I spoke with XXXX at Lexington Law, I asked fo... |
655203 | Other financial service | I was contacted by a representative and was to... |
437337 | Other financial service | Previous [ Case number : XXXX ] XXXX XXXX lied... |
220611 | Other financial service | Global Financial Solutions has been taking {$3... |
447611 | Other financial service | Global Client Solutions accepted a total of {$... |
152574 | Other financial service | We signed up for ClearOne Advantage to handle ... |
486381 | Other financial service | ON the day both social security and SSI XXXX f... |
508636 | Other financial service | I received a letter in the mail from Sofi or S... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 123 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
590254 | Bank account or service | wells fargo gave me XXXX for forgives of debt. |
213696 | Bank account or service | i had a laptop for sale on XXXX, this dude sen... |
355474 | Bank account or service | SYNCB/LOWE 'S DC ACCOUNT NUMBERs : XXXX XX/XX/... |
592310 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX, 2015 my attorney sent a letter (... |
271001 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX, 2016 the collection specialist f... |
... | ... | ... |
15089 | Bank account or service | Describe what happened so we can understand th... |
742912 | Bank account or service | In the end of XXXX, I joined XXXX. As an assoc... |
739196 | Bank account or service | Received letter from IRS proposing changes to ... |
537909 | Bank account or service | I had an account with PayPal Credit which was ... |
340834 | Bank account or service | PENTAGON FCU XXXX ACCOUNT NUMBER OPEN DATE XX/... |
123 rows × 2 columns
'Student loan' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 377 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
755955 | Student loan | I originally had my student loan thru XXXX XXX... |
644306 | Student loan | On XX/XX/XXXX, I borrowed XXXX from XXXX. Appa... |
8778 | Student loan | I was told that it could be wiped off and cons... |
257529 | Student loan | I Have provided proof in writing of XXXX XXXX ... |
872223 | Student loan | On XX/XX/XXXX I submitted a complaint on PROFE... |
... | ... | ... |
574659 | Student loan | Receive continues calls from Professional Bure... |
303333 | Student loan | It 's hard to believe the some other debt serv... |
485090 | Student loan | I enrolled using my GI Bill and somehow ended ... |
461899 | Student loan | I have already filed XXXX complaint case # XXX... |
856031 | Student loan | I am already being garnished in my wages at 15... |
377 rows × 2 columns
'Money transfers' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 33 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
760175 | Money transfers | My son XXXX XXXX is trying to secure a place t... |
14459 | Money transfers | This is a summary and a full version will be a... |
907463 | Money transfers | I went to see an apt that i wanted to rent fro... |
595237 | Money transfers | I have my international westernunion account w... |
606308 | Money transfers | PayPal CreditThe email message received by me ... |
155433 | Money transfers | I sent a MoneyGram to my son. When he tried to... |
950109 | Money transfers | I sent USD {$11000.00} to someone in XXXX on X... |
463138 | Money transfers | I was almost victimized by a company because t... |
427709 | Money transfers | PayPal XXXX trying to collect a debt of {$210.... |
206367 | Money transfers | Addendum to CFPB Case # XXXX : A Fraudster use... |
556153 | Money transfers | I received a phone call from the " FBI '' ( ha... |
524975 | Money transfers | supossedly I was sent a text message from an a... |
714193 | Money transfers | I bought a XXXX from a woman in XXXX for XXXX.... |
74340 | Money transfers | Sir, On XX/XX/XXXX I Have sent XXXX $ to XXXX ... |
511487 | Money transfers | I ordered a table top game from XXXX and the p... |
349933 | Money transfers | I have a paypal account with a credit card on ... |
519451 | Money transfers | I filled out a house rental application and re... |
98528 | Money transfers | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has failed to provide docu... |
889093 | Money transfers | I did a international transfer on XX/XX/2016 o... |
556880 | Money transfers | XXXX XXXX XXXX set up a pyramid scam on XXXX i... |
715084 | Money transfers | I have been a victim of fraud and I want to st... |
469049 | Money transfers | My friend transfers fund to me according to my... |
743561 | Money transfers | I commissioned a XXXX on XXXX/XXXX/2015 throug... |
358623 | Money transfers | Hi, i used REMITLY do a transfer from m... |
787253 | Money transfers | I pay my rent by mailing in a money order. I w... |
775495 | Money transfers | I bought my item on the phone through paypal, ... |
622637 | Money transfers | XX/XX/2016 - centurylink account closed XX/XX/... |
586675 | Money transfers | hello, i know that there has been a misunderst... |
377091 | Money transfers | Advertized Restaurant for Sale. Engaged with p... |
35142 | Money transfers | 53 Bank and their agency XXXX, XXXX allegedly ... |
760957 | Money transfers | Six days ago I, uploaded a song I made on soun... |
638788 | Money transfers | I submitted money to a XXXX Confererence organ... |
295331 | Money transfers | I was contacted by phone by XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX... |
'Payday loan' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 214 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
446395 | Payday loan | is an illegal usury interest rate... |
250166 | Payday loan | A collection action appeared on my credit bure... |
470434 | Payday loan | I received an email from XXXX XXXX XXXX demand... |
673957 | Payday loan | In XX/XX/2016, I Re-Requested a Credit Bureau ... |
524416 | Payday loan | This loan is illegal in the state. They have t... |
... | ... | ... |
341763 | Payday loan | I took a payday loan out from the Cash Store b... |
322788 | Payday loan | One Click Cash XXXX keeps contacting me after ... |
1997 | Payday loan | They Keep HARASSING me using fake numbers from... |
818789 | Payday loan | A guy from Eloans sent me and email and said t... |
351083 | Payday loan | Lender called my mother stated that if I did n... |
214 rows × 2 columns
'Prepaid card' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 10 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
372642 | Prepaid card | The company promised free reloads upon initiat... |
62620 | Prepaid card | Blackhawk Network has seized XXXX my accounts ... |
712421 | Prepaid card | Did not authorize the account and customer ser... |
483199 | Prepaid card | I have had accounts with PayPal since XX/XX/XX... |
234046 | Prepaid card | My card/account was lock, and according to an ... |
293813 | Prepaid card | I recieved my actual paycheck after my origina... |
240193 | Prepaid card | I brought a XXXX debit card. I loaded XXXX on ... |
732922 | Prepaid card | My account was closed and I am still waiting f... |
477640 | Prepaid card | The system had some type of clitch and left me... |
581079 | Prepaid card | midland funding llc, through their attorneys X... |
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 25 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
960710 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I do not know if you can help me or not. I dec... |
962439 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I was supposed to send money to this person an... |
848103 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I have a complaint about someone selling my id... |
935733 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Different numbers calls me multiple times I 'v... |
105117 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I made a bill pay at XXXX in XXXX using " ... |
990133 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX is working with several coin compani... |
999964 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. \n\nThese con artist... |
1008213 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I called to get my account to stop blocking lo... |
950606 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | The sales associates are not demonstrating kno... |
1016524 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I sold some of my annuity to a company called ... |
884339 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I use Walmart 2 Walmart money transfer service... |
992863 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I made two separate XXXX fund transfers of {$3... |
813914 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I received a debt collection letter from XXXX ... |
842375 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I started a lease on XXXX XXXX with F... |
282912 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | There was a {$500.00} check load to my account... |
271414 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I sent XXXX to my XXXX XXXX XXXX com... |
958529 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Today at about at XXXX/XXXX/2017 at XXXX XXXX ... |
271628 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I used Paypal to s end {$25.00} to someone. I... |
915159 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Ca n't add XXXX to account online at XXXX XXXX |
930260 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | To The CFPB, Paypal illegally took back and pl... |
886895 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I was not aware that I owed this company this ... |
258930 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XXXX XXXX , XXXX I attempted to make... |
859415 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On X/XX/2017 Company : Global Payment deducted... |
815462 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I am a victim of identity theft. Several years... |
837960 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I used this service many times and had good re... |
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 815 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
951438 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XX/XX/2015, my vehicle was charged off, after ... |
975811 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | The call rep was very rude, and i disconnected... |
282745 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | A XXXX XXXX XXXX collection appeared on my bu... |
947997 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I initiated a dispute with XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/... |
880015 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I disputed an error on my credit reports calle... |
... | ... | ... |
1005794 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Please remove/delete this from my XXXX Credit ... |
956385 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | An account was open fraudulently with XXXX as ... |
801966 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX XXXX & Credit Bureau I sent out Validati... |
944946 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I.C. SYSTEM Inc. a third part debt collector f... |
1013509 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX says I am Dead. I call and wait on the ph... |
815 rows × 2 columns
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 48 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
978894 | Checking or savings account | I have called repeatedly at all hours to get c... |
920363 | Checking or savings account | I have been a Citibank Gold customer for sever... |
1010112 | Checking or savings account | I have been notified in the month of XXXX 2018... |
271074 | Checking or savings account | Please read the letter from my Attorney which ... |
948581 | Checking or savings account | I rented a vacation apartment online, and upon... |
1009098 | Checking or savings account | Today on XX/XX/XXXX I called USAA ( United Ser... |
821076 | Checking or savings account | To Whom it may concern, Bank of America has ti... |
825770 | Checking or savings account | XXXX removed {$290.00} from account without wr... |
964213 | Checking or savings account | In XXXX my wife and I joined the new XXXX XXXX... |
848842 | Checking or savings account | I created an account with XXXX XXXX and ... |
971323 | Checking or savings account | After filing a complaint against FIFTH THIRD B... |
168780 | Checking or savings account | I previously have written to complain that We... |
269832 | Checking or savings account | Someone claiming to be from BB & T responded t... |
923036 | Checking or savings account | {$280.00} dollars were taken out of my account... |
997069 | Checking or savings account | In XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX located in XXXX XXXX i... |
981429 | Checking or savings account | Fraudulent charges were reported by me to my b... |
955966 | Checking or savings account | Bank stole my money, there supervisor when eve... |
954147 | Checking or savings account | Good Morning XXXX XXXX and Gentleman : For the... |
853146 | Checking or savings account | I use a company called XXXX XXXX that lets me ... |
1019576 | Checking or savings account | I was trying to lol I my account with XXXX but... |
897184 | Checking or savings account | The company sends every year a message, saying... |
808157 | Checking or savings account | My niece XXXX XXXX using my Mothers ' na... |
988500 | Checking or savings account | I am a victim of identity theft. I have been l... |
285488 | Checking or savings account | In XXXX XXXX , I received an e-mail notif... |
965724 | Checking or savings account | US GAO fund created by XXXX XXXX with NASA XXX... |
989384 | Checking or savings account | So I had an account with US Bank over 10 years... |
971354 | Checking or savings account | Phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX starting XX/XX/... |
283396 | Checking or savings account | XXXX XXXX 2014 I ap plied for bankruptcy... |
265080 | Checking or savings account | This the note I sent to the office of US Bank ... |
987468 | Checking or savings account | ear Sirs/Madams On the XXXX of this present mo... |
974113 | Checking or savings account | In his XX/XX/XXXX letter, XXXX XXXX stated : "... |
962240 | Checking or savings account | Insurance companies and some banks including T... |
809575 | Checking or savings account | ON XX/XX/2018 REPORTED FRAUDULENT CLAIMS TO BA... |
802034 | Checking or savings account | I never received my XXXX form 1099-INT from ... |
948810 | Checking or savings account | RE : refilled on XX/XX/XXXX Complanint Number ... |
915244 | Checking or savings account | SUNTRUST BANK IS PLAYING SILLY GAMES, THEY CLA... |
148888 | Checking or savings account | In the first part of XX/XX/XXXX this checking ... |
938381 | Checking or savings account | I opened a second checking account with Well F... |
889050 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX XXXX, 2017 I received a letter from Ba... |
58449 | Checking or savings account | I signed up for a home warranty ( XXXX XXXX XX... |
95256 | Checking or savings account | XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX from citibank executi... |
843459 | Checking or savings account | XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX reverse was done for a tempor... |
938412 | Checking or savings account | I tried to open up a business account and I wa... |
946183 | Checking or savings account | I checked my bank account at XXXX on Thursday ... |
958053 | Checking or savings account | In XX/XX/XXXX I have a judgement against me fo... |
954226 | Checking or savings account | JPMORGAN CHASE INC, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, ... |
808022 | Checking or savings account | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , MD... |
273123 | Checking or savings account | There was a checking account and savings accou... |
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 87 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
998339 | Vehicle loan or lease | Starting on XX/XX/XXXX I have been getting cal... |
257926 | Vehicle loan or lease | I had a XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX with Exete... |
885012 | Vehicle loan or lease | I sent a letter of validation to Credit Accept... |
806880 | Vehicle loan or lease | I give the vehicle back couldn't afford the pa... |
918031 | Vehicle loan or lease | I applied for a loan on XXXX XXXX, I got sever... |
... | ... | ... |
857374 | Vehicle loan or lease | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX starts calling 3 days afte... |
989355 | Vehicle loan or lease | Dear AMERICAN CREDIT ACCEPTANCE, This is my fi... |
974685 | Vehicle loan or lease | Under the laws of the State of Georgia UCC and... |
878826 | Vehicle loan or lease | Two y ears ago I was contacted by a attorney '... |
89184 | Vehicle loan or lease | I've had that displeasure of dealing with XXXX... |
87 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 190 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
882476 | Credit card or prepaid card | Around XX/XX/XXXX i began to fall behind on my... |
876755 | Credit card or prepaid card | I stop using the two credit cards from Discove... |
856987 | Credit card or prepaid card | On X/X/2017 I overpaid my account by {$270.00}... |
981665 | Credit card or prepaid card | 1. Attempted to use credit card at XXXX - card... |
851372 | Credit card or prepaid card | Dear Investigator, Elanco Financial Svc. sh ow... |
... | ... | ... |
894600 | Credit card or prepaid card | After receiving a monthly statement from AAFES... |
843848 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have previously attempted to resolve this wi... |
854776 | Credit card or prepaid card | I havent a job for several months. When XXXX... |
973962 | Credit card or prepaid card | XX/XX/XXXX RE : Collection Account Account Num... |
935582 | Credit card or prepaid card | As I moved through my marriage separation and ... |
190 rows × 2 columns
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Debt collection' : 163 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
993378 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I filed bankruptcy last year and the debt has ... |
897964 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I am not sure but I keep receiving emails afte... |
999675 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX XXXX th a representative from XXXX XXX... |
285195 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | this company has been taking money from me for... |
75952 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | company threatened wage garnishment / called m... |
... | ... | ... |
947122 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I requested a loan of {$300.00} and the origin... |
872973 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Loan orginated XX/XX/XXXX for {$400.00} 1st sc... |
932494 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This debt older than 7 years and should be rem... |
990959 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In the beginning of XX/XX/XXXX I started to mo... |
889118 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XXXX XXXX, 2017 I started working with XXXX de... |
163 rows × 2 columns
'Credit reporting' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 112 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
490436 | Credit reporting | There is a address for : XXXX XXXX XXXX, MI XX... |
594629 | Credit reporting | both XXXX and XXXX are reporting late payments... |
416318 | Credit reporting | When I bought my home in 2015 the XXXX XXXX co... |
185385 | Credit reporting | Inaccurate info such as home loansinaccurate l... |
744017 | Credit reporting | CFPB indicated that Case number : XXXX was a d... |
... | ... | ... |
224956 | Credit reporting | XXXX is claiming owner ship of my morgage. \nm... |
785989 | Credit reporting | We did a refi with XXXX on XX/XX/2015 did the ... |
776979 | Credit reporting | My credit score is being artificially lowered ... |
302670 | Credit reporting | I applied for a loan with a loan advisor XXXX ... |
439420 | Credit reporting | XXXX XXXX has sent the same letter 2 times to ... |
112 rows × 2 columns
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 156 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
208795 | Consumer Loan | Account : XXXX Contacted Wells Fargo to ask th... |
85943 | Consumer Loan | Wellsfargo financial misapplied my XXXX 2014 p... |
865605 | Consumer Loan | I have been a Penfed Credit Union member over ... |
675275 | Consumer Loan | I applied online for a Home Depot Home Improve... |
134824 | Consumer Loan | On line loan.. Every time I log into the websi... |
... | ... | ... |
112671 | Consumer Loan | I am trying to get a home loan and Nationwide... |
486972 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan with XXXX XXXX in XXXX 2013 ... |
538758 | Consumer Loan | We went through Home Depot 's project loan, re... |
734289 | Consumer Loan | In 1991 my wife and I received a XXXX loan due... |
641654 | Consumer Loan | I had been making many payments towards this l... |
156 rows × 2 columns
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 310 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
812920 | Debt collection | I previously had a second mortgage loan with C... |
856386 | Debt collection | Allied Servicing Corp., whose address is XXXX ... |
119620 | Debt collection | son took out home equity loan, I signed as a g... |
266992 | Debt collection | Nationstar Mortgage is attempting to collect a... |
269565 | Debt collection | I have a loan with Regions which is due on the... |
... | ... | ... |
576438 | Debt collection | On XX/XX/XXXX, I received ( XXXX ) Letters fro... |
801923 | Debt collection | During the loan origination process I requeste... |
112435 | Debt collection | This debt was paid a while back. At that time ... |
253595 | Debt collection | Please see and read the attachments. These can... |
814660 | Debt collection | I contacted Freedom Mortgage in XXXX many time... |
310 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 69 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
43937 | Credit card | On XXXX XXXX 2016 I again received marketing e... |
628801 | Credit card | I am in the process of purchasing a home. A cr... |
74954 | Credit card | In XX/XX/XXXX I opened a HELOC with Citizens B... |
456156 | Credit card | I notified Citibank of a dispute with Home Dep... |
54462 | Credit card | Chase card services, like most financial provi... |
... | ... | ... |
445551 | Credit card | never late with a payment - they just increase... |
645642 | Credit card | I made a {$210.00} dollar payment to my credit... |
130751 | Credit card | I just received a letter from Fifth Third rega... |
626338 | Credit card | To Whom It May Concern : I am writing to file ... |
751797 | Credit card | On XX/XX/2016, my husband drove my son 's XXXX... |
69 rows × 2 columns
'Other financial service' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 9 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
356835 | Other financial service | I asked Wells Fargo if they would accept a Dee... |
547878 | Other financial service | I signed up with Nationwide Biweekly Administr... |
18434 | Other financial service | After purchasing our second home, we were soli... |
376598 | Other financial service | I was referred to Waterstone Mortgage by a rea... |
144492 | Other financial service | wells fargo bank mortgages, forced home owners... |
772801 | Other financial service | nationwide biweekly with drew XXXX from my che... |
783243 | Other financial service | Re : Debt Management Program Discrepancies XXX... |
582354 | Other financial service | RE : CFPB Case number : XXXX On XXXX XXXX, XXX... |
494331 | Other financial service | My wife XXXX and I sold our house in XXXX ( NH... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 192 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
160392 | Bank account or service | Notarized FHA modification documents XXXX time... |
738594 | Bank account or service | I had started a loan modification process with... |
215481 | Bank account or service | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, I attempted to pay my Wells... |
160570 | Bank account or service | To Whom it may concern, I 'm the owner of the ... |
657427 | Bank account or service | XXXX XXXX, 2015 between XXXX-XXXX., I had got ... |
... | ... | ... |
49546 | Bank account or service | I currently am enrolled in Suntrust Billpay. I... |
392834 | Bank account or service | We have a home equity line of credit with US B... |
142571 | Bank account or service | The loan system of TD Bank is very confusing. ... |
157474 | Bank account or service | My mortgage was sold b y Wells Fargo t o this ... |
571624 | Bank account or service | I signed up with Nationwide Biweekly Administr... |
192 rows × 2 columns
'Student loan' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 60 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
269648 | Student loan | I refinanced my student loan with wells fargo ... |
168578 | Student loan | XXXX has not sent me any statements showing my... |
872362 | Student loan | Capitalized interest in the excess of 100k dur... |
214368 | Student loan | After repeated failed attempts to contact Well... |
41583 | Student loan | I feel that I have been making monthly payment... |
144718 | Student loan | To cut down my loan faster, i wanted to do XXX... |
304896 | Student loan | I went from owing {$800.00} ( something ) to o... |
217267 | Student loan | I have been trying to get a XXXX plan with my ... |
801076 | Student loan | Missing {$350.00} in payments to my loans, ple... |
882150 | Student loan | Excess payments are applied toward future paym... |
140202 | Student loan | Keybank National Association has been acceptin... |
547397 | Student loan | Every two months, Wells Fargo loses my online ... |
920747 | Student loan | Forgery of XXXX certificates of my XXXX childr... |
920162 | Student loan | This is my second complaint, since the first w... |
293782 | Student loan | My wife holds a conditional XXXX. She applied ... |
728914 | Student loan | They will not tell me what rate they will give... |
669897 | Student loan | The loan was paid off in XX/XX/XXXX, by me ref... |
946439 | Student loan | A letter dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX from XXXX XXXX ... |
211125 | Student loan | XXXX charges higher interest and I do n't beli... |
358472 | Student loan | On XXXX XXXX, 2015, I was informed by the CFPB... |
161838 | Student loan | XXXX, Direct loans and other companies have co... |
330145 | Student loan | Requesting a full audit, in terms of discrepan... |
76202 | Student loan | So much of my payments go towards interest rat... |
666182 | Student loan | These are regarding my XXXX recent loans with ... |
916683 | Student loan | Wells Fargo has granted a temporary payment re... |
451217 | Student loan | My loan was recently transferred from XXXX XXX... |
818852 | Student loan | The loan was obtained under false pretenses th... |
412739 | Student loan | Constant phone calls when the account rolls pa... |
193271 | Student loan | I am a graduating XXXX student, looking for a ... |
962853 | Student loan | On XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX took our my normal auto... |
98519 | Student loan | My daughter attended XXXX in XXXX several year... |
552541 | Student loan | ok in 2012 my school in XXXX N C XXXX XXXX was... |
888856 | Student loan | I have tried over the past 10 years or more to... |
605582 | Student loan | I had gotten a few months behind on my wells f... |
301211 | Student loan | Force-able collections and predatory lending. ... |
589997 | Student loan | I submitted a complaint through CFPB, Case num... |
875424 | Student loan | I have reached out to XXXX XXXX several times ... |
84683 | Student loan | I was approved for a refinancing of my existin... |
254540 | Student loan | I 've noticed that since I took this loan out,... |
488334 | Student loan | My loan was purchased by Wells Fargo from my o... |
395302 | Student loan | Loan was sold from XXXX to Pioneer Credit. The... |
35196 | Student loan | The current holder of the student loan provide... |
115538 | Student loan | XXXX XXXX fraudulently enrolled me. said th... |
44297 | Student loan | I want a payment I can actually afford. I have... |
114395 | Student loan | First - it took 3 years to consolidate because... |
979100 | Student loan | I never agreed or signed documents for a loan ... |
956024 | Student loan | Currently I have a loan with Wells Fargo; I ha... |
503597 | Student loan | My student loan was moved from XXXX to your UH... |
905194 | Student loan | Loan was sold to another company that is repor... |
866253 | Student loan | In XXXX XXXX, I contacted Sun Trust with respe... |
713314 | Student loan | I have been going through this dispute for an ... |
821532 | Student loan | The website does not allow you to raise the mo... |
643224 | Student loan | I set up a payment plan with them a year ago. ... |
878236 | Student loan | XX/XX/XXXX I send a letter to Naviet requestin... |
646033 | Student loan | They are not applying my payment correctly to ... |
647803 | Student loan | put a large payment down on the loan and asked... |
780792 | Student loan | On XXXX/XXXX/2015 I filed a complaint with CFP... |
390627 | Student loan | I have made two payments in the last month tha... |
219407 | Student loan | I applied for a student loan re-finance with E... |
463281 | Student loan | I graduated from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, 2015. Th... |
'Money transfers' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 11 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
745621 | Money transfers | Claim number XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX This com... |
392721 | Money transfers | Lost $ XXXX down payment due to wire fraud. A ... |
86224 | Money transfers | I was contacted by XXXX, XXXX XXXX, and asked ... |
465294 | Money transfers | I had a home security monitoring service from ... |
431183 | Money transfers | On XXXX XXXX, 2015 I went online and entered t... |
642986 | Money transfers | It all started with buying a condo. It 's my f... |
568942 | Money transfers | This is a complaint against PayPal Credit for ... |
597790 | Money transfers | I wired Wells Fargo a large sum of money to at... |
537826 | Money transfers | I took out a mortgage in XXXX 2015 and in XXXX... |
9486 | Money transfers | We XXXX bought a timeshare while on our honeym... |
37452 | Money transfers | I am writing about a wire transfer fraud issue... |
'Payday loan' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 22 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
588376 | Payday loan | I went in to make a partial payment to pay dow... |
44857 | Payday loan | The lender, or the lender 's collection, keeps... |
774369 | Payday loan | I took out an outrageous high interest loan wi... |
26073 | Payday loan | This where I draw the line these folks knew I ... |
285489 | Payday loan | the lender removed money from a bank account i... |
753252 | Payday loan | Lender is not updating my loan status in the V... |
67698 | Payday loan | I apply for a Loan with no interest for XXXX m... |
207450 | Payday loan | Lender contacts for payment BEFORE the loan pa... |
360973 | Payday loan | I have stop payment on Lend Green due to findi... |
706127 | Payday loan | Credit Shop said my interest rate was 32.25 %.... |
204513 | Payday loan | Generally, they will draft all the interest pa... |
512237 | Payday loan | Lender WLCC XXXX/DBA Arrowhead Advance is char... |
784245 | Payday loan | missed second payment sent email and called tr... |
620126 | Payday loan | Received an email from XXXXXXXXXXXX stating th... |
184629 | Payday loan | I barrowed {$800.00} dollars, they said there ... |
647839 | Payday loan | The company 's website does not give a clear c... |
234456 | Payday loan | On XX/XX/XXXX, I received a call from a mediat... |
211035 | Payday loan | In XXXX my husband got a probate cash advance ... |
228590 | Payday loan | I am with XXXX. We are closing down the bank a... |
330945 | Payday loan | I APPLIED FOR A LOAN WITH WHOM I THOUGH WAS US... |
488551 | Payday loan | I applayed for Loan on internet the amount I a... |
495345 | Payday loan | Hello my name is XXXX XXXX and I wanted to fil... |
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 15 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
916542 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I am trying to recover the rest of my money th... |
1009251 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XX/XX/XXXX, Wells Fargo received a payment ... |
1006093 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | First of all I would like to make it clear who... |
910680 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I purchased 2 money orders from western union.... |
972897 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX XXXX Clerk of Court RM:XXXX United S... |
954326 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | The year XXXX I met with several brokers and b... |
930268 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX sent me a check for XX... |
270291 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX where I... |
283019 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | For more than 200 years, Chase has been one of... |
810977 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Currently my wife and I are in the process of ... |
993421 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I was issued a check from my mortgage company ... |
936127 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My mortgage payments have been scheduled to be... |
799215 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) had a ho... |
896505 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My complaint is with M & T and their lack of c... |
990690 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | The Department of Veterans Affairs, and/or one... |
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 196 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
916812 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | For the month of XX/XX/XXXX I was behind on my... |
935237 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Experian continues to let XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ... |
923422 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | my mortgage account with XXXX Mortgage shows a... |
894676 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Dear CFPB. I am really disappointed with the r... |
1009163 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | My credit report is showing that I was late on... |
... | ... | ... |
846742 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | To whom i t may concern : The following inform... |
366039 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | OK so I have file to complain and try to get p... |
270261 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | My husband and I received a letter on XXXX ... |
846508 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | IN REGARDS TO: XXXX XXXX XXXX 1XXXX XXXX XXXX ... |
1010544 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX, is reporting that my mortgage loan with ... |
196 rows × 2 columns
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 41 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
930407 | Checking or savings account | well as you shouold know by now, i state that ... |
1022569 | Checking or savings account | On XX/XX/ I made an online Bill pay through my... |
951649 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX XXXX, 2017 I wrote a complaint to you ... |
884179 | Checking or savings account | I have requested the documentation regarding a... |
951349 | Checking or savings account | OnXX/XX/XXXX, I and XXXX, where I am a XXXX XX... |
803225 | Checking or savings account | I had an automatic payment from my Bank of Ame... |
870966 | Checking or savings account | I need Bank of America too send the right amou... |
851847 | Checking or savings account | See original complaint XXXX about MUFG UNION... |
849918 | Checking or savings account | Wells Fargo is not disclosing my pay informati... |
949941 | Checking or savings account | e-mail toXXXX XXXX XXXX Ma'am,\n\nDid I or did... |
941797 | Checking or savings account | My name is XXXX XXXX and I am a XXXX XXXX with... |
949488 | Checking or savings account | My mother XXXX away XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Her name ... |
1004179 | Checking or savings account | On XX/XX/2017, I intended to make an on-line p... |
983246 | Checking or savings account | I made a mortgage payment on XX/XX/XXXX for {$... |
978849 | Checking or savings account | The letter explains to the best of my ability ... |
903566 | Checking or savings account | In XXXX, XXXX, XXXX of 2014 we paid our mortga... |
925253 | Checking or savings account | I need you to send XXXX my updated transaction... |
269778 | Checking or savings account | Wells Fargo, whom I contacted by phon e 4-5 ti... |
882051 | Checking or savings account | I hereby ACCEPT the Oath of all Agencies, prin... |
926987 | Checking or savings account | Bank of America strikes again. \n\nToday Bank ... |
285702 | Checking or savings account | XXXX and XXXX are two of the most recent clai... |
1015373 | Checking or savings account | On XX/XX/XXXX, Bank of America process a mortg... |
931186 | Checking or savings account | Toward the end of XXXX I received a letter fro... |
934489 | Checking or savings account | They will not let me close my bank account. \n... |
947330 | Checking or savings account | Dear Sir/Madam, I 'm very frustrated with Inve... |
271495 | Checking or savings account | Someone who always responded to the cfpb throu... |
971613 | Checking or savings account | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, 2017 Fifth Third Bank Off... |
803265 | Checking or savings account | This is a follow up to my first complaint that... |
833076 | Checking or savings account | NEW COMPLAINT : No credit of refund of XXXX ... |
953498 | Checking or savings account | BB & T has done ti to me again now they are XX... |
1005613 | Checking or savings account | Wells Fargo reported me to XXXX XXXX XXXX and ... |
286391 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX XXXX , 2017 {$490.00} was transfe... |
935561 | Checking or savings account | My name is XXXX XXXX and I am a XXXX XXXX with... |
811913 | Checking or savings account | I have a company-sponsored 401 ( k ) at Wells ... |
799147 | Checking or savings account | My card was stolen from my mailbox and used to... |
268809 | Checking or savings account | In XXXX XXXX , we obtained a mortgage loa... |
950763 | Checking or savings account | I recently seperated from my husband of 30 yrs... |
923789 | Checking or savings account | I applied for a hardship withdrawal from my XX... |
1019243 | Checking or savings account | I scheduled two payments to be made by Wells F... |
838073 | Checking or savings account | I received letters from the risk management de... |
814003 | Checking or savings account | My brother recently passed away without a will... |
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 37 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
949698 | Vehicle loan or lease | My payment was {$540.00} a month was never lat... |
946946 | Vehicle loan or lease | If you make payments online the website consta... |
903747 | Vehicle loan or lease | Purchased car XXXX XXXX, 2017. Received first ... |
991606 | Vehicle loan or lease | My Boat loan is through Citizens Bank of XXXX ... |
285380 | Vehicle loan or lease | I contacted M & T Bank on numerous occasions o... |
865971 | Vehicle loan or lease | My problem is best described by 3 things. High... |
1002953 | Vehicle loan or lease | In early XX/XX/XXXX I began the process to ref... |
934717 | Vehicle loan or lease | We refinanced our vehicles in XX/XX/XXXX. We s... |
1004368 | Vehicle loan or lease | Two payments were taken out of my account when... |
1006617 | Vehicle loan or lease | Greetings : I have been paying Wells Fargo Dea... |
863943 | Vehicle loan or lease | I received a pre-qualification letter stating ... |
938255 | Vehicle loan or lease | This is a follow-up to complaint XXXX. \n\nI a... |
1010909 | Vehicle loan or lease | I have an automobile loan and they took an ext... |
805055 | Vehicle loan or lease | I currently have an auto loan with BB & T and ... |
964459 | Vehicle loan or lease | Hello, Yes, I took out a loan with HSBC back i... |
906261 | Vehicle loan or lease | The short version of my complaint is that I fi... |
800976 | Vehicle loan or lease | On XXXX I called Suntrust Bank to try to ge... |
846100 | Vehicle loan or lease | In XXXX wells Fargo charged my account o... |
863065 | Vehicle loan or lease | A request for a lien release was faxed into Ca... |
842125 | Vehicle loan or lease | I have had a recurring iss ue with BB & T re v... |
901952 | Vehicle loan or lease | On XX/XX/XXXX i traded my vehicle in at XXXX X... |
988485 | Vehicle loan or lease | In XX/XX/XXXX, I paid my bill twice by mistake... |
828058 | Vehicle loan or lease | We switched car insurance companies years ago.... |
867579 | Vehicle loan or lease | Around XX/XX/XXXX, I received a call American ... |
963000 | Vehicle loan or lease | On XX/XX/XXXX, my husband and I were subjected... |
852629 | Vehicle loan or lease | On or about XX/XX/XXXX , I took out a personal... |
889673 | Vehicle loan or lease | Paid off loan in XXXX -- Have not received the... |
854959 | Vehicle loan or lease | Loan was sold from original lender to 1RST Inv... |
273649 | Vehicle loan or lease | I made all of the payments required on the loa... |
1001944 | Vehicle loan or lease | I AGAIN have to resubmit a complaint regarding... |
913983 | Vehicle loan or lease | My account has been sold to a company, I did n... |
1019676 | Vehicle loan or lease | XXXX XXXX XXXX continues to report incorrect t... |
868903 | Vehicle loan or lease | I purchased a house that closed on X/X/17. My ... |
808337 | Vehicle loan or lease | the dates XX/XX/XXXX thru XX/XX/XXXX amounts u... |
904850 | Vehicle loan or lease | My lease is through US Bank and my complaint p... |
717267 | Vehicle loan or lease | We have a XXXX XXXX XXXX financed with Fifth T... |
83111 | Vehicle loan or lease | I received a letter from XXXX XXXX stating I w... |
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 17 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
867912 | Credit card or prepaid card | I paid for XXXX in a payment in full of balanc... |
273094 | Credit card or prepaid card | Capitol one to ld me on Saturday XXXX at aro... |
283917 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have never been 30 days late ever and chase ... |
846317 | Credit card or prepaid card | When we applied for the account they asked whe... |
936221 | Credit card or prepaid card | Last month 's statement had a note stating tha... |
917676 | Credit card or prepaid card | My due date was on a Sunday ( XX/XX/17 during ... |
1020268 | Credit card or prepaid card | I Purchased a new roof for my home from XXXX '... |
1016723 | Credit card or prepaid card | I received a misleading email making it seem l... |
876537 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX, we had been pressured into the ... |
958172 | Credit card or prepaid card | This is additional information, copies of invo... |
866054 | Credit card or prepaid card | Wells Fargo discontinued the Nevada Unemploym... |
1010666 | Credit card or prepaid card | Re : erroneous item FIRST NATIONAL BANK # XXXX... |
267736 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX, I received a credit card offer ... |
1020959 | Credit card or prepaid card | Within the past week some Wells Fargo employee... |
889410 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX, 2017 I made a payment via the IV... |
969405 | Credit card or prepaid card | complaint is the exact same thing as my origin... |
260902 | Credit card or prepaid card | I tried to setup auto pay several times on Ban... |
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Mortgage' : 47 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
851163 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I called XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) b... |
258414 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I took out a loan with XXXX XXXX XXXX ... |
951513 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Hello, I will keep this short and sweet. XXXX ... |
832793 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX call in to mariner finance of va XX... |
957289 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This summer in XXXX, N.C. I purchased a new mo... |
949485 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I had a WELLS LOC that was unjustly canceled i... |
869613 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I paid down my home equity line of credit to X... |
261584 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This complaint is in relation to my previous c... |
266721 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I went to my local Wells Fargo branch to revie... |
1000418 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XXXX XXXX XXXX is my lender for solar panels i... |
996598 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I called boa several times to try and get my h... |
851510 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | this loan company is sending me preapproved lo... |
960985 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I opened a Revolving Line ... |
1016061 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | The loan was a HELOC with XXXX XXXX made on th... |
811133 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I am enrolled in the XXXX XXXX upgrade program... |
978073 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In XXXX XXXX 1990 I 've purchase a mobile home... |
272676 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | First of all, when I got this personal loan ( ... |
826459 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | After being told I had to provide ACH authoriz... |
819519 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In XXXX , Beneficial added more debt- They ju... |
1001831 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I obtained loans through XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX X... |
871795 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I applied for the loan and was approved for XX... |
1011714 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Sorry for the delay but CFPB must see the " sh... |
936769 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have had a personal loan for several years. ... |
852024 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have a mortgage with Wells Fargo since 1996,... |
992395 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I bought my 3-unit house back on XX/XX/XXXXwit... |
993779 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Since DLC did not respond to my complaint inst... |
973609 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In XXXX XXXX I took out a title loan in XXXX C... |
800620 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In XXXX XXXX a request for validation of... |
103528 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | My monthly payment has been 1 percent since ... |
977112 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I applied for and received an unsecured person... |
925155 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | bank is overcharging and changing the terms of... |
267945 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | We received a confirmation letter on XXXX / X... |
956218 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I applied for a home equity ... |
272272 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX / XXXX / 2016 I received a title loa... |
903452 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | For the past four months they are not supplyin... |
257322 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I need your assistance to resolve an issue wit... |
851850 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Chase g ave me a Tax Year XX/XX/XXXX Form ... |
922422 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX we were given a payoff amount that acc... |
950152 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Submitted an application for Personal Loan at ... |
934774 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I purchased a home in XXXX of XXXX. I found th... |
943288 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | My parents were attempting to purchase a manuf... |
271336 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XXXX XXXX XXXX gave me an up front paymen... |
1005901 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On a {$1500.00} loan that originated in XX/XX/... |
833466 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This company is taking 23 % of my paycheck. It... |
828264 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In Early XX/XX/XXXX I contacted pci to discuss... |
841354 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Please See Attached letter and documentation ... |
986783 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Due to the XXXX of my father I had to take a c... |
'Credit reporting' predicted as 'Credit card' : 129 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
11650 | Credit reporting | I have never had a XXXX account and it is show... |
361434 | Credit reporting | There is a credit card listed on my credit rep... |
675396 | Credit reporting | Discover credit card never issued me a stateme... |
694998 | Credit reporting | Ex boyfriend used my rewards card and never pa... |
775382 | Credit reporting | I was listed as an authorized user the account... |
... | ... | ... |
51576 | Credit reporting | My credit score randomly dropped XXXX points a... |
755313 | Credit reporting | my credit is wrong i never had a credit card o... |
606835 | Credit reporting | On my Equifax Credit Report they have displayi... |
158860 | Credit reporting | On XX/XX/XXXX Barclay Card US : Incorrectly pl... |
333887 | Credit reporting | This reported item was a duplicated sent print... |
129 rows × 2 columns
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Credit card' : 126 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
464809 | Consumer Loan | Audi/VW Financial has stopped sending monthly ... |
907356 | Consumer Loan | I attempted to make a payment arrangement with... |
154 | Consumer Loan | I received dental procedures and the office ma... |
522275 | Consumer Loan | I have been receiving paper statements for my ... |
485009 | Consumer Loan | I was issued a credit card by First National B... |
... | ... | ... |
342320 | Consumer Loan | I have been an American Express customer since... |
769380 | Consumer Loan | I was unable to work due to health problems an... |
718524 | Consumer Loan | I have used PayPal Credit on line for a few pu... |
665233 | Consumer Loan | I requested that Home Depot XXXX provide me wi... |
633937 | Consumer Loan | This complaint relates to a promotional balanc... |
126 rows × 2 columns
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Credit card' : 242 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
471351 | Debt collection | For the last three weeks I have been getting l... |
827541 | Debt collection | I previously had XXXX car insurance and when s... |
370325 | Debt collection | My JCPenney account has been frozen, I am bein... |
620832 | Debt collection | I had credit card HSBC account that was buy by... |
593801 | Debt collection | I had a Wal-mart credit card and reported it a... |
... | ... | ... |
62738 | Debt collection | I recently requested a copy of my annual credi... |
669834 | Debt collection | I had credit card XXXX account that was buy by... |
8059 | Debt collection | I requested for a monthly statement from XXXX ... |
582185 | Debt collection | XXXX XXXX XXXX began taking automatic payments... |
243676 | Debt collection | The Discover Card Company issued me a credit c... |
242 rows × 2 columns
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Credit card' : 35 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
728650 | Mortgage | The payment system Fay Servicing has put in pl... |
870960 | Mortgage | I received a promotional offer from Fifth Thir... |
493101 | Mortgage | Our Bank of America account XXXX reported a ch... |
472389 | Mortgage | I am writing this letter in an effort to remov... |
588654 | Mortgage | In response to filing a complaint with the CFP... |
618932 | Mortgage | I made two payments in XXXX the first was take... |
496013 | Mortgage | On XXXX/XXXX/16 I sent Chase a certified lette... |
272883 | Mortgage | While talking to a mortga ge specialist on the... |
471188 | Mortgage | I need to know what credit scores citi wants b... |
445357 | Mortgage | I have made monthly recurring payments, in exc... |
324480 | Mortgage | On XXXX/XXXX/2016, I called First National 's ... |
88561 | Mortgage | payment sent out on XXXX XXXX, 2015 not credit... |
628929 | Mortgage | Nationwide is raising my interest rate above t... |
229958 | Mortgage | I believe Fifth Third Bank if overcharging me ... |
677941 | Mortgage | On the response and Transaction statement you ... |
335068 | Mortgage | I 've been involved with several complaints ag... |
269634 | Mortgage | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
6338 | Mortgage | Due to our payment due date ( XXXX XXXX, 2015 ... |
538421 | Mortgage | In XX/XX/2016 suddenly I was assessed {$7400.0... |
569021 | Mortgage | RoundPoint Servicing employs fear mongering to... |
855050 | Mortgage | I am writing to you about a matter that has ca... |
655787 | Mortgage | I was charged late fees by my mortgage company... |
247572 | Mortgage | Hi Chase is harassing me for a payment that I ... |
432589 | Mortgage | Bank of America charging me for late payments ... |
561488 | Mortgage | requested credit report from XXXX on XXXX/XXXX... |
854836 | Mortgage | Bank of america is not acting in good faith, a... |
518198 | Mortgage | XXXX I had to file a personal bankruptcy ( due... |
580579 | Mortgage | XXXX NMLS # XXXX charged our credit card {$450... |
976719 | Mortgage | I just wont to fallow up on my complaint 's I ... |
618095 | Mortgage | This morning I called my credit union, Navy Fe... |
763411 | Mortgage | I have a HELOC account with Citibank since XX/... |
645602 | Mortgage | I am a widow, unemployed and XXXX. My husband ... |
399521 | Mortgage | Applied for a Bank of America home equity loan... |
208548 | Mortgage | XXXX issues:1. My XXXX payment was made on XXX... |
678228 | Mortgage | Regions Bank turned down my XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Credit card' : 294 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
5597 | Bank account or service | visited bank to requested a voided check and w... |
776117 | Bank account or service | some bank credit cards have very complex incom... |
746098 | Bank account or service | A Discover Card rep told me he cancelled a pay... |
228037 | Bank account or service | About a month ago, a XXXX analyst from M & T c... |
116331 | Bank account or service | I had an account with PayPal ( PayPal XXXX, XX... |
... | ... | ... |
700620 | Bank account or service | According to the Bank of America FICO score re... |
393948 | Bank account or service | BANK OF AMERICA CHARGING ME FOR AN ADVANAGE AC... |
147622 | Bank account or service | I have a credit card with 5th 3rd Bank on XXXX... |
391428 | Bank account or service | In XXXX XXXX, I found my credit score dropped ... |
56072 | Bank account or service | Hello, I use to have an account with Capital O... |
294 rows × 2 columns
'Student loan' predicted as 'Credit card' : 14 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
962911 | Student loan | This is my second complaint against my loan se... |
876045 | Student loan | I will be looking for any other outlets I can ... |
249954 | Student loan | They have repeatedly advanced my due date when... |
272826 | Student loan | I have been paying monthly on my account I got... |
210347 | Student loan | Well Fargo, where I have a private student loa... |
395721 | Student loan | I believe I was scammed by XXXX in their pract... |
467193 | Student loan | In a previous compliant, Navient stated I did ... |
65074 | Student loan | I called to adjust my auto payment so that it ... |
994614 | Student loan | Wells Fargo Private Student loan contacted me ... |
990115 | Student loan | I normally pay my Discover Student Loans onlin... |
671505 | Student loan | There was a fraudulent late fee added to month... |
989571 | Student loan | I got the loan put on my credit card even thou... |
793275 | Student loan | I recently requested a copy of my credit repor... |
712546 | Student loan | I spoke with a representative on XXXX XXXX, 20... |
'Money transfers' predicted as 'Credit card' : 26 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
473511 | Money transfers | Moneygram refused to release emergency funds f... |
142664 | Money transfers | I did a money transfer through Western Union. ... |
309620 | Money transfers | Overview : I have been dealing with debt due t... |
24917 | Money transfers | I had made a payment to my credit card account... |
392342 | Money transfers | I was sold patio furniture by XXXX and I find ... |
58034 | Money transfers | PayPal charged me late fees for missing a paym... |
431676 | Money transfers | PayPal requires users to link a bank account t... |
358753 | Money transfers | I entered into an agreement with a virtual acc... |
52958 | Money transfers | PayPal enrolled me in PayPal Credit without me... |
178358 | Money transfers | I submitted a ad on XXXX for a XXXX ticket tha... |
342083 | Money transfers | I purchased a used XXXX on ebay. I 've made hu... |
410942 | Money transfers | XXXX had technical issues and was send the req... |
285289 | Money transfers | I have now and have had an account with Paypal... |
218351 | Money transfers | Paypal did not notify me in advance that I wou... |
367631 | Money transfers | A customer initiated a chargeback through thei... |
667144 | Money transfers | my issue is with paypal credit. 1 ) I do not g... |
577920 | Money transfers | I got a call from a XXXX XXXX in XXXX, 2014, t... |
27976 | Money transfers | Western union failed to say that if i use a cr... |
612029 | Money transfers | I signed up for a free Paypal account and nowh... |
909649 | Money transfers | I have a paypal credit account, which used to ... |
18746 | Money transfers | On XXXX XXXX, 2015 I transacted with an organi... |
673680 | Money transfers | I have received around {$800.00} in overdraft ... |
239697 | Money transfers | Pay pall closed my account after I confirmed m... |
583893 | Money transfers | Paypal tried to collect a fraudulent charge fr... |
705902 | Money transfers | I payed XXXX XXXX on XXXX and revived an confo... |
311092 | Money transfers | My credit limit is {$11000.00}. I want balance... |
'Prepaid card' predicted as 'Credit card' : 52 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
496908 | Prepaid card | I purchased an item from an online retailer us... |
985 | Prepaid card | US Bank Corp denied me the ability to rescind ... |
622051 | Prepaid card | PayPower has failed to provide credit. Case nu... |
564885 | Prepaid card | The expiration date on a pre-paid card in my n... |
204291 | Prepaid card | ON XXXX XXXX, 2016 @ XXXX XXXX MY AMERICAN EXP... |
589243 | Prepaid card | My card was fraudulently used for over XXXX wo... |
774082 | Prepaid card | I am a XXXX recipient and my monthly payment g... |
197059 | Prepaid card | I have several Savings, Checking, Trust accoun... |
467011 | Prepaid card | XX/XX/XXXX I had used pay pal to purchase an i... |
633490 | Prepaid card | US Bank National Association dba XXXX XXXX XXX... |
260384 | Prepaid card | After an initial complaint regarding an unauth... |
658332 | Prepaid card | I misplaced a rebate card issued by Citi for t... |
588290 | Prepaid card | During a recent audit of my account, I discove... |
414280 | Prepaid card | On XXXX/XXXX/2015 as soon as my Social Securit... |
780849 | Prepaid card | Over the XXXX holiday, American Express made d... |
16092 | Prepaid card | Citi 's online form for transferring funds to ... |
198024 | Prepaid card | I purchased XXXX giftcards together valuing ap... |
785537 | Prepaid card | On XXXX/XXXX/2015 am authorized transaction of... |
409505 | Prepaid card | Received an un-solicited card in the mail. Cou... |
95751 | Prepaid card | A Friend of mine gave me this Debit Master Car... |
536462 | Prepaid card | On XX/XX/2014, I paid a bill over the phone fo... |
490965 | Prepaid card | I am in the process of rebuilding my credit af... |
503935 | Prepaid card | I ca n't get my money of my card even when it ... |
291730 | Prepaid card | I requested account closure via XXXX mail XXXX... |
343345 | Prepaid card | I 've complained before about these rebate/rew... |
788932 | Prepaid card | I opened up a secure credit card after my rece... |
777637 | Prepaid card | I receive a monthly social security benefit ch... |
497657 | Prepaid card | I have XXXX MasterCard gift cards bought in XX... |
724250 | Prepaid card | This is a pre-paid Travelex Mastercard which w... |
8665 | Prepaid card | I was offered a pre-paid card from Continental... |
533635 | Prepaid card | I had a REDcard acct that I only used at XXXX ... |
551453 | Prepaid card | Irecieved a consumer credit report claiming I ... |
54949 | Prepaid card | XX/XX/XXXX : Discovered multiple charges on my... |
197614 | Prepaid card | As a reward from XXXX, I got a prepaid Visa ca... |
628001 | Prepaid card | Dear American Express Representative or To Who... |
103092 | Prepaid card | Consumer Financial Protection Board Complaint ... |
142436 | Prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX and XXXX over XXXX fraudulent tra... |
781757 | Prepaid card | I applied and received a secured credit card f... |
332721 | Prepaid card | i discovered a card that had expired and was n... |
36389 | Prepaid card | They add fees to this account |
443957 | Prepaid card | I bought XXXX XXXX gift cards issued by U.S. B... |
237182 | Prepaid card | Chase Bank has a card called XXXX I applied an... |
379417 | Prepaid card | I have American Express Serve card. They give ... |
48253 | Prepaid card | Regarding American Express PASS card. I had se... |
677544 | Prepaid card | I enrolled in American Express has premier shi... |
716661 | Prepaid card | I went to get gas and the card declined so I w... |
777994 | Prepaid card | I ca n't believe a system upgrade on XXXX XXXX... |
619266 | Prepaid card | I use a prepaid American Express bluebird card... |
320907 | Prepaid card | On the WV Unemployment card through Key Bank w... |
555198 | Prepaid card | There were XXXX unauthorized transactions on m... |
154372 | Prepaid card | First progress ( FP ) a prepaid credit card co... |
788021 | Prepaid card | Hi, I have been a serve member for a little bi... |
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Credit card' : 16 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
984752 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | PayPal charged my credit card {$150.00} for di... |
853685 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | About a week ago, I contacted Paypal about my ... |
873429 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | ISSUE 1 : PayPal Credit account was opened wit... |
939810 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XX/XX/XXXX 2016 I went on XXXX to pay a ven... |
873304 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I am trying to use XXXX XXXX with the card tha... |
486216 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Please see the attached complaint made to the ... |
922177 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | We have a sellers account with e-bay and when ... |
957794 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XX/XX/XXXX i attempted to use my paypal cre... |
979287 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Could not integrate capital one account to XXX... |
964923 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My complaint is about Paypal. I have had an ac... |
985289 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I have been Complaining about a refund from go... |
851300 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I have solo professional practice. On XXXX ... |
843782 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | PayPal Credit offe rs both standard and deferr... |
989028 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My credit card account was hacked and used to ... |
923740 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | contacted citi bank about a email i got on XXX... |
811228 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I 've made investments with a company thinking... |
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Credit card' : 163 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
946586 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Capital one was notified by me about 2 cards I... |
1019091 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Capital One incorrectly and unfairly reported ... |
962865 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | My Sears Credit Card, issued by Citibank North... |
797576 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Capital one said they would remove late paymen... |
804250 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XX/XX/2017 Creditor tagged my consumer repo... |
... | ... | ... |
944344 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | My credit score is XXXX I have a savings/check... |
866638 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Capital One has not updated information to XXX... |
997558 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I 'm divorced and should n't be on a Discover ... |
271629 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I have XXXX credit cards wit h Chase and whe... |
109781 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Citibank t o refund {$700.00} XXXX to credit... |
163 rows × 2 columns
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Credit card' : 30 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1011732 | Checking or savings account | I was not allowed to link my account to an onl... |
905986 | Checking or savings account | THIS HAS BEEN A CONSISTENT PROBLEM WITH BANK O... |
938904 | Checking or savings account | XXXX switched to a new website on the weekend ... |
906511 | Checking or savings account | I received a letter from wellsfargo that I had... |
983045 | Checking or savings account | no knowledge of the late fee charge |
904890 | Checking or savings account | Bank of america account was hacked in the amou... |
875958 | Checking or savings account | This is a response to USAA 's explanation of C... |
1013086 | Checking or savings account | I have been trying to dispute transactions I m... |
809378 | Checking or savings account | I had checking account with Chase since 2013. ... |
894628 | Checking or savings account | I did n't receive my cash advance |
876900 | Checking or savings account | I went online to download 7 years of transacti... |
916085 | Checking or savings account | I purchased a preorder pair of headphone for {... |
853126 | Checking or savings account | Fradulant charges on account and tax return us... |
838550 | Checking or savings account | Paypal allowed a fraudulent charge to occur on... |
980629 | Checking or savings account | I want CapitalOne to enable me to share my fin... |
939643 | Checking or savings account | I entered into an agreement with Citibank for ... |
863752 | Checking or savings account | The politically, recklessly and knowingly '' c... |
967368 | Checking or savings account | 1.CHASE CHECKING XXXX VIOLATED CONTRACT WITH X... |
961746 | Checking or savings account | I contacted Citibank via their online chat fun... |
923576 | Checking or savings account | My husband and I visited XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXX... |
90248 | Checking or savings account | XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX... |
269904 | Checking or savings account | I noticed that WF is charging me a {$12.00} a ... |
114769 | Checking or savings account | XXXX XXXX i lost my chase credit card at my... |
948518 | Checking or savings account | I requested a Bill Payment from the Wells Farg... |
969252 | Checking or savings account | I purchased a product for a trial period and a... |
953528 | Checking or savings account | In XXXX XXXX, I gave stop payment instructions... |
821746 | Checking or savings account | Discover Bank Complaint CFPB # XXXX Over two m... |
864231 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX - XXXX -17 I paid my capital one cred... |
914282 | Checking or savings account | Hello, I 've been a customer of capital one fo... |
929654 | Checking or savings account | We ( XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX ) experienced a v... |
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Credit card' : 1356 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
920734 | Credit card or prepaid card | I 've had a XXXX account with Bank of America ... |
908812 | Credit card or prepaid card | I applied and was approved for a fidelity cred... |
1007905 | Credit card or prepaid card | I 'm writing today regarding capital One who i... |
930111 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX, 2017, I decided to apply for a n... |
932127 | Credit card or prepaid card | Transaction XXXX/XXXX/XXXX posting XXXX/XXXX/X... |
... | ... | ... |
922786 | Credit card or prepaid card | I purchased a pair of shoes and the wrong pair... |
906438 | Credit card or prepaid card | Re : Citibank Credit Acct. ending in XXXX Hell... |
898285 | Credit card or prepaid card | We have been with Comenity Bank Total Rewards ... |
966141 | Credit card or prepaid card | went to use my Chase/XXXX credit card and foun... |
898484 | Credit card or prepaid card | I contacted aAdvantage in regards to late fees... |
1356 rows × 2 columns
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Credit card' : 13 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
936622 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In XXXX 2017 I purchased a treadmill from XXXX... |
884218 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I was offered credit to purchase a pet at XXXX... |
944766 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | BBVA Compass advertises its Online Banking eve... |
814301 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I applied for a home improvement loan over the... |
904727 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX I cosigned a CareCredit account ... |
876830 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | After granting my Lowes consumer credit card a... |
855786 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Home equity line of credit. XXXX paid off ... |
897417 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Please see attached Companies that took part i... |
956621 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I received a late fee that was supposed to be ... |
945083 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XXXX last year I got an XXXX and I enroll in t... |
283511 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | PNC bank has charged me a late fee on several... |
271729 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I had a Chase Cr edit card in XXXX and it b... |
977175 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Consumer financial protection bureau I applied... |
'Credit reporting' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 30 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
909146 | Credit reporting | Bank of America sent me XXXX credit card offer... |
77378 | Credit reporting | I addressed fraudulent activity on my account ... |
2733 | Credit reporting | I have attempted to fax the number I was given... |
281722 | Credit reporting | I have attempted to open bank accounts at XXXX... |
609910 | Credit reporting | I was denied for bank account/savings account ... |
499347 | Credit reporting | BOA are the frauds, theives. I have no idea wh... |
134887 | Credit reporting | The company is Chess systems I 'm being denied... |
145161 | Credit reporting | I tried to open an HSA ( Health Savings Accoun... |
244550 | Credit reporting | Navy Federal Credit Union made a mistake on my... |
106527 | Credit reporting | I paid off a fee owed to my bank last year and... |
630115 | Credit reporting | Describe what happened so we can understand th... |
741184 | Credit reporting | I 've only received emails from XXXX different... |
700676 | Credit reporting | Stole my identity through fake emails |
475854 | Credit reporting | XXXX XXXX XXXX bank issued an unauthorized cre... |
565908 | Credit reporting | I tried to cash my WV XXXX tax refund ( {$97.0... |
471438 | Credit reporting | On XXXX/XXXX/2015, I utilized the trial member... |
376920 | Credit reporting | Years ago I had someone purchase a car with a ... |
724170 | Credit reporting | After paying an initial XXXX dollar for my " f... |
84147 | Credit reporting | Denies that i have any bank accounts and has n... |
900192 | Credit reporting | You are inaccurately and incompletely furnishi... |
714387 | Credit reporting | I was enrolled in Citi IdentifyMonitor without... |
755712 | Credit reporting | I had an account with XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ),... |
479900 | Credit reporting | I was CLOSING my XXXX checking account in XXXX... |
462158 | Credit reporting | An employee named XXXX XXXX, who is an employe... |
516769 | Credit reporting | I have had constant issues with the company Te... |
784342 | Credit reporting | On or about XXXX/XXXX/16, I wrote a check to r... |
431901 | Credit reporting | I received a letter from Trans Union stating t... |
329810 | Credit reporting | i WAS TRICKED INTO USING WATCH-GUARD PREFERRED... |
136656 | Credit reporting | I have been trying to communicate with XXXX an... |
495861 | Credit reporting | I want that charge off amount of {$300.00} to ... |
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 76 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
676940 | Consumer Loan | In early XXXX 2015, I entered Compass Bank to ... |
559858 | Consumer Loan | Synchrony Bank closed XXXX of my accounts with... |
696259 | Consumer Loan | lendind club do n't let us pay off our debt us... |
100706 | Consumer Loan | This account originated with Wachovia Bank. At... |
178406 | Consumer Loan | Line of credit loan. Will not or can not send ... |
... | ... | ... |
574687 | Consumer Loan | TD Bank consistently applies my payment signif... |
253700 | Consumer Loan | Company took out an ACH without my authorizati... |
410757 | Consumer Loan | the " loan '' was induced by fraud. As there w... |
749331 | Consumer Loan | The first occurrence was XXXX XXXX, 2015 in th... |
765255 | Consumer Loan | XXXX XXXX XXXX poses as a lender who lend mone... |
76 rows × 2 columns
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 72 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
645840 | Debt collection | I have mailed a validation letter requesting t... |
811086 | Debt collection | XX/XX/XXXX18 {$10.00} and then overdraft fees ... |
934644 | Debt collection | In XXXX of XXXX I stayed in XXXX where I was c... |
204147 | Debt collection | XX/XX/2015 I filed a chargeback with Chase ban... |
965169 | Debt collection | My name is XXXX XXXX, XXXX : XXXX. My account ... |
... | ... | ... |
766607 | Debt collection | VRS debited checking account without approval ... |
35922 | Debt collection | I had a collection account at XXXX XXXX XXXX t... |
787190 | Debt collection | Wells fargo is trayin to make me Pay for a che... |
587237 | Debt collection | XX/XX/2016 we closed a checking account at XXX... |
661405 | Debt collection | I disputed this debt with XXXX because I do no... |
72 rows × 2 columns
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 72 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
867235 | Mortgage | I have money form my property that was sent to... |
59955 | Mortgage | I am told I will hear for bank of america and ... |
104412 | Mortgage | After I enrolled in automatic debit for monthl... |
801054 | Mortgage | XXXX XXXX added fees to my account that were e... |
490598 | Mortgage | On XX/XX/XXXX, I received a XXXX notice from t... |
... | ... | ... |
824228 | Mortgage | I am still having a problem with Bank of Ameri... |
448233 | Mortgage | I am a small business owner. AIMLOAN requested... |
301546 | Mortgage | Wells Fargo Bank received and deposited insura... |
447680 | Mortgage | Bank of America is holding {$12.00} XXXX attac... |
292478 | Mortgage | Claims to have not received a payment but I ha... |
72 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 215 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
737935 | Credit card | The company has charged us a " Customer Report... |
433936 | Credit card | My identity from my bank account had been jeop... |
102469 | Credit card | This is formal complaint to express my disappo... |
553199 | Credit card | I was unknowingly signed up for a paypal line ... |
289312 | Credit card | this is my second inquiry. I have been with us... |
... | ... | ... |
590662 | Credit card | My concerns involve my Citibank credit card. W... |
451738 | Credit card | Bank of America did not properly and thoroughl... |
576096 | Credit card | Wells Fargo Credit Card division overcharged m... |
427897 | Credit card | barclaycard locked me out of my account this m... |
89770 | Credit card | I entered a Debt Settlement Program under the ... |
215 rows × 2 columns
'Other financial service' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 13 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
654396 | Other financial service | I placed a cashiers stop payment on a check fr... |
751250 | Other financial service | After applying for a job online, I received a ... |
706751 | Other financial service | SirI was forced to accept a chashiers check in... |
30304 | Other financial service | XXXX issued a check payable to our customer, X... |
34366 | Other financial service | I cashed a check written on a jp mogan check a... |
754535 | Other financial service | I am XXXX, and in cleaning out my old financia... |
532425 | Other financial service | At age XXXX, my mother fell and was XXXX. Due ... |
452924 | Other financial service | I have banked with Bank of Oklahoma for almost... |
462452 | Other financial service | I deposited traveler checks at Bank of America... |
241016 | Other financial service | I purchased XXXX money orders for {$990.00} eq... |
17839 | Other financial service | On XXXX XXXX, 2016, I went to the Bank of Amer... |
863972 | Other financial service | My issue is with Morgan Stanley and an Inherit... |
518297 | Other financial service | I XXXX XXXX cashed a check from my XXXX XXXX a... |
'Student loan' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 15 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
738267 | Student loan | mycampuspartners has implemented a new " conve... |
795500 | Student loan | I student loan of {$480.00} has turned, throug... |
224475 | Student loan | My interest rate changed in 2015 and I was not... |
161774 | Student loan | Three weeks ago I sent in {$100.00} for a paym... |
785366 | Student loan | XXXX took {$6000.00} from my bank account last... |
971264 | Student loan | XXXX XXXX sent me a refund check in the mail f... |
430487 | Student loan | Summary : I attempted to pay off my student lo... |
659279 | Student loan | XX/XX/2014, I paid the student loans, for the ... |
799264 | Student loan | I refinanced my loan throu gh PenFed and it wa... |
78702 | Student loan | Wells Fargo removed {$3000.00} from my XXXX XX... |
522095 | Student loan | This complaint is for how the customer service... |
768437 | Student loan | The university returned a portion of my studen... |
522448 | Student loan | Key Bank is holding me liable for a fraudulent... |
496551 | Student loan | This claim is related to the complaint I filed... |
594555 | Student loan | Myself and my family were actively discouraged... |
'Money transfers' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 92 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
193387 | Money transfers | On the XXXX of XXXX, 2016, I went to the XXXX ... |
79853 | Money transfers | On Friday XXXX XXXX, 2015, I spoke to a repres... |
529130 | Money transfers | HSBC Bank N.A Is always confiscating money tra... |
683152 | Money transfers | Item sold on XXXX XXXX, 2016, posted that day,... |
563302 | Money transfers | I have accumulated, over 4 years, money orders... |
... | ... | ... |
628530 | Money transfers | A friend of mine is sending me money and he us... |
438913 | Money transfers | I will try to make a long story very concise w... |
685389 | Money transfers | I was tricked into being hired by this work fr... |
570874 | Money transfers | The company Netspend promised if I used there ... |
636483 | Money transfers | Paypal has been limiting, freezing, and holdin... |
92 rows × 2 columns
'Payday loan' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 24 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
530826 | Payday loan | Wells Fargo Bank of California charged my chec... |
698283 | Payday loan | II called a Wells Fargo Visa card representati... |
172747 | Payday loan | I received a text from this company saying the... |
28872 | Payday loan | On XXXX XXXX, 2016 I paid {$55.00} ( receipt )... |
513830 | Payday loan | I had a line of credit and over draft protecti... |
635167 | Payday loan | My bank is XXXX in Illnois. I notified Essenti... |
328253 | Payday loan | I applied for a payday loan with Check n Go. P... |
725296 | Payday loan | I have set up certain days to have my payments... |
74528 | Payday loan | This company took {$180.00} fom my checking ac... |
652342 | Payday loan | My Govt. check usually is deposited in my bank... |
296118 | Payday loan | I was searching online for a loan of XXXX doll... |
65274 | Payday loan | lender kept charging double the amount and on ... |
175541 | Payday loan | The name of the lady that contacted me is XXXX... |
267058 | Payday loan | A credit of {$1000.00} was made to my bank acc... |
326943 | Payday loan | I was in a accident and fell behind on my fina... |
312218 | Payday loan | I could not get Speedy Cash to stop taking pay... |
260686 | Payday loan | Lender required bank verification by logging i... |
139827 | Payday loan | I paid check n go {$550.00} by my debit card b... |
478454 | Payday loan | Lenders charge caused bank charges and overdra... |
1023741 | Payday loan | I did all the steps right they just di n't dea... |
557771 | Payday loan | I have contacted the loan company i went thru ... |
310750 | Payday loan | I was told my loan would be be about XXXX mont... |
819230 | Payday loan | So I applied for a XXXX loan and was approved ... |
69395 | Payday loan | I had a loan which was due XXXX XXXX. I spoke ... |
'Prepaid card' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 57 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
697836 | Prepaid card | I have been a XXXX holder for 7 years. Right n... |
478287 | Prepaid card | IRS says my funds were released on XXXX/XXXX/1... |
229156 | Prepaid card | I opened an American Express Bluebird account ... |
167641 | Prepaid card | There was money added and fees that where neve... |
737032 | Prepaid card | ADP TotalPay card with money network upgraded ... |
522962 | Prepaid card | In late XXXX of XXXX I received a letter from ... |
309192 | Prepaid card | My Social Security is directly deposited into ... |
297843 | Prepaid card | Direct Deposit unavailable. Customer Service i... |
189807 | Prepaid card | I have had a American Express Serve card going... |
776991 | Prepaid card | My complaint is with Direct Express, the card ... |
651563 | Prepaid card | In the process of making a purchase over the i... |
133829 | Prepaid card | A company has refunded my money in the amount ... |
250720 | Prepaid card | In middle of XXXX 2016 someone committed fraud... |
662479 | Prepaid card | I had a BBVA Compass clearspend debit card. My... |
488056 | Prepaid card | I stayed in the car and send my wife to withdr... |
170996 | Prepaid card | After 10 business days after filing my claim w... |
627511 | Prepaid card | I reported on XXXX XXXX that an unauthorized a... |
687735 | Prepaid card | I had setup recurring loads ( {$25.00} ) on my... |
510209 | Prepaid card | I lost my Ace Elite prepaid debit card on XXXX... |
163481 | Prepaid card | My XXXX-year old son bought a " pre-paid '' de... |
613397 | Prepaid card | Netspend has caused me several issues. First I... |
537714 | Prepaid card | I have funds in my Paypal account. Suddenly, P... |
793068 | Prepaid card | Wells Fargo has repeatly taken money out of my... |
107139 | Prepaid card | This T-Mobile card was advertised with various... |
313436 | Prepaid card | Well, I called citi on XXXX/XXXX/16 to determi... |
685357 | Prepaid card | This is my second complaint. My first ended up... |
643047 | Prepaid card | I purchased visa gift card labeled as debit fr... |
143111 | Prepaid card | i funded an overseas account for trading stock... |
317515 | Prepaid card | On XX/XX/2016 around XXXX I went to bank of Am... |
312627 | Prepaid card | I have direct deposit, and my money is n't sho... |
632815 | Prepaid card | We have XXXX prepaid debit cards from Suntrust... |
20434 | Prepaid card | I had all my funds stolen at the XXXX Bank ATM... |
430469 | Prepaid card | My account was froze for 5 days. I could not a... |
202249 | Prepaid card | I called Netspend and was told I could n't ope... |
583403 | Prepaid card | XXXX XXXX, offered this card directexpress deb... |
149131 | Prepaid card | I had a secured card with Wells Fargo for {$... |
512006 | Prepaid card | Took XXXX days to get my funds from XXXX act a... |
445133 | Prepaid card | Netspend sent me an unsolicited prepaid debit ... |
115194 | Prepaid card | I am the XXXX for my son 's SSI benefits via t... |
163810 | Prepaid card | All of a sudden I started to receive texts abo... |
347179 | Prepaid card | I have a netspend debit, credit card, I have s... |
683097 | Prepaid card | I purchased an IPod from XXXX online. While th... |
398179 | Prepaid card | This company, Net Spend sent me a debit card t... |
490503 | Prepaid card | I used myXXXX Gift card at a gas station to ge... |
584648 | Prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX, 2016, there is a charge of {$780... |
584623 | Prepaid card | Re-opening of case # XXXX*Update*I was told by... |
121675 | Prepaid card | I am trying to transfer money to another accou... |
639061 | Prepaid card | To whom it may concern ; My name is XXXX XXXX ... |
181572 | Prepaid card | Paypal limited/froze my account on XXXX XXXX, ... |
659258 | Prepaid card | I sent money for my paypal debit card to PayPa... |
231769 | Prepaid card | To Whom It May Concern : I am composing a comp... |
552481 | Prepaid card | I have the children 's social security and my ... |
15372 | Prepaid card | XXXX of XXXX XXXX ( XXXX minutes ago ) To whom... |
785332 | Prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX, 2016 my First Tennessee XXXX XXX... |
402744 | Prepaid card | I found that {$300.00} was taken from my accou... |
790163 | Prepaid card | My SS Retirement check is directly deposited i... |
392432 | Prepaid card | I have had a PayPal account for years, as well... |
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 96 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
922798 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | hi my name is XXXX. I have a paypal account in... |
987003 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I put in a hardship withdrawal request with We... |
957232 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | google promised refunds of over {$140.00} for ... |
954844 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Wells Fargo has 2 Cashiers Checks which were l... |
901629 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I sent a {$3500.00} wire transfer from my reti... |
... | ... | ... |
1008280 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Locked out of TD online banking |
1010899 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Purchased a code to a digital product and tran... |
972842 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | A prospective client found me on my website. H... |
949340 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Suntrust bank charged me XXXX $ to cash a chec... |
270414 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I took specific instructions to my local Well... |
96 rows × 2 columns
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 35 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
924619 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | around XX/XX/2015 my account was low on funds ... |
863188 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Wells Fargo Bank is not providing info to XXXX... |
269795 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I tried to respond to the complaint XXXX and... |
279074 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX XXXX reported the account closed and... |
875870 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, IL XX... |
928102 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I Had a checking account that was closed by th... |
978526 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX, checks my credit, appr. 4 to 5 times eve... |
1020998 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I deposited a check into my XXXX XXXX checking... |
263483 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I went to open a Bank account and once they ra... |
264663 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | SunTrust Bank ruined my credit by reporting me... |
801907 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I set up an amount for credit protection to ta... |
905773 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | around XXXX/XXXX/2015 my account was low on fu... |
897341 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Frost Bank continues to incorrectly list a dep... |
986051 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I was not allowed to open a bank account at XX... |
998762 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Chase bank put unauthorized inquiries on my cr... |
1005915 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I have been a victim of inguiry issue |
1012401 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I deposited a check into my US Bank checking a... |
1019906 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Three years ago, I opened a SAVINGS ACCOUNT at... |
916099 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Last year, during the end of XXXX XXXX, I was ... |
902420 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I submitted complaints since XXXX and nothing ... |
927455 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I opened an account with a bank institution an... |
659665 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I discovered a credit bureau report from Ally ... |
956170 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I signed up for a 7 day free trial for credit ... |
567242 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Suntrust Bank is reporting a balance of {$580.... |
1009535 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | an account for ally bank reports on my trasuni... |
272207 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I am a permanent resident of the US and a cu... |
993598 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | In response to closed complaint # XXXX, the pa... |
920577 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, I attempted to open a bank ... |
970218 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I was working from home as a XXXX XXXX XXXX XX... |
1012455 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | My wife and I opened a checking account with C... |
272337 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | During XXXX XXXX , 201 6 Wells Fargo plac... |
953513 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX banned me fro... |
997742 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | From my understanding, my capital one 360 acco... |
978145 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | This is dated from XX/XX/2016 and XX/XX/2016 I... |
1008896 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | No5 my accounts on recent credit report. Was h... |
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 1053 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
574920 | Checking or savings account | Chase Bank persuaded me over 4 years ago to op... |
938111 | Checking or savings account | I had a Bank of America checking account. The ... |
877833 | Checking or savings account | Fraudulent charges on atm card, bank wo n't wo... |
269995 | Checking or savings account | I have a Golden 1 Credit Union Bank I had re... |
973742 | Checking or savings account | In XX/XX/XXXX I got an offer from U.S. Bank to... |
... | ... | ... |
870856 | Checking or savings account | I have a joint checking account with someone e... |
1019907 | Checking or savings account | I opened a new checking account on XX/XX/XXXX ... |
961400 | Checking or savings account | Throughout the last month, Chase Bank has been... |
923027 | Checking or savings account | I filed a complaint against Wells Fargo Bank 2... |
827287 | Checking or savings account | We opened a 16 month CD account@ 1.5 % APR eff... |
1053 rows × 2 columns
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 7 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
965732 | Vehicle loan or lease | This month, on XX/XX/XXXX, my loan payment of ... |
116767 | Vehicle loan or lease | I have problum with PNC bank auto department. ... |
905114 | Vehicle loan or lease | I filed a complaint with you several days ago,... |
876767 | Vehicle loan or lease | When I signed my loan I originally agreed to e... |
889834 | Vehicle loan or lease | This is an update with new information for a c... |
806402 | Vehicle loan or lease | On XX/XX/XXXX I contacted Ally Bank over the p... |
941196 | Vehicle loan or lease | XX/XX/2014 alleged amount {$24000.00}. \n\nWEL... |
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 87 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
883189 | Credit card or prepaid card | There are numerous charge back and return fees... |
923163 | Credit card or prepaid card | Hi ... My issue is closing the account with th... |
928286 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have a Direct Express Debit Card which my SS... |
921776 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have a savings account with CITI bank ( XXXX... |
848477 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX, I made a timely online banking ... |
... | ... | ... |
94830 | Credit card or prepaid card | DEBIT CARD WAS OVERCHARGED WITH UNAUTHORIZED C... |
982843 | Credit card or prepaid card | I filed a Demand for Arbitration with the XXXX... |
938422 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX, at approximately XXXX hours, I w... |
913634 | Credit card or prepaid card | My prepaid visa card was compromised and someo... |
91785 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX purchased auto part from XXXX for XX... |
87 rows × 2 columns
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Bank account or service' : 34 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
89960 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Yesterday, XX/XX/XXXX, I received a text notic... |
822427 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Money was put in to my account without permiss... |
958551 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Denied full access to account. |
954966 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX XXXX 2015 I paid Wells Fargo Bank a pe... |
944530 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I opened a checking account with BB & T in XXX... |
941680 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, cashcentral withdrew {$610.... |
730030 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I would Like to File a complaint On behave of ... |
915126 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I HAVE AN ACCOUNT WITH NORTHERN TRUST CO. BEIN... |
804119 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Back in XX/XX/2010, I accepted a job for a XXX... |
939146 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Attorney XXXX XXXX XXXX... |
834420 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | My vehicle was paid in full on XX/XX/XXXX . O... |
935727 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Between XXXX XXXX I did not get the money what... |
956130 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This is a follow up complaibt. If ypu log me o... |
938856 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Received a check from ace cash espress, inc re... |
822265 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX-went to M & T bank with check for {... |
959493 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Applied Online and was Pre-approved for a pers... |
191735 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have a line o f credit with Wells Fargo. On... |
277600 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX Ref : Account XXXX To whom i ... |
939622 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I had recently checked my credit, and had veri... |
992903 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Appears to not be a licensed lender for the St... |
814831 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I paid three companies from my personal line o... |
178162 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I spoke with XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX and advised th... |
980913 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Back in the month of XXXX I had traveled to XX... |
851840 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I agreed to a settlement on XXXX XXXX and ... |
104968 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have a checking account and HELOC at PNC B... |
797418 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | From XXXX XXXX XXXX , I filled out the ... |
269628 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Before I met and married my husband in XXXX .... |
844588 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I received an e-mail from the Wells Fargo Unau... |
859352 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I opened a small business in 2014 with a term ... |
930527 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | We incorrectly received a delinquent notice da... |
817912 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I had 2 checking accounts open with US Bank XX... |
828018 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I would like you to stop banks which are suppo... |
906055 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I just joined navy federal through my niece An... |
255578 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I contacted Loan Me, an on-line lean company... |
'Credit reporting' predicted as 'Student loan' : 28 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
605193 | Credit reporting | My student loan company ( XXXX ) reported I wa... |
612488 | Credit reporting | On XX/XX/XXXX, a large transaction in the amou... |
550025 | Credit reporting | For the school year of XXXX my great aunt paid... |
398027 | Credit reporting | i had my student loans dismissed because of my... |
90764 | Credit reporting | Equifax has not been any help to me I called t... |
540403 | Credit reporting | I have a student loan account that is consolid... |
253511 | Credit reporting | My credit damage occurred because of beyond my... |
770346 | Credit reporting | I am being reported 60 days late with XXXX XXX... |
907974 | Credit reporting | Since XXXX2013 XXXX XXXX is not to be on my cr... |
79006 | Credit reporting | Someone fraudulently took out FEDERAL student ... |
121632 | Credit reporting | My student loans were NEVER late, and yet they... |
409926 | Credit reporting | I have submitted these requests for correction... |
623154 | Credit reporting | I paid my student loans to XXXX in full, then ... |
148992 | Credit reporting | I have a student loan serviced through XXXX XX... |
159208 | Credit reporting | I have XXXX private loan with XXXX # XXXX acco... |
212267 | Credit reporting | I did not consent nor sign a contract to be a ... |
15153 | Credit reporting | Late payments are showing on all student loans... |
673945 | Credit reporting | A representative from American Education Servi... |
353609 | Credit reporting | AES/SUNTRUST # XXXX Date Opened : XXXX/XXXX/XX... |
688980 | Credit reporting | I have submitted these requests for correction... |
250510 | Credit reporting | Hi, I have duplicate credit reports on my repo... |
120281 | Credit reporting | They are reporting that i missed a payment on ... |
223589 | Credit reporting | I have been receiving offers in the mail to co... |
295131 | Credit reporting | My college school loan changed loan servicers ... |
644844 | Credit reporting | NAVIENT is in direct violation of my rights un... |
581717 | Credit reporting | Salllie Mae has a fraudulent account on my cre... |
394729 | Credit reporting | My XXXX says that I have XXXX missed payments ... |
301532 | Credit reporting | An old student loan account from XXXX is still... |
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Student loan' : 46 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
620961 | Consumer Loan | I can only make my payments online or by calli... |
452697 | Consumer Loan | They did not process my payment when they said... |
409256 | Consumer Loan | In XXXX I financed a motorcycle loan with GE M... |
549942 | Consumer Loan | I was granted an extension on my loan. I was a... |
374572 | Consumer Loan | having trouble paying the loan.When I go to se... |
51551 | Consumer Loan | I took out XXXX separate loans through Citizen... |
629528 | Consumer Loan | I called to make a payment. While on the line ... |
46218 | Consumer Loan | Back on XXXX XXXX I made a payment plan with C... |
710683 | Consumer Loan | This loan went into default status off 5 years... |
409679 | Consumer Loan | I had financial issues and had to stop paying ... |
106301 | Consumer Loan | I have sent in overpayments. The amount due pl... |
195552 | Consumer Loan | I recently inquired to my auto lender Santande... |
81948 | Consumer Loan | Company received payment in amount of {$3000.0... |
303509 | Consumer Loan | There is no easy way to talk to someone in reg... |
449015 | Consumer Loan | I went to XXXX store # XXXX at XXXX XXXX Mi XX... |
227480 | Consumer Loan | The loan, after several years of servicing, wa... |
100166 | Consumer Loan | For the last few months I have been told verba... |
374424 | Consumer Loan | We borrowed about {$10000.00} from LoanMe. The... |
235063 | Consumer Loan | I currently have a loan with Zions Bancorporat... |
257266 | Consumer Loan | I am currently making payments toward a loan I... |
709262 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan of {$3100.00} from Loan Me. ... |
775082 | Consumer Loan | I have had a loan with Circleback Lending for ... |
12703 | Consumer Loan | I purchased a XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX ... |
18612 | Consumer Loan | A person took out a student loan in my name. T... |
620195 | Consumer Loan | I took a loan with Avant online. The amount wa... |
203332 | Consumer Loan | I am so confused by the terms of this loan. I ... |
491724 | Consumer Loan | My recent complaint ending in XXXX was dispute... |
203201 | Consumer Loan | They are trying to make me pay for a loan that... |
786557 | Consumer Loan | I went in to a motorcycle dealership to see if... |
525227 | Consumer Loan | We own a XXXX ( XXXX ) and were offered " Merc... |
665827 | Consumer Loan | The company providing the loan, Argon Credit, ... |
33912 | Consumer Loan | Interest rates seemHigher than normal rates ev... |
106790 | Consumer Loan | every month there an interest charge and is di... |
2569 | Consumer Loan | We have been paying this loan for a year now a... |
640292 | Consumer Loan | I have been dealing with Security Finance for ... |
399003 | Consumer Loan | When making payments they are adding interest ... |
206994 | Consumer Loan | Nothing specifically happened to me as I have ... |
471036 | Consumer Loan | I have XXXX student loans that I pay through N... |
82222 | Consumer Loan | For the past several months I 've been paying ... |
10047 | Consumer Loan | I took out this loan 15 mos ago. At first it s... |
768986 | Consumer Loan | All of a sudden they have quit taking calls an... |
8372 | Consumer Loan | I had originally contacted XXXX XXXX, which I ... |
559824 | Consumer Loan | I signed a loan with XXXX XXXX back in either ... |
240903 | Consumer Loan | For this loan I ca n't access any of my inform... |
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Student loan' : 225 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
55241 | Debt collection | Transworld System Inc is the record keeper for... |
884117 | Debt collection | I went to XXXX XXXX College in 2007. I withdre... |
284875 | Debt collection | Hello, my issue with is that onc... |
976891 | Debt collection | I was contacted by Ability Recovery Service af... |
962095 | Debt collection | I had 3 Private Student Loans Navient that wer... |
... | ... | ... |
776739 | Debt collection | For the same loan that you had resolved for me... |
982576 | Debt collection | Latest issue, which has been reaccuring throug... |
872602 | Debt collection | I was initially contacted by a company known a... |
921716 | Debt collection | I was the secondary signer on this loan. It wa... |
729499 | Debt collection | I have student loans from 1994 from NAVIENT. I... |
225 rows × 2 columns
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Student loan' : 19 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
281588 | Mortgage | In 2011 the said company, XXXX , failed to ... |
237884 | Mortgage | Wells Fargo has had me paying a loan that was ... |
781823 | Mortgage | In XXXX XXXX I retired from the XXXX XXXX XXXX... |
167421 | Mortgage | I submitted a complaint # XXXX XXXX. Apparentl... |
334498 | Mortgage | Our loan originated in XXXX then we had diffic... |
222523 | Mortgage | I have had multiple servicing issues with MB F... |
957059 | Mortgage | I signed with a company in XXXX, Ohio to fix m... |
766485 | Mortgage | Until XX/XX/XXXX, I was not aware that a loan ... |
766346 | Mortgage | I have been making {$1300.00} payments on my l... |
867136 | Mortgage | When I try to calculate my payment amount, the... |
40027 | Mortgage | With response to my claim # XXXX, I have made ... |
453675 | Mortgage | Upon calculation of our monthly interest we ha... |
897592 | Mortgage | This company does not allow me to make payment... |
137231 | Mortgage | I have XXXX loans that I have partners. The pa... |
240625 | Mortgage | We closed our loan XXXX XXXX 2016. When I fina... |
67958 | Mortgage | We got screwed over by Wells Fargo. We won the... |
840483 | Mortgage | Hello, I have got my loan in early 2017, and d... |
352488 | Mortgage | My loan was sold to them this past month, and ... |
335757 | Mortgage | I had previously filed a complaint XXXX XXXX a... |
'Credit card' predicted as 'Student loan' : 11 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
173728 | Credit card | Misrepresented time to repay the loan and when... |
741487 | Credit card | WellsFargo Bank N.A. Credit Card Limit Increas... |
711689 | Credit card | The way payments are applied by banks to diffe... |
400888 | Credit card | PARDON THE CAPS, BUT I HAVE JUST GOTTEN OFF TH... |
199907 | Credit card | I have a PayPal MasterCard account. I have bee... |
144160 | Credit card | I have had an account with XXXX for about 20 y... |
666122 | Credit card | I have a penalty interest rate for part of my ... |
773521 | Credit card | I have a Macy 's credit card which is serviced... |
65367 | Credit card | I started paying a loan to XXXX back in XXXX. ... |
85768 | Credit card | I called Discover card to advise them that XXX... |
524178 | Credit card | I came across XXXX while searching for program... |
'Other financial service' predicted as 'Student loan' : 17 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
509825 | Other financial service | I was contacted by National Budget Planners an... |
868910 | Other financial service | I received a call from XXXX XXXX of Premie... |
462791 | Other financial service | I entered into an Agreement with Student Loan ... |
42589 | Other financial service | Upon Gradutiong from XXXX XXXX XXXX University... |
86516 | Other financial service | In XXXX, I made the required number of payment... |
724846 | Other financial service | i recieve a call from the company First Consum... |
173554 | Other financial service | Initially this company, The Student Loan Help ... |
765560 | Other financial service | In XX/XX/XXXX, I reach out to ... |
779024 | Other financial service | Nelnet called me and said they could consolida... |
786296 | Other financial service | In an attempt to pay down my student loans, th... |
544567 | Other financial service | I hired the company The Student Loan Help Cent... |
440794 | Other financial service | I needed to consolidate my student loan becaus... |
180873 | Other financial service | The Student Loan Help Center XXXX XXXX XXXX XX... |
709051 | Other financial service | A third party debt relief service -Student Loa... |
98656 | Other financial service | I am a 2014 graduate of a XXXX program with ov... |
259253 | Other financial service | On XXXX XXXX, 2016, USA Student conta... |
106418 | Other financial service | On XXXX XXXX , I received an e-mail at my w... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Student loan' : 9 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
204634 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX, 2016 I received an email from Pa... |
511842 | Bank account or service | In XXXX of XXXX, I took out XXXX business loan... |
772517 | Bank account or service | Sofi has ignored my request to stop sending me... |
158852 | Bank account or service | Ally 's so-called " XXXX is a total rip-off! T... |
263264 | Bank account or service | XXXX i recently asked my Account manager to gi... |
13593 | Bank account or service | IN XX/XX/XXXX BANK OF THE WEST FINANCED A XXXX... |
630803 | Bank account or service | Today I attempted to pay off a loan with BB & ... |
534251 | Bank account or service | I am writing this letter on behalf of my daugh... |
242198 | Bank account or service | i took out a student loan in XXXX for {$8000.0... |
'Payday loan' predicted as 'Student loan' : 12 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
105772 | Payday loan | After paying on this loan since XXXX of 2014, ... |
759691 | Payday loan | I took out a XXXX loan in XXXX 2015, they were... |
582668 | Payday loan | I am unable to get detailed information regard... |
439635 | Payday loan | I submitted a complaint against this lender. I... |
724182 | Payday loan | Re : Your Application for LendUp 's Credit Ser... |
132039 | Payday loan | When setting up the account I was told I would... |
754278 | Payday loan | Excessive fees charged in continuous months in... |
561126 | Payday loan | The interest is 782 % they already in one mont... |
353997 | Payday loan | NCP financed a XXXX loan to a person of no ass... |
667572 | Payday loan | I 've apply for like XXXX loans just to help m... |
422245 | Payday loan | Monkey Key Never Told Me That The Fee They Cha... |
395087 | Payday loan | I was charged a great amount of interest and w... |
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Student loan' : 10 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
946775 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | In XX/XX/XXXX, I was contacted by XXXX XXXX, X... |
927371 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I was reached out to by the United Student Loa... |
800404 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My mortgage went to Navient fo r a Student L... |
954860 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | This is a fradulant student loan consolidation... |
850300 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I have received multiple robo calls from XXXX... |
986695 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Reason ( s ) for complaint : 1 ) Navient cashe... |
888248 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XX/XX/XXXX I signed a digital contract with... |
889504 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX Friday, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Tri... |
932168 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX of 2017, I was contacted by a company say... |
889933 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | In XX/XX/XXXX or XX/XX/XXXX, I was contacted r... |
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Student loan' : 126 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
257133 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Originally got a student loan through XXXX ... |
270239 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I graduated from XXXX school in XXXX XXXX... |
956193 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | A company called Performance SLC LLC called me... |
1018943 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XX/XX/XXXX, I entered a complaint regarding... |
969922 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Nelnet erroneously reported 6 student loans to... |
... | ... | ... |
944368 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I spoke to a representative on the phone aroun... |
1019873 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX and XXXX wells fargo student loans. They... |
876873 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I requested the copy of the original note I ha... |
952119 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | To whom it may concern, In the spring of XXXX,... |
961902 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XX/XX/XXXX I initiated a complaint against ... |
126 rows × 2 columns
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Student loan' : 14 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1011880 | Vehicle loan or lease | I submitted a payment on XX/XX/XXXX via the GM... |
876199 | Vehicle loan or lease | I have asked Gm fincial for multiple help on l... |
810867 | Vehicle loan or lease | I co-signed an auto loan for my daughter. The ... |
961146 | Vehicle loan or lease | Early XXXX, I spoke to a representative and th... |
976672 | Vehicle loan or lease | After several different loans over several yea... |
912064 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was told to be able to skip a month with Go ... |
902606 | Vehicle loan or lease | XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX tried to pay back the lo... |
877097 | Vehicle loan or lease | I consigned on a car loan for a family member ... |
895921 | Vehicle loan or lease | Santander made loans to myself as well s other... |
936502 | Vehicle loan or lease | In XXXX XXXX we got orders that XXXX for iowa ... |
949067 | Vehicle loan or lease | The interest on the loan should have been lowe... |
840623 | Vehicle loan or lease | Loan company said they did not receive payment... |
834638 | Vehicle loan or lease | Over the last three years I had gone through f... |
947914 | Vehicle loan or lease | In XX/XX/XXXX, I opened an auto loan with Zion... |
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Student loan' : 14 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
917682 | Credit card or prepaid card | Access to Citibank 's website has been denied ... |
963271 | Credit card or prepaid card | i opened a XXXX instore credit card in XXXX, X... |
1021212 | Credit card or prepaid card | InXX/XX/XXXXI entered into a Debit Management/... |
946185 | Credit card or prepaid card | Comenity - XXXX XXXX credit card does not have... |
956945 | Credit card or prepaid card | I wrote to Wells Fargo a few months ago descri... |
830362 | Credit card or prepaid card | We owe Chase {$14000.00}. If we only owed XXX... |
993409 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX which provides XXXX services has a techni... |
811831 | Credit card or prepaid card | This Complaint is related to another Complaint... |
943638 | Credit card or prepaid card | I logged into my online account today to make ... |
936608 | Credit card or prepaid card | My credit card with USAA was falling behind in... |
868147 | Credit card or prepaid card | I submitted a previous complaint and I am not ... |
829211 | Credit card or prepaid card | Unwilling to work with me |
1000910 | Credit card or prepaid card | The XXXX XXXX XXXX website was down whenever I... |
971048 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX XXXX has buried information in credit agr... |
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Student loan' : 34 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
896522 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I 've been trying for weeks to understand how ... |
975496 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I already have an account with one main. I was... |
1016171 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | wanted to make payments using a different paym... |
935868 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I 've been struggling with spotloan making pay... |
919658 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I applied for a loan and was approved for {$20... |
833687 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I signed up for a loan and was told I was in c... |
888873 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have a {$1000.00} loan with Big Picture Loan... |
994967 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Complaint against XXXX XXXX RE : Loan Manageme... |
906080 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In XX/XX/XXXX we received our first bill from ... |
943052 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I purchased furniture last year and was approv... |
933783 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I was paying my loan. I was sometimes late but... |
813863 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I ordered products online on 4 separate occasi... |
978311 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | They say that they told me of the APR of 561. ... |
898894 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | company will not provide me with a forensic an... |
976034 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I entered into a loan for {$600.00} on X/X/201... |
820153 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Loan for XXXX made on XXXX / XXXX / XXXX ... |
884953 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I received loans with these companies. I was u... |
937738 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I am on XXXX and the interest on the loan and ... |
1008116 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I filed for Chapter XXXX bankruptcy on XX/XX/X... |
991170 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Tried to come up with a solution but they wo n... |
989638 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I was approved for and received a small loan f... |
828257 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have 2 loans with Conn 's. They start your l... |
855784 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On Friday, XXXX XXXX, XXXX I submitted my loan... |
941099 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This company outright steals from their custom... |
887586 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I was given a loan for {$110.00}, upon arrival... |
953310 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I received an email for a loan over the intern... |
810859 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This account goes back to XXXX XXXX . I was... |
971141 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I recently received a personal loan from Sofi ... |
905615 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This letter is a request to resolve the lendin... |
895470 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Navient loans has been charging extra interest... |
809895 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | ON X/XX/2017 I WENT INTO INSTALOAN TO TAKE... |
269733 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Late fees assessed improperly. I called i n 20... |
927945 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Navient, I see some discrepancies with the int... |
812754 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I was told my interest rates would be low and ... |
'Credit card' predicted as 'Money transfers' : 14 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
520151 | Credit card | I made an ebay purchase on XXXX XXXX 2015 thro... |
58666 | Credit card | I recently set up a checking account with CapO... |
514789 | Credit card | I have an account with PAYPAL under XXXXXXXXXX... |
136677 | Credit card | I am XXXX and recently survived a bout with XX... |
301809 | Credit card | I purchased a coat in XXXX 2014 on Ebay and us... |
755669 | Credit card | I sent money through money gram XXXX to XXXX X... |
360423 | Credit card | My complaint is with Paypal credit. I placed a... |
380562 | Credit card | Paypal misled me into receiving a line of cred... |
275450 | Credit card | I purchased XXXX blankets from XXXX and used m... |
87376 | Credit card | I received a bill, in the mail, from PayPal Cr... |
592616 | Credit card | My wallet was stolen with my Western union XXX... |
433135 | Credit card | PayPal received an overpayment from my persona... |
260050 | Credit card | XXXX friends and I were booked on a XXXX XXXX ... |
135999 | Credit card | XXXX XXXX - Purchased XXXX items from XXXX sel... |
'Other financial service' predicted as 'Money transfers' : 7 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
367741 | Other financial service | I purchased a money order from XXXX on XXXX XX... |
157824 | Other financial service | I PURCHASED A MONEY ORDER TO PAY MY RENT ON XX... |
333027 | Other financial service | I purchased a MoneyGram money order # XXXX for... |
523977 | Other financial service | First off, the money is not lost or stolen. It... |
646365 | Other financial service | Western Union is refusing to release funds of ... |
398806 | Other financial service | I recently used the Paypal service to make a p... |
139303 | Other financial service | I periodically send money through MoneyGram In... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Money transfers' : 34 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
544105 | Bank account or service | Both Paypal & XXXX Bank failed to get a refund... |
771070 | Bank account or service | On XX/XX/XXXX, 2008 I bought from XXXX XXXX XX... |
6413 | Bank account or service | I made a wire transfer using my Chase account ... |
189724 | Bank account or service | I entered into a transaction EBAYXXXX. on acco... |
209788 | Bank account or service | I have purchased several ebay gift cards over ... |
194091 | Bank account or service | Hi, I am really disappointed with Bank of Amer... |
474773 | Bank account or service | I was victim of a scam. I was contacted throug... |
162425 | Bank account or service | I used my PayPal account in late XXXX of this ... |
8146 | Bank account or service | A " XXXX XXXX '' texted me about purchasing my... |
570359 | Bank account or service | To whom it may concern, I have transferred {$1... |
662566 | Bank account or service | I sell things on Ebay on consignment. The only... |
499300 | Bank account or service | Recently, I did online shopping with XXXX and ... |
132071 | Bank account or service | On XXXX/XXXX/2015 a Chase Quick Pay was create... |
613081 | Bank account or service | We arranged with Remitly online for {$100.00} ... |
132555 | Bank account or service | Paypal resists providing credit for items orde... |
286352 | Bank account or service | Once again, a repeating problem trying to send... |
159820 | Bank account or service | I made a wire transfer of XXXX {$2500.00} to m... |
222599 | Bank account or service | In early XXXX 2016, I sold a XXXX XXXX handbag... |
553797 | Bank account or service | I sold a A XXXX XXXX Treadmill on Ebay and at ... |
133557 | Bank account or service | PayPal offers to processes payments with a " P... |
640250 | Bank account or service | I opened up a business with paypal. They locke... |
493883 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX a payment request from my girlfri... |
116813 | Bank account or service | Hello My Paypal Account was suspended in XXXX ... |
153458 | Bank account or service | PayPal locked my account and will not give me ... |
748218 | Bank account or service | 1. The buyer of my properties sent me an e-mai... |
620532 | Bank account or service | I made a transfer from my XXXX XXXX XXXX check... |
493443 | Bank account or service | PAYPAL does not accept my XXXX XXXX XXXX [ iss... |
142192 | Bank account or service | In short I was scammed, it was an over-payment... |
542564 | Bank account or service | Discover Bank charged me {$30.00} to send an o... |
307302 | Bank account or service | A bank account at Citi Bank is being used for ... |
169602 | Bank account or service | ! I was scammed out of {$8900.00} of my hard e... |
184914 | Bank account or service | This letter is a complaint about PayPal 's Sel... |
371612 | Bank account or service | XXXX wires were sent from XXXX via XXXX XX/XX/... |
519620 | Bank account or service | A fraudulent return was attempted at eBay.on a... |
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Money transfers' : 91 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
889337 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I had send money via MoneyGram to someone. The... |
257290 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | this is XXXX XXXX who used MoneyGram on-li... |
921163 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | An international wire payment of XXXX {$240.00... |
260096 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I did a money gram transfer for {$500.00} from... |
882691 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XXXX XXXX, I deposited money for my father ... |
... | ... | ... |
802172 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XX/XX/XXXX I ord ere d XXXX items t... |
999422 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Received a call I thought was from my nephew, ... |
850002 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Hi, I have been using Ria Money Transfer , Onl... |
914219 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | In XXXX I paid XXXX XXXX a {$500.00} deposit f... |
196637 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I sent money though money gram on XX/XX/2017 ... |
91 rows × 2 columns
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Money transfers' : 6 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
927767 | Checking or savings account | Dear Sir or Madam, Back in XXXX, when my wife ... |
987790 | Checking or savings account | Chase bank advertises that its new XXXX person... |
77853 | Checking or savings account | It started with my computer issues XX/XX/XXXX,... |
978662 | Checking or savings account | On or about XXXX XXXX, I discovered that my ba... |
951812 | Checking or savings account | Wire instruction to send money toanother bank ... |
843600 | Checking or savings account | + not refunded XXXX XXXX perks XXXX XXXX XXXX ... |
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Payday loan' : 37 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
112471 | Consumer Loan | I am receiving emails stating that I owe a pay... |
704354 | Consumer Loan | applied for a loan not seeing the payments go ... |
789961 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan with a company called castle... |
166759 | Consumer Loan | These people are charging 275.85 % on a {$800.... |
638754 | Consumer Loan | I received a letter in the mail from Castle Pa... |
215383 | Consumer Loan | I applied for a loan with Cash Net USA last mo... |
535268 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan with Ace cash express for {$... |
776465 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan with Loan Me.Com. at the tim... |
466311 | Consumer Loan | Trying to get in touch with Big picture loans ... |
218393 | Consumer Loan | I have advised the Cash Store a few times that... |
673577 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan for {$600.00} and was never ... |
144053 | Consumer Loan | I have taken out payday loans with Cashnetusa.... |
266973 | Consumer Loan | I have been borrowing from Loan Til Payday and... |
288613 | Consumer Loan | This is in reference to the Company by the nam... |
528089 | Consumer Loan | I live in the state of California, last year X... |
85350 | Consumer Loan | I took out a {$2500.00} loan from XXXX XXXX wh... |
297613 | Consumer Loan | on XXXX 2016 i received an email with a " than... |
637467 | Consumer Loan | CashCall is an illegal payday loan. It is bein... |
21042 | Consumer Loan | in 2014, I got a loan from NetCredit. I had fi... |
304461 | Consumer Loan | Due to a banking mishap I was stuck out of tow... |
235077 | Consumer Loan | I did not have the funds in my bank, and the c... |
602323 | Consumer Loan | I borrowed money from ACE Cash Express several... |
546435 | Consumer Loan | solicited me for a business loan.I ... |
139520 | Consumer Loan | Due to an unauthorized entity gaining my check... |
193664 | Consumer Loan | I recieved in the mail a letter explaining tha... |
494821 | Consumer Loan | Receiving threaten emails from people who may ... |
788302 | Consumer Loan | Middlegate Funding is such a rip off and I wou... |
517018 | Consumer Loan | XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, FL BIG PICTURE LOANS Too... |
488871 | Consumer Loan | My complaint is with Advance Financial in XXXX... |
609118 | Consumer Loan | Received a mailing from a company called Big P... |
508105 | Consumer Loan | Took out a payday loan from Check n Go small l... |
363272 | Consumer Loan | Big Picture Installment Loans ; Applied for a ... |
398850 | Consumer Loan | I was approved for a {$500.00} loan through Bi... |
198544 | Consumer Loan | I took a loan out and was charged 350.97 % whi... |
167214 | Consumer Loan | I tried to take out a loan with ace cash expre... |
27423 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan from XXXX XXXX for {$400.00}... |
526715 | Consumer Loan | Lender asked me send a process fee for a {$500... |
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Payday loan' : 36 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
878847 | Debt collection | Speedy Cash Was reported on XXXX2014 the merch... |
675006 | Debt collection | I received a call from a collector saying i ow... |
371824 | Debt collection | I got a call from High Point Assest, Inc on be... |
598047 | Debt collection | High Point Asset, Inc. called saying that I ow... |
92335 | Debt collection | Being accused of check fraud for a payday loan... |
210703 | Debt collection | on XXXX I was contacted by a company by the na... |
428550 | Debt collection | I took out a cash advance to help a financial ... |
121342 | Debt collection | Got this loan long story short fell into finan... |
177055 | Debt collection | I received a phone call from a company called ... |
589376 | Debt collection | Would like to make small payments they wo n't ... |
159404 | Debt collection | Recently I was contacted by High Point Asset, ... |
864406 | Debt collection | Got a call from XXXX saying there was a PayDay... |
12363 | Debt collection | i live on ssi and capital one let me have XXXX... |
19837 | Debt collection | I keep getting calls that I have recently appl... |
117753 | Debt collection | I am being contacted by Western who represents... |
6867 | Debt collection | Zest cash has continually debited my account o... |
418506 | Debt collection | I 'm getting calls and notices stating I owe {... |
634873 | Debt collection | The Payday loan lender QuikCash XXXX MO contac... |
721186 | Debt collection | I received a phone call from a company called ... |
828784 | Debt collection | These people keeps calling for a payday loan t... |
647270 | Debt collection | I signed up for a loan that I took out for {$4... |
394240 | Debt collection | On XX/XX/XXXX, I was contacted by XXXX in an a... |
414807 | Debt collection | Advance America in XXXX MI contacted and haras... |
910854 | Debt collection | I received a call from a XXXX XXXX stating tha... |
946458 | Debt collection | I have received threatening phone calls statin... |
333120 | Debt collection | This company spot loan submitted an illegal us... |
923668 | Debt collection | I made a request in writing to this lender to ... |
514966 | Debt collection | I have never applied for a payday loan from XX... |
678617 | Debt collection | Midwest Recovery Systems, LLC, XXXX XXXX XXXX,... |
37944 | Debt collection | I had a payday loan with a lender, XXXX. They ... |
84800 | Debt collection | I received a call from a company stating that ... |
108578 | Debt collection | I received a call from a company stating that ... |
166720 | Debt collection | This was a payday loan from XXXX and the callI... |
37417 | Debt collection | On XXXX XXXX, 2016 I enlisted the help of XXXX... |
291163 | Debt collection | this Company call me an also my job about a pa... |
378813 | Debt collection | Calling my Job and being very harrasing |
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Payday loan' : 66 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
992015 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I originally got a loan for {$300.00} and the ... |
883604 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I applied for the Loan and was waiting for a r... |
884424 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I recieved an email that i was late on a payme... |
965652 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Payday loans are not legal in NJ and their rat... |
821607 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I applied for a loan at cashnet USA online and... |
... | ... | ... |
886864 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I 've recently downloaded the XXXX XXXX app wh... |
813719 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I lost my job so i went on a extended payment ... |
887533 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | These people are charging me a usury interest ... |
257159 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | verified that payday loans are illegal in NJ I... |
379272 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX / XXXX / XXXX my husband applied for... |
66 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card' predicted as 'Prepaid card' : 10 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
143221 | Credit card | On XXXX i noticed that there was a transaction... |
169674 | Credit card | my account was closed and no notification was ... |
781471 | Credit card | I have a paypal smart connect account. I can v... |
205717 | Credit card | I Am a nine ( 9 ) year account holder with Rus... |
374673 | Credit card | My prepaid visa debit card was suspended. I wa... |
128576 | Credit card | I purchased a {$75.00} Amex prepaid gift card ... |
306177 | Credit card | I attempted to purchase a mobile text gift car... |
529105 | Credit card | A hold of {$110.00} was put on my american exp... |
424788 | Credit card | I have been working with Pentagon Federal Cred... |
760101 | Credit card | I have been a member of Rushcard since XXXX. O... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Prepaid card' : 48 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
189283 | Bank account or service | I had been making online purchases with my Pay... |
490200 | Bank account or service | American express serve allowed an unauthorized... |
372358 | Bank account or service | I have a debit card from XXXX expiring in XXXX... |
565166 | Bank account or service | I was working with your agency on a case that ... |
552993 | Bank account or service | Rush card have cause my bills to be turned off... |
66900 | Bank account or service | I am a Rushcard victim who has not been able t... |
595044 | Bank account or service | American express serve is tampering with a fra... |
553830 | Bank account or service | I had a direct deposit on XXXX/XXXX/2015 in th... |
207969 | Bank account or service | after filing a complaint with XXXX I have noti... |
537753 | Bank account or service | American express serve is committing Fraud for... |
756862 | Bank account or service | I am showing a {$0.00} balance on my card Rush... |
186069 | Bank account or service | I keep getting junk mail from NetSpend. They w... |
515874 | Bank account or service | I received a NetSpend card in the mail. It has... |
453569 | Bank account or service | I went to an ATM in royse city, tx on XXXX/XXX... |
31986 | Bank account or service | XX/XX/XXXX - I performed a cash load of {$2500... |
787344 | Bank account or service | When I was going to get gas I swiped my card a... |
414018 | Bank account or service | Company : XXXX XXXX rush cards. XXXX of custom... |
577856 | Bank account or service | The key issue here is that netspend debit card... |
403873 | Bank account or service | I am long time customer of rushcard and recent... |
728316 | Bank account or service | Rush Card did routine maintenance to a new ser... |
57900 | Bank account or service | It was about XXXX prepaid debit card .I was so... |
252047 | Bank account or service | Rush Card deducted {$500.00} from account for ... |
7168 | Bank account or service | pay pal prepaid works with net spend and they ... |
79173 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX I had {$130.00} on my account end... |
669507 | Bank account or service | I opened a Basic nonchecking account at Chase ... |
907307 | Bank account or service | I am a card holder for " RUSHCARD '' and for 1... |
368704 | Bank account or service | I opened an account with Google wallet which i... |
355209 | Bank account or service | Tuesday is the day I get paid early. But Thurs... |
748999 | Bank account or service | I 've been a cardholder since 2008 I have XXXX... |
508727 | Bank account or service | I have n't received my direct deposit which go... |
538355 | Bank account or service | On XXXX XXXX 2015 I cash a check with the comp... |
668036 | Bank account or service | I sent my XXXX check in to my Bluebird account... |
113684 | Bank account or service | I have a Rushcard and my pay is deposited twic... |
364189 | Bank account or service | ON OR ABOUT XX/XX/2016, I PAID A VENDOR {$1200... |
342995 | Bank account or service | The tax preparer that I went thru this year us... |
553878 | Bank account or service | Paypal wo n't let me withdraw my money. The op... |
740167 | Bank account or service | I am a new customer at rush card and i cant ac... |
484243 | Bank account or service | My name is XXXX XXXX and my employer posted ou... |
520437 | Bank account or service | I put an XXXX iPhone 6 plus on layway for my d... |
283427 | Bank account or service | Rush card has completely been so disrespectful... |
158738 | Bank account or service | I have an XXXX XXXX XXXX Pre-paid card. This c... |
160755 | Bank account or service | I bank with Rushcard! I have yet to receive my... |
582945 | Bank account or service | I was given a Visa debit card as a XXXX gift b... |
624627 | Bank account or service | I went on a Cruise with XXXX and notice a disc... |
157028 | Bank account or service | I purchased a {$500.00} reload pack from XXXX ... |
730020 | Bank account or service | My RushCard Acct. notified people that they we... |
631169 | Bank account or service | I have been using rush card for almost 5 years... |
446330 | Bank account or service | I am a rush can d prepaid debit card member. I... |
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Prepaid card' : 6 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1008649 | Checking or savings account | PayPal - I sold 2 gift cards on XXXX XXXX on X... |
922291 | Checking or savings account | I used my Bluebird card for XXXX XXXX hold unt... |
989378 | Checking or savings account | Deceptive Practices regarding receiving my dir... |
931408 | Checking or savings account | My wife made a reservation at XXXX XXXXXXXX XX... |
985247 | Checking or savings account | I was referred to open a checking account. Bot... |
825608 | Checking or savings account | I have had 6 unauthorized atm withdrawls all o... |
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Prepaid card' : 77 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
897519 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX I was unable to access my Americ... |
285415 | Credit card or prepaid card | There was money on my card, and I purchased th... |
906283 | Credit card or prepaid card | American express gift cards. My wife has about... |
932419 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX, I noted that a charge of {$190.... |
814348 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX is a scam! \n\nThis {$25.00} prepaid XXXX... |
... | ... | ... |
897629 | Credit card or prepaid card | XX/XX/XXXX I made a transaction from my RushCa... |
990570 | Credit card or prepaid card | Have had my card turned off due to improper tr... |
943331 | Credit card or prepaid card | On the XXXX of XXXX XXXX I was charged {$80.00... |
895030 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX, I received an email to my person... |
283048 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX XXXX while reviewing my... |
77 rows × 2 columns
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' : 6 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
978399 | Debt collection | I have been a Paypal customer (buying and sell... |
738792 | Debt collection | My debt was paid by XXXX banks/XXXX and XXXX. ... |
741349 | Debt collection | XXXX which is now called XXXX XXXX, indicated ... |
868411 | Debt collection | The debt is not my. No payments were made by m... |
233765 | Debt collection | I have already submitted earlier today a compl... |
876674 | Debt collection | We never applied for paypal credit or received... |
'Credit card' predicted as 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' : 7 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
77367 | Credit card | I sold a XXXX minibike with a new XXXX engine ... |
323608 | Credit card | I purchased a vpn box thru a website called XX... |
258712 | Credit card | I have a credit card with online bill pay thro... |
724601 | Credit card | I was told I would have a permeant credit of X... |
651908 | Credit card | Ordered a Large BBQ sandwich for a total of $ ... |
381698 | Credit card | XXXX ) Long term unreliability of email alerts... |
96434 | Credit card | PayPal - I purchased a XXXX watch from a listi... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' : 26 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
589333 | Bank account or service | I ca n't transfer money out of my discover ban... |
87022 | Bank account or service | On XXXX/XXXX/15 I started an International Wir... |
705624 | Bank account or service | I was searching to buy a car at local dealersh... |
485968 | Bank account or service | Our company has a business PayPal account. We ... |
596639 | Bank account or service | Dear Board : In XXXX a series of emails ( XXXX... |
877396 | Bank account or service | I am in process of buying a house. 10 days bef... |
907636 | Bank account or service | I attempted to dispute a charge, XXXX from XXX... |
502377 | Bank account or service | I recently switched 100 % of my payment transa... |
595731 | Bank account or service | A wire transfer was issued from XXXX XXXX XXXX... |
693855 | Bank account or service | Hi my bank account was basically stolen and is... |
686116 | Bank account or service | My mother was preparing to purchase a home. Sh... |
775802 | Bank account or service | I have a PayPal account, which I will never us... |
918271 | Bank account or service | On XX/XX/XXXX around noon time I start seeing ... |
293980 | Bank account or service | I received a money order from a tenant and mis... |
521941 | Bank account or service | PayPal refuses to return {$320.00} to my PayPa... |
466511 | Bank account or service | I purchased and item from a merchant and used ... |
545753 | Bank account or service | I am in process of buying a house. 10 days bef... |
268149 | Bank account or service | While PayPal states : " PayPal Purchase Protec... |
656519 | Bank account or service | Someone used my paypal account and linked XXXX... |
130784 | Bank account or service | I have instructed my Bank ( HSBC ) on XXXX XXX... |
335869 | Bank account or service | Due to the way Paypal manages their accounts i... |
608049 | Bank account or service | I opened a Paypal Business account about 4 mon... |
540849 | Bank account or service | I received a money order from a tenant and mis... |
60356 | Bank account or service | In late XXXX XXXX, I requested a wire transfer... |
241614 | Bank account or service | I sold an item on ebay, and the item was deliv... |
609384 | Bank account or service | I have a Paypal account, reluctantly, because ... |
'Money transfers' predicted as 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' : 52 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
16357 | Money transfers | I sent money to the bank XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXX... |
555954 | Money transfers | I was the victim of a wire transfer scam invol... |
111079 | Money transfers | Excessive hold times on funds owed to me via p... |
545678 | Money transfers | I made XXXX wire transfer requests via USAA on... |
390117 | Money transfers | I purchased a rifle from XXXX, an online store... |
889311 | Money transfers | I, XXXX XXXX am a permanent resident here in t... |
201214 | Money transfers | I purchased a phone by using Paypal. Paypal sa... |
14579 | Money transfers | I transferred XXXX USD through JPM CHASE on XX... |
208697 | Money transfers | On XXXX XXXX a request was made for funds to t... |
384842 | Money transfers | 1. \nMoney transfers to the XXXX of XXXX has o... |
82304 | Money transfers | After almost 3 years of sending money to my in... |
616113 | Money transfers | I sent through the RIA financial services bran... |
911668 | Money transfers | On XXXX XXXX I sent {$500.00} to my Dad in XXX... |
692099 | Money transfers | I was in the process of closing in my home, ho... |
407229 | Money transfers | I transfer my Money from City Bank on XX/XX/20... |
622336 | Money transfers | Subscription service was cancelled with mercha... |
347849 | Money transfers | As I have done many times before- I placed an ... |
145563 | Money transfers | i sent {$750.00} to a friend of mine on paypal... |
246414 | Money transfers | I paid XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX XXXX {$7000.00} ... |
120942 | Money transfers | PayPal has failed to comply with the Fair Cred... |
41878 | Money transfers | I was scammed into sending money for a XXXX bo... |
602325 | Money transfers | After successfully verifying my account that I... |
605947 | Money transfers | My mother sent me money from her Wells Fargo B... |
455956 | Money transfers | in the process of purchasing a property in XXX... |
707546 | Money transfers | Hi, I used PayPal to send and receive money. I... |
746709 | Money transfers | I attempted to purchase baseball tickets adver... |
575566 | Money transfers | I ordered an XXXX Watch online from an online ... |
201960 | Money transfers | I created an ad on XXXX looking for a room. So... |
767071 | Money transfers | I paid a service provider {$2200.00} through P... |
631371 | Money transfers | I had sold an item ( Snap-on XXXX Portable Gas... |
666998 | Money transfers | I was scammed by another Bank of America clien... |
689850 | Money transfers | I own a small business and made a purchase wit... |
330208 | Money transfers | I was supposed to receive concert tickets afte... |
114286 | Money transfers | For more than a year ( since XXXX XXXX i... |
117610 | Money transfers | I was contacted by someone on XXXX XXXX sa... |
314653 | Money transfers | I 'm selling a Minivan on XXXX, and guy text a... |
537638 | Money transfers | I got the buyer, who purchased an item from my... |
306327 | Money transfers | On XXXX XXXX, 2015 I submitted a wire transfer... |
11857 | Money transfers | The company called paypal cost me a {$18000.00... |
50547 | Money transfers | Earlier this month I made two transfers via We... |
453066 | Money transfers | ON XX/XX/XXXX I sent money to a friend via Pay... |
14465 | Money transfers | I had an emergency situation to transfer money... |
890121 | Money transfers | I made some transfer through Transfast from US... |
775515 | Money transfers | I have wired {$23.00} and transfer fee of {$5.... |
616115 | Money transfers | Contacted a firm - XXXX XXXX ( seller ) whose ... |
1019063 | Money transfers | PayPal is having a glitch where the available ... |
467724 | Money transfers | Posted Bedroom furniture on XXXX for {$1000.00... |
781110 | Money transfers | I made a wire transfer on Saturday XX/XX/2017 ... |
225292 | Money transfers | today i tried to get access to my pay pal acco... |
126129 | Money transfers | I found tickets from XXXX for XXXX seats at th... |
36452 | Money transfers | PAYPAL. \nOn XXXX XXXX I opened a Paypal accou... |
44806 | Money transfers | I had sent a Western Union transfer in the amo... |
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' : 28 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
831732 | Checking or savings account | Western Union took { $540.00} out of my bank a... |
961063 | Checking or savings account | TD BANK IS BLOCKING ME FROM ENABLING EXTERNAL ... |
809594 | Checking or savings account | I utilized coinbase to purchase crypto currenc... |
950285 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX XXXX 2017 Bitcoin ( BTC ) performed a ... |
1006955 | Checking or savings account | I was trying to send money from my XXXX USD wa... |
903549 | Checking or savings account | I had bought an item on XXXX and paid thru fro... |
870664 | Checking or savings account | I have checked my account balance online on my... |
903321 | Checking or savings account | Can you reach out to @ XXXX and make sure they... |
1006698 | Checking or savings account | I am trying to get a loan through a XXXX XXXX ... |
1011013 | Checking or savings account | XXXX, WellsFargo, XXXX XX/XX/18 : I sold a han... |
999451 | Checking or savings account | User email XXXXXXXXXXXX on XX/XX/XXXX I withdr... |
1004388 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I attempted to link my XXXX ... |
817712 | Checking or savings account | I had initially purchased {$200.00} on coinbas... |
1013497 | Checking or savings account | I was trying to link my TD Bank checking accou... |
868277 | Checking or savings account | I am a XXXX.ilive in XXXX i have a checking ac... |
981934 | Checking or savings account | TD banks is blocking my access to external app... |
980385 | Checking or savings account | Coinbase has " blocked '' my account for some ... |
851243 | Checking or savings account | The bank takes several days to share updated c... |
873066 | Checking or savings account | Hi there. First of all, thank you for this ser... |
818645 | Checking or savings account | On XX/XX/XXXX, four fraudulent {$25.00} charge... |
888350 | Checking or savings account | I just want keybank to partner with the new ap... |
816376 | Checking or savings account | Purchased XXXX litecoin on XXXX-XXXX-18 Before... |
993954 | Checking or savings account | I tried to cancel a transaction through paypal... |
951096 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I contacted Wells Fargo beca... |
810181 | Checking or savings account | On Friday XX/XX/XXXXan electronic wire transfe... |
913147 | Checking or savings account | I maintain account with Paypal. Account is fro... |
972337 | Checking or savings account | We initiated a Wire Transfer through their Onl... |
74959 | Checking or savings account | Ive had a PayPal account for years without a b... |
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' : 13 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
938926 | Credit card or prepaid card | I began a new job through XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. ... |
914700 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have been getting numerous unknown and myste... |
987772 | Credit card or prepaid card | good day my name is XXXX XXXX i tried to make ... |
943461 | Credit card or prepaid card | I include attachment for successful purchase f... |
1010078 | Credit card or prepaid card | Purchase Date XX/XX/XXXX Dispute filed XX/XX/X... |
927632 | Credit card or prepaid card | Hello, Yesterday ( XXXX ) afternoon, around XX... |
978053 | Credit card or prepaid card | PayPal used my credit card to pay XXXX {$100.0... |
820250 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/2018, I submitted a payment of {$25.0... |
975690 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have filed complaints with absolutely no res... |
1006332 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX XX/XX/XXXX Case # XXXX ( Former case # XX... |
931636 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have been having problems with this account ... |
965108 | Credit card or prepaid card | On Friday, XX/XX/XXXX at approximately XXXX ES... |
833251 | Credit card or prepaid card | In a attempt to purchase XXXX , I was instruc... |
'Credit reporting' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 1712 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
312289 | Credit reporting | ATTN : EXPERIAN The FCRA provides that you mus... |
557920 | Credit reporting | I had a loan from XXXX Savings from XX/XX/XXXX... |
501426 | Credit reporting | I submitted all the forms as required for an e... |
723314 | Credit reporting | My Credit Report is showing XXXX hard inquirie... |
26854 | Credit reporting | all XXXX credit reporting agency, XXXX, Trans ... |
... | ... | ... |
87623 | Credit reporting | Lastly, I would like to dispute ( AGIAN ) XXXX... |
137048 | Credit reporting | Transunion is reporting XXXX invalid / cancell... |
762219 | Credit reporting | XXXX XXXX an investigation with XXXX concluded... |
87039 | Credit reporting | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX OF XXXX XXXX accounts not ... |
549286 | Credit reporting | I wrote the credit bureau back in XXXX and inc... |
1712 rows × 2 columns
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 140 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
310046 | Consumer Loan | I got a loan from Gurantee loans years ago, I ... |
53624 | Consumer Loan | On XX/XX/2016, I received a letter from Westla... |
404803 | Consumer Loan | On XXXX XXXX, XXXX purchased a new vehicle fro... |
413227 | Consumer Loan | I submitted loan application data online for a... |
... | ... | ... |
497418 | Consumer Loan | The companies were using a finance company to ... |
450137 | Consumer Loan | I had a personal loan with Personal Finance Co... |
489302 | Consumer Loan | I got a loan from lend up XXXX dollars till my... |
714393 | Consumer Loan | Mid Atlantic Finance has intentionally reporte... |
19369 | Consumer Loan | I had a negative mark on my credit and wells f... |
140 rows × 2 columns
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 587 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
563926 | Debt collection | XXXX XXXX is reporting that I owe them {$280.0... |
396554 | Debt collection | PORTFOLIO RECOVERY is reporting XXXX debt coll... |
913435 | Debt collection | Acct Service {$65.00} Opened XX/XX/XXXX XXXX X... |
542264 | Debt collection | XXXX XXXX started calling calling me last week... |
15778 | Debt collection | this account is pulling my credit score by bei... |
... | ... | ... |
332513 | Debt collection | this account is a fraudulent account and was o... |
1016191 | Debt collection | XX/XX/XXXX XXXX $ Original creditor name : XXX... |
30739 | Debt collection | Carmax auto finance was recently disputed from... |
947263 | Debt collection | I mailed a certified letter to this company as... |
248332 | Debt collection | I have a collection account on my credit repor... |
587 rows × 2 columns
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 121 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
797814 | Mortgage | I am currently in chapter XXXX. My husband is ... |
703164 | Mortgage | I have a Home Equity Loan Account that has bee... |
898125 | Mortgage | For several months, I worked with XXXX XXXX, a... |
792709 | Mortgage | B of A is showing a home equity line of credit... |
230481 | Mortgage | Realtime Solutions is reporting the following ... |
... | ... | ... |
903629 | Mortgage | The mortgage agent at Quicken loans told me if... |
389286 | Mortgage | XXXX - via credit plus made an unauthorized cr... |
938384 | Mortgage | On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, the home equity loan held ... |
950970 | Mortgage | USAA FSB is reporting a charge off on my credi... |
780431 | Mortgage | my name is XXXX XXXX and my mothers name is XX... |
121 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 185 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
581452 | Credit card | * My reports continue to incorrectly show me X... |
436938 | Credit card | I have had my identity stolen and someone has ... |
114772 | Credit card | I am a identity theft victim, i have had accou... |
528787 | Credit card | I submitted a previous complaint against tidew... |
716342 | Credit card | I pay have a credit card through consumer fina... |
... | ... | ... |
7741 | Credit card | I recently applied for a loan for a home to fi... |
259493 | Credit card | I am writing in regards to Bank of America 's ... |
573342 | Credit card | Notified by Capital One Credit Fraud alert the... |
730494 | Credit card | Capital One XXXX has me as " potentially negat... |
116350 | Credit card | FIA is incorrectly reporting a late payment of... |
185 rows × 2 columns
'Other financial service' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 8 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
507559 | Other financial service | For past 6 months Global Client Solutions XXXX... |
620650 | Other financial service | Experian sent a letter stating someone had tri... |
516405 | Other financial service | I am just learning that XXXX is a well- known ... |
650456 | Other financial service | I am submitting a complaint in regards to a ba... |
470327 | Other financial service | Centegy has on multipal occasions denied my pa... |
35700 | Other financial service | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX . XXX... |
333476 | Other financial service | On Saturday, I started receiving text messages... |
228882 | Other financial service | I was trying to purchase a home, however my cr... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 72 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
520130 | Bank account or service | The employee took down all of my information. ... |
92613 | Bank account or service | About American Express problem doing business ... |
514008 | Bank account or service | I have reported fraudulent activity and a case... |
413642 | Bank account or service | TD BANK USA/TARGETCREDITAddress:XXXX XXXX XXXX... |
2803 | Bank account or service | I have had my accounts repeatedly incorrectly ... |
... | ... | ... |
19223 | Bank account or service | PERSONAL INFORMATION AND IDENTIFICATION WAS CO... |
81141 | Bank account or service | In XXXX, I obtained a new mortgage from Wells ... |
636837 | Bank account or service | I have noticed an inquiry on my credit report ... |
506124 | Bank account or service | I recently checked my credit report and notice... |
742418 | Bank account or service | XXXX 2011 my purse was stolen out of my car an... |
72 rows × 2 columns
'Student loan' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 94 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1023177 | Student loan | In XX/XX/, I retrieved a copy of my credit rep... |
410460 | Student loan | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, Fed Loan Servicing inaccura... |
26528 | Student loan | I apologize but I have to file another complai... |
924098 | Student loan | I have multiple student loans with navient, bu... |
257610 | Student loan | On my most recent credit report, dated XXXX ,... |
... | ... | ... |
779606 | Student loan | The way the loan is now being reported has cau... |
845987 | Student loan | This company has taken my 2017 tax refund and ... |
46471 | Student loan | a few years ago I had went to college and had ... |
825902 | Student loan | I went on Wells Fargo 's website on XX/XX/XXXX... |
897909 | Student loan | NELNET has confirmed that they are reporting i... |
94 rows × 2 columns
'Payday loan' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 8 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
709354 | Payday loan | I received a call in XXXX wanting to verify my... |
573428 | Payday loan | Insta Loan, XXXX XXXX Ga, PROMISED me they wou... |
185371 | Payday loan | Yesterday, I checked my credit score with Expe... |
142634 | Payday loan | Lender made an unauthorized hard credit inquir... |
854379 | Payday loan | The Creditor, 500FASTCASH500 PAYDAY LOANS, has... |
690877 | Payday loan | Quicken Loans obtained XXXX ( XXXX ) HARD Inqu... |
208112 | Payday loan | I received a call from a NP Group claiming I h... |
555900 | Payday loan | I received a call in XXXX wanting to verify my... |
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 13 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
936146 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I want to get paid for my damages my kids pict... |
92503 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Every time i created an account with them, the... |
967586 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I was signed out of my mobile app and when I a... |
978221 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX RUNS AD 'S ON XXXX TO USE AS A TOOL TO LU... |
843930 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I have been a victim of PayPal scams in the pa... |
960294 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Paypal Breached their contract with me on XXXX... |
888637 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Paypal is a horrible website to use, and a hor... |
894229 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My name is XXXX XXXX AND I HAVE SENT COMMUNICA... |
879653 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Petition Dear Lord, Please help us, with these... |
931713 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Equitable Acceptance called on XX/XX/XXXXXXXX ... |
994139 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX, 2017 @ XXXX XXXX Upon creating an a... |
851123 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I successfully submitted a complaint to cfpb o... |
812134 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Monies were transferred twice, to a bank in XX... |
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 41 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1017325 | Checking or savings account | IT HAS COME TO THE ATTENTION OF MYSELF AND MY ... |
892498 | Checking or savings account | Bank is charging {$15.00} per month repeatedly... |
937586 | Checking or savings account | HSBC IS TOO CHEAP TO SEND ME FREE PAPER CHECKS... |
983779 | Checking or savings account | On XX/XX/2017 XXXX XXXX withdrew $XXXX from my... |
842598 | Checking or savings account | BBT securities exchange [ bank ] has admitted ... |
851501 | Checking or savings account | I have a account with a company called XXXX ... |
195292 | Checking or savings account | I have contacted ChexSystems on a number of di... |
923041 | Checking or savings account | In trying to resolve another incident, whereby... |
1010986 | Checking or savings account | Several of my bank accounts were Frauded and i... |
992276 | Checking or savings account | XX/XX/XXXX I received a letter from Senior Vic... |
953638 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX XXXX 2017 I deposited a money order fo... |
839716 | Checking or savings account | Navy Federal Credit Union will not let me reso... |
1014780 | Checking or savings account | I attempted to open a checking account with XX... |
937773 | Checking or savings account | open accounts cra and hippa violation |
979922 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX XXXX, 2017, contacted First Citizen Ba... |
268230 | Checking or savings account | I was scammed by someone in Florida when I sta... |
962204 | Checking or savings account | From what it looks like on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX and ... |
950287 | Checking or savings account | My identity was stolen in XXXX XXXX. As a resu... |
982358 | Checking or savings account | I went to XXXX XXXX today to close my account ... |
973716 | Checking or savings account | I tried three times calling BoA to close my sa... |
876389 | Checking or savings account | First Tennessee Bank allowed a series of fraud... |
922449 | Checking or savings account | I discovered that a USAA account was opened in... |
1010595 | Checking or savings account | I received a letter dated XX/XX/XXXX from BB &... |
854181 | Checking or savings account | I have an XXXX XXXX account to receive e... |
924235 | Checking or savings account | First Tennessee Bank gave permission to family... |
273778 | Checking or savings account | I had tried multiple times to apply for a Chas... |
948090 | Checking or savings account | I am an employee of XXXX XXXX University, whic... |
898394 | Checking or savings account | Bank of America reported some overdraft accoun... |
948855 | Checking or savings account | USAA does not have an effective process for ad... |
850122 | Checking or savings account | Third party compa ny ( XXXX XXXX ) gets... |
803661 | Checking or savings account | Good day. I am filing a complaint against Na... |
283882 | Checking or savings account | This has been an ongoing thing since XX/XX/XXX... |
913447 | Checking or savings account | SUNTRUST BANK UNLAWFULLY GAVE MY INFORMATION T... |
836730 | Checking or savings account | Never made deposit available. Claims check was... |
810244 | Checking or savings account | We h ave Business ch ecking with XXXX . Every... |
904652 | Checking or savings account | Hello, three months ago I was in the process o... |
962972 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, Citibank placed a block on... |
923275 | Checking or savings account | A dispute was filed against XXXX XXXX charge f... |
944565 | Checking or savings account | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, I attempted to open a Santa... |
849039 | Checking or savings account | I have accounts that have been opened under my... |
888066 | Checking or savings account | Please see CFPB complaint ID XXXX and XXXX com... |
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 114 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1002742 | Vehicle loan or lease | On XX/XX/2017, the State of Florida was declar... |
965923 | Vehicle loan or lease | I submitted Payments on a Monthly Basis of {$4... |
937301 | Vehicle loan or lease | ON OR ABOUT XXXX, XXXX XXXX HAS BEEN REPORTING... |
950114 | Vehicle loan or lease | XXXX/XXXX is reporting inaccurate information ... |
855830 | Vehicle loan or lease | DEALER FUNDING is the holder of the lien on th... |
... | ... | ... |
845818 | Vehicle loan or lease | Drivetime is a scam . Car b roke d own for the... |
977242 | Vehicle loan or lease | On my XXXX and XXXX report my account with Cop... |
1004851 | Vehicle loan or lease | In XX/XX/XXXX I leased a car with XXXXXXXX XXX... |
1007410 | Vehicle loan or lease | XXXX XXXX XXXX, still has a loan on my credit ... |
867007 | Vehicle loan or lease | Myself and my business were devastated after t... |
114 rows × 2 columns
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 216 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1020166 | Credit card or prepaid card | I applied for a credit card through Barclay 's... |
1002223 | Credit card or prepaid card | On my XXXX credit report there exist two hard ... |
269664 | Credit card or prepaid card | on XXXX XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX ... |
951483 | Credit card or prepaid card | In XX/XX/XXXX i opened a checking account with... |
920666 | Credit card or prepaid card | Target card # XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX I was laid o... |
... | ... | ... |
971832 | Credit card or prepaid card | TEXAS XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX NM XXXX XXXX XXXX XX... |
822191 | Credit card or prepaid card | I purchase a hdmi cable with my best buy credi... |
810458 | Credit card or prepaid card | Bank of America refuses to accept accountabili... |
824051 | Credit card or prepaid card | To Whom It May Concern, My name is XXXX XXXX, ... |
843632 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX, XXXX, 2016 {$300.00} I currently have th... |
216 rows × 2 columns
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' : 46 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
833385 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Payments come out every Thursday last one was ... |
883486 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Sent dispute to company and never received a r... |
1020864 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In XXXX I applied for a Payday loan with XXXX ... |
928232 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Hello, On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, I requested a free q... |
809324 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Due to a previous issues that occurred with XX... |
1005188 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/2007 my ex-husband and I took out a s... |
856577 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Was never notified that Wells Fargo had decide... |
921832 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I went into Check Into Cash of California, INC... |
930226 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I went into Chase bank on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ... |
809648 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Conn 's INC mailed me advertisement stating I ... |
246204 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I went to the following website. XXXX XXX... |
270372 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | SYNCB/ XXXX is reporting a secured loan on my... |
1010769 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/17 I was approved for a loan in the a... |
716709 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Account is closed and was paid in full. Never ... |
992836 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | As stated you did not answer any questions or ... |
826281 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This account was opened XX/XX/XXXX.. I paid wh... |
931067 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XXXX/XXXX/XXXX my personal info was used to ge... |
905699 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Will first of all I tryed getting a loans but ... |
809117 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I borrowed {$3000.00} on Thursday, XX/XX/XXXX.... |
966287 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have received this company info on my credit... |
842512 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX - Request credit bureau investigati... |
979023 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX I applied for a loan, with XXXX ... |
992759 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I had a loan with this company in XXXX of XXXX... |
111729 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Hello, Was sent offers in the thousands of dol... |
984429 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX of XXXX I asked for my installment loa... |
101205 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | CHECK INTO CASH IT WAS PUT INTO HARD CREDIT IN... |
279626 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On about XX/XX/XXXX XXXX dba SpeedyCash agreed... |
948209 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX, I checked my email and noticed ... |
987990 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | This loan was applied for without my knowledge... |
1015352 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Company Speedy Cash onXX/XX/XXXX amount of {$3... |
287062 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I BELIEVE I AM BEING deceived and lied to by a... |
876182 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I was informed via email on ( X/XX/17 ) from C... |
894820 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX, I XXXX XXXX XXXX took a title loan... |
375685 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In XX/XX/XXXX, I went to Speedy Cash at XXXX X... |
873180 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have a secured line of credit with Regions B... |
971565 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Basic Overview : Was not made aware of any bal... |
921027 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX I applied for this loan because ... |
979194 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | An unauthorized account was opened in mine nam... |
918499 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I paid the late fee and regular payment for XX... |
811075 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I have dont everything I know possible to get ... |
849444 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | World Finance s old an false account to XXXX ... |
812801 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | they posted on my credit score saying that i o... |
914563 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ... |
937982 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I burrow {$500.00} on XXXX XXXX 2017 I made 10... |
801332 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I requested the company to show me documents b... |
967976 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Hello, I called Bank of America today in regar... |
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 19 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
881428 | Debt collection | Had an agreement with Discover bank to make th... |
280603 | Debt collection | At issue is whether or not it is legally permi... |
946306 | Debt collection | I am writing to complain about three financial... |
852906 | Debt collection | Who : Chase Levys and Holds Division When : XX... |
863284 | Debt collection | Chase bank unlawfully seized my funds and allo... |
1014286 | Debt collection | {$2400.00} XX/XX/13 this is my deceased father... |
1022363 | Debt collection | On XX/XX/2018 I sent an email to CashNetUSA re... |
78309 | Debt collection | Recently I logged into my Bank of America port... |
898009 | Debt collection | Regarding Citi-bank : On XX/XX/XXXX, my father... |
811880 | Debt collection | I spoke wit h Oliphant Financi al on XXXX , I... |
1015824 | Debt collection | Opened XXXX-XXXX-2017 for the amount of {$360.... |
956778 | Debt collection | On XX/XX/XXXX I entered the Check N Go on XXXX... |
943097 | Debt collection | In mid to late XX/XX/XXXX I visited XXXX, NY f... |
1017039 | Debt collection | On XX/XX/18, XXXX XXXX ACH debited my personal... |
948443 | Debt collection | I am writing to complain about three financial... |
275282 | Debt collection | On XX/XX/XXXX, my gym locker door was pried of... |
844071 | Debt collection | REF : XXXX XXXX XXXX, Acct # XXXX Bank of Amer... |
835116 | Debt collection | I was told by a bank that I can't open a bank ... |
824979 | Debt collection | Took money out of my account after being told ... |
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 11 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
260237 | Mortgage | On or about XXXX XXXX ,2017 we ha d water ... |
986982 | Mortgage | Complaint against XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX - XX/XX/... |
844137 | Mortgage | Someone has been fraudulently accessing my acc... |
496275 | Mortgage | I was denied a home loan by Wells Fargo after ... |
445128 | Mortgage | Branch Banking & Trust Company is my client 's... |
992677 | Mortgage | My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX and I am using my So... |
831498 | Mortgage | On XX/XX/2018, I authorized XXXX XXXX to deduc... |
21795 | Mortgage | Im filing this complaint against XXXX XXXX XXX... |
999394 | Mortgage | I tried to close my HELOC in XX/XX/XXXX. I hav... |
1006354 | Mortgage | I received a letter onXX/XX/XXXX stating that ... |
800497 | Mortgage | We sold our house financed with XXXX. We turne... |
'Credit card' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 19 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
547391 | Credit card | U.S. Bank withdrew {$390.00} from my personal ... |
672487 | Credit card | hello ive recently put myself in a very stress... |
234611 | Credit card | I was recently going through my bank statement... |
500058 | Credit card | I filed a complaint on XXXX number XXXX I sinc... |
565107 | Credit card | I opened a Target REDcard managed by TD Bank i... |
555170 | Credit card | My BOA debit card was lost/stolen. When I real... |
676370 | Credit card | I got pick pocket out of the United States and... |
839896 | Credit card | My wife and I have a checking account at US Ba... |
534730 | Credit card | In response to my first complaint, I am attach... |
24278 | Credit card | The situation is hard, because I allowed depos... |
684406 | Credit card | There were several items that were never dlive... |
371668 | Credit card | I am writing you to lodge a formal complaint a... |
63135 | Credit card | On XXXX, for our XXXX anniversary, I took my w... |
337485 | Credit card | Capital One took money from my checking accoun... |
212239 | Credit card | In XXXX, Bank of America errouneously debited ... |
40533 | Credit card | XX/XX/XXXX, I made a credit card payment to BO... |
8055 | Credit card | Wells Fargo withdrew funds from my checking ac... |
152939 | Credit card | My checking account was debited on the XXXX of... |
674212 | Credit card | I was charged multiple cash advance fees given... |
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 310 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
431496 | Bank account or service | I made a payment to my account on XX/XX/XXXX. ... |
20831 | Bank account or service | I was traveling to XXXX from XXXX. Upon return... |
441984 | Bank account or service | I have various checking accounts at Wells Farg... |
280973 | Bank account or service | Thank You for your help, i have a account with... |
669397 | Bank account or service | I opened and funded an HSBC Advance Checking A... |
... | ... | ... |
413379 | Bank account or service | I opened an online bank account with Simple wi... |
20027 | Bank account or service | On Monday XX/XX/XXXX my wife tried to use her ... |
596740 | Bank account or service | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I was approved for a Bank of... |
517184 | Bank account or service | I went to the US Bank on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, ... |
520781 | Bank account or service | I have been struggling with HSABANK since XXXX... |
310 rows × 2 columns
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 61 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
806711 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Trying to open an account in the app called XX... |
196416 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My mother purchased a money order with cash on... |
963372 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I attempted to pay my rent in XXXX 2017 with t... |
965717 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | In continuation of complain XXXX, I submitted ... |
978088 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | SEE CFPB COMPLAINT LETTER ATTACHED FOR WORD FO... |
... | ... | ... |
844879 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XXXX / XXXX / 2017 I initiated a transf... |
851870 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My bank is supposed to send my recent transact... |
969434 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I 'm trying to link my Capital One 360 account... |
851625 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My account is n't updated with my XXXX XXX... |
1006611 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Can not login to any apps that allow me to tra... |
61 rows × 2 columns
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 13 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
992787 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX XXXX Acct # XXXX amount XXXX DateXX/XX/XXXX |
937962 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | It happened on XXXX/XXXX/2014. Someone gave me... |
932269 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | TD Bank blocks external sources from accessing... |
922761 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | so while i was in my last year of highschool a... |
1010972 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I had deposited money in to my account where I... |
930581 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX unlawfully debited my unem... |
851154 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I would just like the bank to keep you guys up... |
843049 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/17 to mak... |
884242 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I had a checking account with Huntington bank,... |
808110 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I have tried to open a checking account with T... |
947378 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I AM WRITING TO DISPUTE AN ACCOUNTS FRADULENTL... |
853573 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | My bank wo n't update my account information l... |
925347 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | XX/XX/XXXX Bank of America reported my account... |
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 6 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
888881 | Vehicle loan or lease | On XXXX XXXX, 2017 I made an online payment of... |
876532 | Vehicle loan or lease | We purchased a car from XXXX of XXXX and finan... |
285716 | Vehicle loan or lease | This is in response to your XXXX XXXX , XX... |
901116 | Vehicle loan or lease | I have a car loan with Ally Financial. We fell... |
945107 | Vehicle loan or lease | Suntrust Bank - XXXX continues to lie to the C... |
913932 | Vehicle loan or lease | Once again I have received a letter in the mai... |
'Credit card or prepaid card' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 62 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
960296 | Credit card or prepaid card | Paid {$270.00} for a conference, but found tha... |
207321 | Credit card or prepaid card | Regarding that doesn't mean that I am only per... |
823812 | Credit card or prepaid card | Signed up for Wells Fargo XXXX XXXX XXXX becau... |
977659 | Credit card or prepaid card | I can not access my account through money savi... |
914779 | Credit card or prepaid card | XXXX sends me offers checks every month for ba... |
... | ... | ... |
995272 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX we checked into our hotel room a... |
894241 | Credit card or prepaid card | I have been reporting to my bank for the last ... |
808230 | Credit card or prepaid card | I Have had a chase checking account with Jp mo... |
802518 | Credit card or prepaid card | On XX/XX/XXXX two separate unauthorized, fraud... |
872379 | Credit card or prepaid card | XX/XX/XXXX Bank of America Dispute Resolution ... |
62 rows × 2 columns
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Checking or savings account' : 17 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
932064 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Advance America Number XXXX made 2 ach deducti... |
271415 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I informed Quality Lenders in writing that m... |
965271 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Avant Double Billed me. They promised to take ... |
922942 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX, XXXXXXXX XXXX of Louisiana d/b/... |
849889 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I received more than XXXX payday loans that ... |
924263 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Hello my name is XXXX XXXX I have been filling... |
797704 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On Tuesday, XXXX XXXX , XXXX . I receive... |
513783 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX and am XXXX years ol... |
840024 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I am active duty XXXX and while in boot camp w... |
856423 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I enrolled in a service called XXXX XXXX ... |
835597 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Applied onlin e at AdvanceAmerica XXXX / XXX... |
1017005 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I opened this loan in XX/XX/XXXX to help manag... |
950640 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Reference compliant filled and resolved to Ban... |
824718 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | My bank TD is n't reporting my updated bank ba... |
932941 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I was contacted by message, after applying for... |
888303 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On X/XX/17 I contacted XXXX and verbally reque... |
887377 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I downloaded this active hours app on XX/XX/XX... |
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Vehicle loan or lease' : 66 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
474954 | Consumer Loan | I leased a vehicle in XXXX from XXXX XXXX in X... |
93946 | Consumer Loan | I'm filing a complaint against Westlake Financ... |
683678 | Consumer Loan | On or about XX/XX/XXXX i purchached a XX/XX/XX... |
134992 | Consumer Loan | I returned a vehicle to mercedes end of lease ... |
210823 | Consumer Loan | I was in XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX. After losing a ... |
... | ... | ... |
13720 | Consumer Loan | Im a XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX with XXXX. Over ... |
91966 | Consumer Loan | I purchased a XX/XX/XXXX XXXX from March Motor... |
279320 | Consumer Loan | I asked for GAP insurance but was blindsided w... |
701266 | Consumer Loan | I had an auto loan through Huntington National... |
277120 | Consumer Loan | This company gave me an extremely high interes... |
66 rows × 2 columns
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Vehicle loan or lease' : 12 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
862953 | Debt collection | On Friday XX/XX/XXXX, I received a call for XX... |
955466 | Debt collection | XXXX XXXX is the original creditor for my auto... |
827527 | Debt collection | I voluntarily gave the car back because they s... |
523307 | Debt collection | CAPITAL ONE AUTO FINANCE # XXXX Claims I owe t... |
934079 | Debt collection | Back in XXXX XXXX I was involved in a car acci... |
888959 | Debt collection | XXXX XXXX XXXX USAA and Board of Directors USA... |
415747 | Debt collection | CJA Auto Sales INC, came to my residence when ... |
875407 | Debt collection | I signed up for a financing company to finance... |
931560 | Debt collection | My complaint involves the business practices a... |
974551 | Debt collection | I purchased a XX/XX/XXXX XXXX from XXXX XXXX X... |
971721 | Debt collection | Re : XXXX XXXX/ XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( acting a... |
917441 | Debt collection | On XXXX XXXX XXXX I contacted Prestige financi... |
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Vehicle loan or lease' : 16 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
977930 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | hello, Im having issues with my GM FINANCIAL a... |
1014236 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | In XXXX XXXX, my XXXX XXXX XXXX was totaled an... |
798937 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On approximately XX/XX/XXXX I contacted XXXX X... |
802455 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | De ar Sir and/or Madam : I h ave an auto loan ... |
1015864 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XX/XX/XXXX I leased a XXXX XXXX XXXX from X... |
821355 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | My car was financed through Capital One Auto F... |
812689 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Gentlemen, A brief description of our case is ... |
1016631 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | BBVA has erroneously posted an auto loan under... |
269952 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I have been a member o f USAA for six y ears... |
911068 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | About 3 months ago I applied for a personal lo... |
255426 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I Leased a new vehicle from XXXX XXXX ( a subs... |
838780 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Equifax has posted an account from XXXX XXX... |
852844 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I had a bad year with my health and the car lo... |
837991 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | To Whom It May Concern.. \n\nXX/XX/XXXX XXXX a... |
931487 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | About 3 months ago I applied for a personal lo... |
1021810 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | ACCOUNT NUMBER XXXX MONTHLY AMOUNT {$380.00} D... |
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Vehicle loan or lease' : 6 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
1010300 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | We obtained a lease from XXXX through a compan... |
982762 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I initially had a personal loan and then they ... |
897715 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX I purchased a car from XXXX and ... |
951474 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX, 2017. I had received several phone... |
941645 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX I made a payment in the amount o... |
957554 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Called company regarding the loan, no informat... |
'Credit reporting' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 14 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
176140 | Credit reporting | I had a XXXX XXXX Credit Card that the account... |
574016 | Credit reporting | I fully paid account and closed it. The credit... |
216768 | Credit reporting | I previously had a XXXX XXXX credit card that ... |
203941 | Credit reporting | I have a {$140.00} unpaid charge for a gym mem... |
365240 | Credit reporting | this started about a month ago, when i first p... |
243592 | Credit reporting | Some one has my social security number, my nam... |
229651 | Credit reporting | Hi, I used to have XXXX XXXX XXXX credit card ... |
142184 | Credit reporting | I received a letter from Citibank stating that... |
453280 | Credit reporting | My account shows an address that I have never ... |
569003 | Credit reporting | HI MY NAME IS XXXX XXXX XXXX AND I WAS JUST ON... |
575061 | Credit reporting | I opened a new credit account with XXXX XXXX X... |
432280 | Credit reporting | Synchrony Bank/JCP, are stating that I have no... |
112883 | Credit reporting | In the summer of XXXX , I was XXXX XXXX ... |
370752 | Credit reporting | XXXX XXXX XXXX has a credit card balance on my... |
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 19 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
344565 | Consumer Loan | On Sunday XXXX XXXX, 2016 I applied for the Ho... |
463112 | Consumer Loan | I made arrangements for my vehicle payment to ... |
34132 | Consumer Loan | As a Wells Fargo checking, savings and auto lo... |
330295 | Consumer Loan | I had opened a jewlery accout with XXXX in XXX... |
117744 | Consumer Loan | payment arrangements were made on time as agre... |
413895 | Consumer Loan | Was denied credit increase and the denial lett... |
373999 | Consumer Loan | I have attempted to dispute a transaction beca... |
194719 | Consumer Loan | I purchased a sewing machine for my wife and c... |
160686 | Consumer Loan | Last XXXX XXXX I applied for a credit line to ... |
313454 | Consumer Loan | Conns continually sends me notices stating tha... |
781949 | Consumer Loan | I purchased a computer bundle and a XXXX inch ... |
107674 | Consumer Loan | Hi On XXXX, XXXX I purchased Furntiure from XX... |
587405 | Consumer Loan | On XX/XX/XXXX, I took out a line of credit thr... |
186108 | Consumer Loan | I took out a couple of loans for medical/healt... |
213114 | Consumer Loan | I have a loan through Discover. I 've always p... |
116453 | Consumer Loan | Can not make car payment online or over the ph... |
422151 | Consumer Loan | XX/XX/XXXX I was very ill and in the hospital,... |
471295 | Consumer Loan | 2nd ltr to be sent -- -- I am writing this let... |
177516 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan of {$2500.00} with XXXX XXXX... |
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 74 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
886641 | Debt collection | I financed flooring and installation from XXXX... |
977237 | Debt collection | I was forced to apply for Care Credit which is... |
262102 | Debt collection | Capital one and their attorney sued me for non... |
912619 | Debt collection | I made a purchase from Sears and made the fina... |
862451 | Debt collection | On XXXX XXXX ,2017 I called the customer ... |
... | ... | ... |
176354 | Debt collection | I was told by the creditors customer service r... |
960725 | Debt collection | I opened a XXXX Credit Card in XXXX XXXX to pu... |
897347 | Debt collection | XXXX XXXX XXXX first said I owed {$410.00} as ... |
888041 | Debt collection | Seems that Discover Bank has set up quite a fe... |
420742 | Debt collection | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX FL, XXXX ACCT # ... |
74 rows × 2 columns
'Mortgage' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 16 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
913039 | Mortgage | In XXXX 2017 I refinanced my home thru New Pen... |
530555 | Mortgage | I tried to make a payment on-line and got an e... |
943669 | Mortgage | To whom it may concern, I am inquiring about r... |
832392 | Mortgage | The company intentionally and systemically cre... |
796829 | Mortgage | I am writing today in wish to obtain your help... |
257967 | Mortgage | WELLS FARGO DISPUTE 15 U.S. Code Subchapter I ... |
916466 | Mortgage | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
933241 | Mortgage | For about the last 6 to 8 months Discover Bank... |
966304 | Mortgage | In XX/XX/XXXX I attempted to refinance my line... |
922917 | Mortgage | I was astonished once I looked at my XXXX, XXX... |
69817 | Mortgage | Creditor closed the account without sending th... |
381671 | Mortgage | Borrowed {$240000.00} to consolidate credit ca... |
429214 | Mortgage | I've been asking for the signed contract betwe... |
856912 | Mortgage | I have a mortgage with NationStar ( they recen... |
923625 | Mortgage | I was astonished once I looked at my XXXX, XXX... |
536167 | Mortgage | I asked XXXX to investigate my dispute with XX... |
'Credit card' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 552 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
383822 | Credit card | While traveling overseas, I was given a drink ... |
909971 | Credit card | I have XXXX credit card accounts with Capitalo... |
514656 | Credit card | On XX/XX/2017 I visited XXXX and saw an advert... |
108420 | Credit card | We purchased an appliance at Lowes and we were... |
564363 | Credit card | Received an unsolicited platinum mastercard fr... |
... | ... | ... |
42896 | Credit card | In the XXXX 2016 I applied for an American Exp... |
276894 | Credit card | This is the XXXX time I have written you about... |
454740 | Credit card | I can not pay with my debit card to pay monthl... |
23423 | Credit card | I received a call from an online store called ... |
363869 | Credit card | I contacted Citibank Customer service on XXXX ... |
552 rows × 2 columns
'Bank account or service' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 76 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
141231 | Bank account or service | Hello! MNy name is XXXX XXXX XXXX, I wish to m... |
408820 | Bank account or service | I receive government VA XXXX benefits that are... |
150421 | Bank account or service | I received an invitation from HSBC bank to ope... |
487309 | Bank account or service | On XX/XX/XXXX, I purchased a scooter from a sc... |
632020 | Bank account or service | My CHASE account was restricted. It went throu... |
... | ... | ... |
720631 | Bank account or service | CITI IS THE WORST BANK EVER! They do no care a... |
61499 | Bank account or service | From XXXX XXXX, XXXX to XXXX XXXX, XXXX I was ... |
514206 | Bank account or service | I just noticed that i get charged an interest ... |
399139 | Bank account or service | My bank refuses to prevent future payments to ... |
732123 | Bank account or service | I am running into filing a dispute with Wells ... |
76 rows × 2 columns
'Student loan' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 12 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
929551 | Student loan | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
927488 | Student loan | .I was shocked when I reviewed my credit repor... |
954469 | Student loan | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
957838 | Student loan | I sent XXXX XXXX XXXX the letter below on XX/X... |
888154 | Student loan | Around XX/XX/XXXX my husband had to take a pay... |
841458 | Student loan | My loan was transferred from being provided by... |
947576 | Student loan | I had XXXX for my previous loan servicer and w... |
964197 | Student loan | On XX/XX/XXXX I received an email saying the t... |
916677 | Student loan | After numerous harassing calls, I have decided... |
805912 | Student loan | Today, XXXX-18, I called to pay my Navient Loa... |
37117 | Student loan | I submitted a complain about the company, Case... |
581563 | Student loan | I had changed my monthly payment to more than ... |
'Prepaid card' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 31 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
462433 | Prepaid card | I purchased a visa master card at my local XXX... |
559614 | Prepaid card | The issue relates to a BlueBird by American Ex... |
674467 | Prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX i purchased an AMEX XXXX XXXX XXX... |
477244 | Prepaid card | I used my American Express card the number is ... |
426715 | Prepaid card | J.P. Morgan Chase Bank deliberately withheld a... |
488103 | Prepaid card | I tried to use XXXX prepaid American Express c... |
625458 | Prepaid card | AMEX Prepaid card purchased by my company in X... |
515260 | Prepaid card | The time it takes to receive a lost or stolen ... |
32413 | Prepaid card | I had an over charge from my insurance company... |
5601 | Prepaid card | On XXXX XXXX, 2017, my card was compromised fo... |
90085 | Prepaid card | A Citi bank debit card was issued in the amoun... |
456793 | Prepaid card | On or around XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, I ordered my son ... |
97572 | Prepaid card | I purchase a prepaid XXXX at XXXX and the rece... |
559516 | Prepaid card | I was given a XXXX gift card ( U.S. Bank Natio... |
759944 | Prepaid card | I had filed a dispute over @ charge someone el... |
23299 | Prepaid card | I have had Rush card for over a year now .. I ... |
622001 | Prepaid card | I received XXXX ( XXXX ) USBank Cash+ Bonus Re... |
46433 | Prepaid card | I purchased merchandise from XXXX XXXX using t... |
314010 | Prepaid card | I purchased a prepaid XXXX from Office Depot o... |
544923 | Prepaid card | Somehow my number was stolen and used to purch... |
774199 | Prepaid card | US Bank will not allow me to close the account... |
274128 | Prepaid card | USAA advertised to me, a veteran of the XXXX X... |
151690 | Prepaid card | I receive XXXX for my son on the XXXX. On XX/X... |
293318 | Prepaid card | I received XXXX American Express prepaid rewar... |
664443 | Prepaid card | I received a prepaid debit card # XXXX thru CI... |
448075 | Prepaid card | Half a year or so ago, my American Express XXX... |
333263 | Prepaid card | My son, bless his heart, gave me a {$25.00} Ma... |
149757 | Prepaid card | I have a paycard through ADP. The card is issu... |
518011 | Prepaid card | I have a prepaid Citi Visa debit card from XXX... |
7923 | Prepaid card | 1 hour after using Netspend 's mobile checkloa... |
143402 | Prepaid card | I received a gift card in XX/XX/2011 and went ... |
'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 21 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
994076 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XX/XX/XXXX I opened a XXXX XXXX credit card ac... |
1018910 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I sell items on XXXX. All XXXX transactions ar... |
979919 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX is blocking me from enabling externa... |
887169 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I received a limited time special rate to take... |
978170 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I owned a XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. The name was XX... |
947956 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Last XX/XX/XXXX and after 18 months had develo... |
873021 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | My Check was declined by XXXX XXXX in XXXX, Oh... |
941549 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | In 2012 someone fraudulently used my business ... |
817413 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX , there were several unathorized t... |
851047 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XXXX - XXXX -2017 I agreed to pay SunTrust... |
989673 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX promised refunds of over {$140.00} for fr... |
883685 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I tried this already and never solved. America... |
869814 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I had a Paypal Account that was attached to my... |
944858 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. \nXXXX, WA XXXX... |
626059 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I am with Bank of America. They have XXXX bui... |
879204 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I faxed the information below onXX/XX/XXXX and... |
828891 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XXXX XXXX 2017 - I went to Union ... |
799800 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Dear Sirs, O ur company who name is XXXX ... |
988316 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | Six {$100.00} gift cards to XXXX XXXX XXXX wer... |
985929 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | I received an electronic transaction for the a... |
811386 | Money transfer, virtual currency, or money ser... | On XXXX XXXX XXXX , I purchased a Reusa... |
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 85 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
954820 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I received a notice from a... |
934996 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Theres a double hard inquire from Navy Federal... |
906401 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I have been with American Express since XX/XX/... |
841284 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I am a client of Capital 1, w here are my poi... |
876971 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | Walmart card still says that I have an account... |
... | ... | ... |
978011 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I use autopay, from my bank to pay my Citicard... |
915763 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I continue to receive inquiries on my credit f... |
947688 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I saw charges on my account that were not auth... |
805116 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XX/XX/XXXX we suffered a severe hurricane I... |
828863 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | In XX/XX/2017, I ordered XXXX items from XXXX ... |
85 rows × 2 columns
'Checking or savings account' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 72 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
106660 | Checking or savings account | I made a payment to navy federal credit union ... |
941377 | Checking or savings account | HERE IS ANOTHER LETTER PROOF OF LIES BY THE BA... |
994714 | Checking or savings account | Fraud was done on my account of Bank of Americ... |
923521 | Checking or savings account | Beginning onXX/XX/XXXXXXXX XXXX, 2017, I began... |
835578 | Checking or savings account | On Tuesday XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX two transacti... |
... | ... | ... |
886438 | Checking or savings account | I would like to reopen a disputed transaction ... |
272661 | Checking or savings account | I am having an issue with Bank of america. The... |
942372 | Checking or savings account | On XX/XX/XXXX, I received my Wells Fargo Class... |
798486 | Checking or savings account | I have a profile with XXXX app through XXXX ( ... |
966334 | Checking or savings account | I contacted XXXX XXXX about a transaction for ... |
72 rows × 2 columns
'Vehicle loan or lease' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 21 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
923380 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was stunned when I looked at my XXXX, XXXX a... |
922647 | Vehicle loan or lease | I recently looked at my credit reports and not... |
991166 | Vehicle loan or lease | I am a customer of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. \n\nXX... |
995271 | Vehicle loan or lease | I received an auto loan for my XXXX XXXX from ... |
901624 | Vehicle loan or lease | XX/XX/XXXX - Vehicle purchased from XXXX XXXX ... |
951689 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was shocked when I received my credit report... |
851943 | Vehicle loan or lease | This is a continuance of my previous complaint... |
898914 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
1014288 | Vehicle loan or lease | This is an UPDATED complaint submission to my ... |
955948 | Vehicle loan or lease | I made my payment for this account with XXXX X... |
805267 | Vehicle loan or lease | I paid my car note on XX/XX/XXXX and I receive... |
921552 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was stunned once I reviewed my XXXX, XXXX an... |
944704 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
809729 | Vehicle loan or lease | My new XXXX XXXX vehicle became stranded i... |
22952 | Vehicle loan or lease | XXXX, XXXX XXXX SOC SEC # XXXX DOB XX/XX/XXXX ... |
937616 | Vehicle loan or lease | Please see comments from my previous complaint... |
1008273 | Vehicle loan or lease | On XX/XX/XXXX my bank ( XXXX ) mailed an autom... |
894218 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was stunned once I reviewed my XXXX, XXXX an... |
284744 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
937190 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
825905 | Vehicle loan or lease | I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report... |
'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' predicted as 'Credit card or prepaid card' : 24 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
942739 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I applied for the Hardship Program that USAA a... |
256223 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/2017, I was injured in the job. I did... |
849538 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | These are additional issues experienced f rom ... |
902437 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Aquired a loan from Fortiva. I made a payment ... |
1021185 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX I signed up for 12 months no int... |
988013 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I told the lady I was filing a complaint and s... |
865621 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | for the past week I have been attempting to ei... |
806677 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XX/XX/XXXX, i went in to finanve 2 pairs of... |
990950 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX, I received a Mail Correspondence t... |
945055 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I had pet emergency about XX/XX/XXXX for XXXX ... |
865979 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I am a XXXX XXXX XXXX that was XXXX XXXX XXXX ... |
864526 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I obtained a personal consolidation loan to pa... |
1017921 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XXXX/XXXX/2018 I attempted to use my personal ... |
948328 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, I was on the XXXX website l... |
270775 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | during the XXXX XXXX of XXXX 2017 , I... |
843587 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Purchased a service from XXXX XXXX XXXX onXX/X... |
854336 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | On XXXX XXXX , 2017 I paid my conns accou... |
971540 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Bought an XXXX computer for over {$3000.00} fr... |
1004694 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | I opened the account on XXXX XXXX, XXXX for th... |
884482 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Statement : PayPal XX/XX/2017 RE : Denial of e... |
902479 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | Dear Consumer Financial Protection Bureau : On... |
132199 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XX/XX/XXXX Began the process of paying off the... |
1021297 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | XXXX has once again fraudulently failed to all... |
976349 | Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan | In mid XX/XX/2017 I went to XXXX XXXX XXXX to ... |
'Consumer Loan' predicted as 'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' : 41 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
104309 | Consumer Loan | I applied for a personal loan through LendingP... |
338329 | Consumer Loan | XXXX XXXX I did a title pawn with XXXX XXXX XX... |
145121 | Consumer Loan | I had agreed to a specific payment schedule wh... |
757041 | Consumer Loan | In XXXX I purchased a XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX... |
380658 | Consumer Loan | I recieved a preappoval letter from OneMain Fi... |
586760 | Consumer Loan | I requested a personal loan to Loan Me Company... |
1023960 | Consumer Loan | I obtained a loan from Springleaf Financial 's... |
50616 | Consumer Loan | I applied to a mailer for an installment loan ... |
179160 | Consumer Loan | Issue with loan process and how things are han... |
276012 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan in XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX XXXX... |
206548 | Consumer Loan | I took out a loan in XXXX 2014 for {$1000.00}.... |
584529 | Consumer Loan | cashnetusa XX/XX/2016 Dear XXXX, Thank you for... |
146616 | Consumer Loan | Applied for loan XXXX XXXX with Rise Credit. I... |
428549 | Consumer Loan | I got a loan through Big Picture Loan and was ... |
114121 | Consumer Loan | I was called by a company called prosper loan ... |
456851 | Consumer Loan | Went through a divorce was left to pay all bil... |
465954 | Consumer Loan | My girlfriend paid off a personal loan at Well... |
243262 | Consumer Loan | I have signed on to a line of credit, not real... |
604867 | Consumer Loan | I had an account with XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX-XX/... |
789388 | Consumer Loan | My wife and I took out a consumer loan with We... |
494180 | Consumer Loan | XXXX is my last name my loan is under XXXX the... |
54783 | Consumer Loan | USBank has a pilot project for small dollar lo... |
477281 | Consumer Loan | Per previous cases Mariner financial agree to ... |
666193 | Consumer Loan | I received a loan from world finance and and l... |
768199 | Consumer Loan | Received a loan from XXXX XXXX and the harrasm... |
203137 | Consumer Loan | I took a loan out with this company in XXXX of... |
357934 | Consumer Loan | I received a phone call asking if I was intere... |
458215 | Consumer Loan | 1. Merchant, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, drew a final... |
448424 | Consumer Loan | Loan was originally taken out in XX/XX/XXXX th... |
454476 | Consumer Loan | I borrowed {$2000.00} from check n go with pay... |
563481 | Consumer Loan | Q Credit has already took {$880.00} from my ba... |
183095 | Consumer Loan | # XXXXRise CreditXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX ... |
126544 | Consumer Loan | I have a loan which I took out & have automati... |
616426 | Consumer Loan | I applied for a solar loan through GreenSky in... |
114020 | Consumer Loan | This is an additional complaint in relation to... |
908248 | Consumer Loan | In XXXX of XXXX, I applied and was approved fo... |
465854 | Consumer Loan | I applied for a loan with Big Picture Loans- a... |
770091 | Consumer Loan | I applied on XXXX XXXX online at Argon 's Cred... |
780720 | Consumer Loan | I went to LoanMax in XXXX Va. I was in great n... |
720911 | Consumer Loan | The loan agreement when I signed up for it was... |
112978 | Consumer Loan | The loan amount was for {$1000.00}. However, I... |
'Debt collection' predicted as 'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' : 9 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
776839 | Debt collection | i took out a pay day loan in XX/XX/XXXX and co... |
676150 | Debt collection | title loan through titlemax XXXX tx. i have XX... |
402867 | Debt collection | I was approached by a member of XXXX XXXX XXXX... |
1008547 | Debt collection | I am unable to pay back payday loan due to unf... |
317290 | Debt collection | On XX/XX/2017 I spoke with a representative na... |
221018 | Debt collection | This was the first time I had to acquire a loa... |
757652 | Debt collection | Received an email from XXXX representing Ace C... |
116391 | Debt collection | I had a {$2600.00} loan with XXXX XXXX XXXX. I... |
805091 | Debt collection | I'm attempting to payoff a loan with Home Poin... |
'Payday loan' predicted as 'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' : 44 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
794636 | Payday loan | The lender did not credit my account principal... |
574688 | Payday loan | I was approached by a company called big pictu... |
704208 | Payday loan | I applied for a payday loan and was approved. ... |
136325 | Payday loan | We needed money to pay the rent, car, and food... |
270681 | Payday loan | i applied for a loan through Big pic loans. Th... |
566471 | Payday loan | I applied to a pre-approved loan. Once applied... |
309064 | Payday loan | they said the apply for some loan i never thet... |
621420 | Payday loan | I borrowed XXXX an they charged me a lot more ... |
331556 | Payday loan | On XXXX/XXXX/17, I received an email notificat... |
778584 | Payday loan | Hello my name is XXXX XXXX and I am writing in... |
486221 | Payday loan | I borrowed XXXX was told my payoff fee total w... |
40164 | Payday loan | I applied for the Personal Loan two times and ... |
652526 | Payday loan | This company charges an interest rate of 783 %... |
702132 | Payday loan | I took loan out for {$350.00} I have paid abou... |
710430 | Payday loan | on XXXX XXXX XXXX i filed an application onlin... |
369438 | Payday loan | I never received any documentation regarding m... |
792061 | Payday loan | I borrowed XXXX and this company want {$4000.0... |
98296 | Payday loan | On XXXX XXXX I applied for a Loan with SpeedyC... |
467529 | Payday loan | I sent the following email on XXXX : On XXXX/X... |
518767 | Payday loan | I started the loan process but I did not final... |
699326 | Payday loan | I received a loan in the amount of XXXX. I was... |
296851 | Payday loan | i received a letter in the mail saying i was p... |
508946 | Payday loan | I got a loan from Instaloan in XXXX around XXX... |
165649 | Payday loan | I took out a Payday loan out from Check 'n Go ... |
156289 | Payday loan | I received a call from Ace Cash checking a few... |
200107 | Payday loan | Advanced Financial XXXX, TENNESSEE Issues : 1 ... |
708126 | Payday loan | I received a loan from bigpicturepayloans, tha... |
694718 | Payday loan | I have a loan with Big Picture Loans. They hav... |
550598 | Payday loan | I took out a XXXX $ loan originaly with XXXX $... |
232306 | Payday loan | It was {$350.00} when I borrowed {$300.00} for... |
701598 | Payday loan | I requested and received a {$400.00} payday lo... |
95979 | Payday loan | I received a loan from this company Easy Money... |
64476 | Payday loan | I applied for a XXXX loan with XXXX now known ... |
333307 | Payday loan | Zoca Loans is not licensed to do business in C... |
434315 | Payday loan | I borrowed the money my financial situation ha... |
977768 | Payday loan | I applied for a loan, the truth in lending dis... |
377523 | Payday loan | I applied for a short-term loan on XXXX/XXXX/1... |
773731 | Payday loan | I was told by the big picture loan that I woul... |
663671 | Payday loan | I started a payday loan with PLS Cash Loan Sto... |
534835 | Payday loan | Around XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I took out a loan from A... |
323995 | Payday loan | XXXX got a loan for XXXX back in XXXX 2016 ...... |
407675 | Payday loan | I initially set up a " payday '' loan and the ... |
103621 | Payday loan | I had taken a loan out with Rushmore Financial... |
'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports' predicted as 'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan' : 6 examples.
Product | Consumer Complaint | |
897613 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | On XXXX XXXX, 2017, I visited XXXX XXXX, d/b/a... |
897356 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I contacted Trans Union regarding an illegal l... |
822784 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | In XX/XX/2015 I received a loan from a local p... |
855396 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | This company is illegal and the loan was is no... |
889179 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | AD ADSTRA RECOVERY SERVICE ( XXXX XXXX ) I DON... |
989639 | Credit reporting, credit repair services, or o... | I received an email XXXXXX/XX/XXXX, saying tha... |, labels)
LinearSVC()In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
N = 2
for Product, category_id in sorted(category_to_id.items()):
indices = np.argsort(model.coef_[category_id])
feature_names = np.array(tfidf.get_feature_names_out())[indices]
unigrams = [v for v in reversed(feature_names) if len(v.split(' ')) == 1][:N]
bigrams = [v for v in reversed(feature_names) if len(v.split(' ')) == 2][:N]
print("# '{}':".format(Product))
print(" . Top unigrams:\n . {}".format('\n . '.join(unigrams)))
print(" . Top bigrams:\n . {}".format('\n . '.join(bigrams)))
# 'Bank account or service': . Top unigrams: . bank . scottrade . Top bigrams: . xx 2017 . xxxx checks # 'Checking or savings account': . Top unigrams: . bank . ank . Top bigrams: . xxxx xxxx . xx xxxx # 'Consumer Loan': . Top unigrams: . ally . ford . Top bigrams: . drive time . payments misapplied # 'Credit card': . Top unigrams: . macy . card . Top bigrams: . xx 2017 . xxxx 16 # 'Credit card or prepaid card': . Top unigrams: . card . th . Top bigrams: . xxxx xxxx . 2014 30 # 'Credit reporting': . Top unigrams: . equifax . experian . Top bigrams: . xxxx points . xxxx bank # 'Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports': . Top unigrams: . breach . 2017 . Top bigrams: . xxxx xxxx . new law # 'Debt collection': . Top unigrams: . debt . collection . Top bigrams: . report facts . right dispute # 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service': . Top unigrams: . coinbase . bitcoin . Top bigrams: . link bank . pay overdraft # 'Money transfers': . Top unigrams: . moneygram . paypal . Top bigrams: . western union . google wallet # 'Mortgage': . Top unigrams: . mortgage . ocwen . Top bigrams: . quicken loans . loan care # 'Other financial service': . Top unigrams: . lexington . certegy . Top bigrams: . money order . credit repair # 'Payday loan': . Top unigrams: . lender . payday . Top bigrams: . received loan . advance america # 'Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan': . Top unigrams: . loan . borrowed . Top bigrams: . line credit . personal loan # 'Prepaid card': . Top unigrams: . rushcard . prepaid . Top bigrams: . rush card . pre paid # 'Student loan': . Top unigrams: . navient . nelnet . Top bigrams: . discover student . great lakes # 'Vehicle loan or lease': . Top unigrams: . car . vehicle . Top bigrams: . xxxx xxxx . personal property # 'Virtual currency': . Top unigrams: . circle . signup . Top bigrams: . going transferred . said completed
texts = ["I requested a home loan modification through Bank of America. Bank of America never got back to me.",
"It has been difficult for me to find my past due balance. I missed a regular monthly payment",
"I can't get the money out of the country.",
"I have no money to pay my tuition",
"Coinbase closed my account for no reason and furthermore refused to give me a reason despite dozens of request"]
text_features = tfidf.transform(texts)
predictions = model.predict(text_features)
for text, predicted in zip(texts, predictions):
print(" - Predicted as: '{}'".format(id_to_category[predicted]))
"I requested a home loan modification through Bank of America. Bank of America never got back to me." - Predicted as: 'Mortgage' "It has been difficult for me to find my past due balance. I missed a regular monthly payment" - Predicted as: 'Mortgage' "I can't get the money out of the country." - Predicted as: 'Money transfers' "I have no money to pay my tuition" - Predicted as: 'Debt collection' "Coinbase closed my account for no reason and furthermore refused to give me a reason despite dozens of request" - Predicted as: 'Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service'
from sklearn import metrics
print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, y_pred,
precision recall f1-score support Credit reporting 0.75 0.73 0.74 10333 Consumer Loan 0.60 0.58 0.59 3013 Debt collection 0.83 0.89 0.86 20978 Mortgage 0.92 0.96 0.94 14557 Credit card 0.64 0.72 0.68 6249 Other financial service 0.40 0.02 0.04 90 Bank account or service 0.64 0.74 0.69 4852 Student loan 0.90 0.89 0.89 5619 Money transfers 0.61 0.53 0.57 501 Payday loan 0.55 0.30 0.39 624 Prepaid card 0.66 0.63 0.64 451 Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service 0.80 0.63 0.71 982 Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports 0.80 0.81 0.80 16163 Checking or savings account 0.59 0.37 0.45 2137 Vehicle loan or lease 0.57 0.17 0.26 912 Credit card or prepaid card 0.59 0.41 0.48 3524 Virtual currency 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan 0.49 0.17 0.26 690 accuracy 0.78 91679 macro avg 0.63 0.53 0.55 91679 weighted avg 0.78 0.78 0.78 91679
/Users/thomas/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior. _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result)) /Users/thomas/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior. _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result)) /Users/thomas/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior. _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result))